My Dad Passed Away - October 2nd
I did not get to post to this site much since I only found it a month ago. But I wanted to let you know that I did read as many stories as I could and was able to find answers to alot of my questions from this site. It is so heartbreaking to see how terrible this disease is. My dad went from healthy and happy in May to his…
Pain in G-J port?
Hello all; For the last few days I've had pretty major pain around the port of my G-J tube. No sign of infection, the tube didn't get yanked or anything (that I know of), and it doesn't hurt more or less when I'm feeding. It seems mechanical in nature, that is, I can make the pain mostly go away based on position,…
Mom CT scan results
The cancer is contained in the esophagus, but there are some swollen nodes directly around tumor. We were able to get in to see the radiologist immediately. We drove like a bat out of hell, but we are here now. They are setting mom up for radiation. In meantime we have appt with a cancer researcher in Long Beach to assay…
Mother's 4th chemo post-poned input needed
Hope everybody's Monday is a better one. Mother had bad side affects due to chemo on her 3rd dose. She fainted 2 times a few days after the treatment. So now they are doing tests pet , mri ? Why the mri? All tests are better I know. Anybody had these spells? She has stage iv but with no mets to organs. Radation is next on…
Dumping is real!
Just though I'd share this. I hadn't eaten much today so I decided to drink an Ensure to add a few calories. I took car to make sure it wasn't chocolate because that's on m no list. Well, bad idea. Shortly after I drank it, my stomach started cramping and I was sick for the next two hours. Post-op is a learning experience.…
Where is Luis? WHEW! Great news for Luis. Prayers for Jeff!
Maybe I missed it but....Just looking back and can't find anything on Laura23 (Laura and Luis). Last I can find Laura posted an update on Luis on the 20th of Sept. Can't find anything since. Anyone???
Just when we thought we had made it to 5 years...
Hello everyone, I feel so privileged to have found this site. It is full of hope, inspiration, advice, information and caring thoughts. Although we live in Australia, I thought I might add my own experience with this dreaded disease – partly because it is cathartic for me and partly because there may be some information…
stage iv without mets to nearby organs?
Why is this, stage iv without mets to nearby organs ? I know some "ol timers" have already awnsered this , i will put it add it to my favs - thankyou. Jason
Rickie's esophageal stretch
Well, we went for Rickie's esophageal stretch today. He decided to let our local GI doctor do it, so I didn't go into it feeling very good about the whole thing, but I have to let him do what he feels is best for him. As I sat there waiting, I started thinking how one year ago to the day Rickie had his first endoscopy.…
70 year old father eshogeal surgery
My almost 70 year old father was diagnosed about 3 weeks ago T3N0M0 esophageal cancer and is scheduled for surgery on Thursday. He has diabetes, kidney disease, and cardiovascular disease. Is there anyone who has had the surgery that had other chronic illness? I keep telling myself that they would not suggest the surgery…
How are nodes checked?
If we find out Monday that the cancer has penetrated the esophageal wall, then I suppose the next step is to see how many nodes are affected. How is this done? Surgically removing nodes? Needle biopsy? Scan of some sort? If it has penetrated the wall, is there any point in anything other than patient comfort? If the…
Any advice or encouraging words for Ray(Jr.)
The Oncologist wants Jr. to take the scope but Jr. is feeling uneasy about it. He has a fear this time even though he has taken it before. He does not want to be put asleep this time, but they need to see what is going on as he is now coughing up chunks of red stuff. Looks like red dogfood. Anyone know what this might be??…
Bill went to be with Jesus today (from Kateel)
Dear faraway friends, Bill passed away this afternoon after a 38 day battle from his severe stroke. He went peacefully and I know that he is in heaven now. No question about that. As his last act of love, he donated his body to medical science for research. He gave to others to the very end. I'm not sure of my plans. I'm…
He put up the Halloween lawn decorations!!
I was not having a very good week, it is my first full week back at work and everyone wants me on some big project, so stress was running high. I started back into my exercise routine which left my muscles sore and tired, but I know it is important for my health and I have been ignoring myself for quite some time. But, the…
update on Lee
Well, first of all, I've been reading all your posts on an ipad, but if any of you have experience with those, they are awfully hard to type on. My computer is finally repaired, and I hope to catch up on replies to some posts. But, I will first give an update on Lee. We felt that the diluadid was causing his severe sweats…
Prayers need for dad after MIE on Friday, Oct. 7th.
