Jim's surgery in morning-Please Pray
Jim has his MIE in the morning at 7am Pacific time. I feel numb right now as I write this. We have waited so long for this and yet I am fearful of the results. I want him to live through the surgery and be cancer free. I feel greedy after reading so many of the other posts. Jim is in the hospital and they have sped up his…
battle lost
I lost my "soul mate" on October 25th when he lost his battle just after 4 months of being diagnosed with stage 4 esophageal cancer. He had told us he wanted to contact Hospice and stop the chemo treatments and we had an appointment set up with them. But the good Lord decided his work on earth was completed and called him…
I am sick at Heart
Yesterday Vince, my husband, had another 5 liters of fluid drained off his abdomen.He had had 5 drained off 2 weeks ago. The cystology report came back and there are malignant cells in the fluid. This is just so hard. We are going to our local oncologist in Blairsville, Georgia and he will have his 5th chemo cocktail on…
After the holidays
This has been an awful day for me. I was taking down Christmas decorations and I felt to pieces. I was sad angry hopeless everything all at once. I hated to think that there may be a Christmas without my loving husband. John was given the sad news October 2009 but we knew he had it since July 2009 when the symptoms…
Did you see the news about Blood Test to Detect CANCER???!!!!!
Check out the link below: http://www.mycentraljersey.com/article/20110103/HEALTH/110103038/Blood+test+to+spot+cancer+gets+big+boost+from+J&J
I hate esophageal cancer, it's hurting my daddy.
My father was diagnosed with with esophageal cancer over 3 years ago. We thought he had beaten the monster, however it came back it a vengeance. His neck began hurting about 6 months ago, and the PET scan discovered a small hairline fracture in his neck vertebre. We were worried but relieved it was only a fracture. He…
Oriontj's post yesterday made me gasp...at first... but still offers hope
It's not that I haven't felt just as bad for everyone else here who has posted about disappointing results, but, you see, Oriontj's April 2, 2010, post, which I printed out and taped to my wall nine months ago, is the first one I read after I was finally, officially, staged IVB (on April 1st – haha), incurable and…
My Mom
In early November, my mom started having painful and difficult swallowing, and she felt that something wasn't right. She made an appointment with her regular doctor and he said that, considering her history of Acid Reflux, an Endoscopic exam of her Esophagus was needed. On November 16th, she had that examination and they…
Tom's cancer is back
Those words no one wants to hear. But we knew it wasn't if it would come back but when...same spot...so more chemo that can be done here under the supervision of our U of C doctors. The last year was so wonderful but reality has a way of sneaking in... We could use prayers...everyone needs them...it takes a long time to…
Happy New Year
Hello, Happy 2011 to all my Ec family. In Jan. 2008, I had just had my first chemo treatment. Even though things were looking pretty bleak, I came to realize just how important each day is.. Even on the days I was extremely sick and weak , I would remind myself the treatment was neccesary and the bad would pass. I prayed…
Don had surgery 3 weeks ago. He did not have a feeding tube, due to a lot of scar tissue