Update on Dad, he had the MIE on Friday, Oct. 7 surgery was from 6:45-3:00 pm. Dad was off the ventilator after surgery “what a positive sign”, they didn’t have a bed in ICU for dad so he said in the recovery area , I think until 11:00 pm (we left at 9:30 pm he was still there). Dad was doing wonderful! Day after surgery…
Social Security Disability
I've been meaning to post this for some time but keep forgetting (probably due to chemo brain). I think something that all newly diagnosed EC patients should do is apply for Social Security Disability. Esophageal Cancer is on the list of conditions that requires a speedy decision and is usually favorable. Even if you are…
Is it possible to have surgery for EC after Chemo/Rads - please help
Hi everyone, We are still waiting for Robs treatment to start here in Gran Canaria. The Onco says that the planned treatment is Chemo first to halt the growth and then Chemo/Rads. After that an operation to remove the tumour when it has shrunk to a small enough sizs to remove. I have been keeping in touch with a cancer…
EC is on the SSD fast track for approval however you still need to answer the list of questions. Are you totally disabled? As far as SSD there is no such thing as a partial disability. You must be totally disabled. When did you become disabled? The date you put down will be the date you became disabled whether you still…
Heading to Pittsburgh, surgery on Friday!
Hi Everyone, Pittsburgh gave the a okay on Monday, Dr. Luketich will be doing the MIE on dad on Friday. I'm nervous, scared and not sure what else. We have about a 8 hour drive, check in and spend the day at Dr. Luketich office on Thursday. Please, send lots of prayers! Carolyn
Squamous v. Adeno
Which of the two types would be considered worse to have?
opioid induced hormonal imbalance
I was wondering if any of you had heard of hormonal imbalances caused by opioids? Our new palliative care nurse practitioner (who is absolutely fantastic, by the way!!!!) is trying to get to the bottom of the causes for Lee's lethargy, extreme hot and cold flashes and depression. Originally we were asking for anti…
WE Decided and have a date
Hi everyone and again, thanks for the fast education and input. We made a decision about surgery today. We met with Dr. Tracey Weigel at UW- Madison and were we ever impressed and pleased. Here's a little more info on her should others be looking in the mid-west. She was in the same fellowship class as Luketich at Sloan…
John's Post-OP appointment, GREAT NEWS!!!!
John went for his post-op visit and we received the best possible news. The pathology report shows NO SIGN of cancer in 29 lymph nodes! The exact verbiage on the report “Lymph Node Resection “negative for metastatic carcinoma”. An irregular, ill-defined eroded tumor –NO residual adenocarcinoma identified, Tumor regression…
How do you "feel"?
Hi everybody; I have a question for you.. how do you "feel" most days? Pain aside, do you feel normal, sickly, weird? Lately I've been feeling really sick every day and I wonder if it's my liver acting up. I choke a lot which is unpleasant, and am finding it really hard not to just sleep the day away (which ruins my night…
2nd chemo cycle done, scan time
The good news is hubby is finding it easier to swallow and is doing a better job of maintaining his weight (finally). Good thing he had some to spare. His hair is slowly going, less everyday but no Vin Deisel look yet! This cycle was much easier for getting pills done, no missed pills this time. Still a bit concerned about…
pop quiz....
Well, my friends, I'm gonna post a pop quiz today...... Here in Canada, this weekend is Thanksgiving weekend. I know most of you are in the states, and have a bit of time left before you celebrate your turkey weekend. What I want to know is, what are you thankful for? I've always had such an easy time answering this…
Good friends found here
I wanted to take a moment to say *Thank You* I can't imagine traveling the EC journey without the support of the people here. I have cried with you, hoorahed with you, and prayed with you. You "get it" where my family only has an understanding. Niki & Erica, Laura, JeffT - our journey has been so similar. I'm delighted…
Home frrom the hospital
Last thursday afternoon, I was admittred to the hospital with major infection and extreme dehydration. The interesting thing is that thursday morning I was not feeling great but was ok. I had talked to the clinic and they told me the latest lab results were not good and that I was nutropenic so stay in the house and out of…
Oncologist has said Don has 6 to 8 months left to live. Maybe a year. When should I contact Hospice? They have called me but I haven't set up a meeting with them. At this time we are trying to manage Don's pain. Reba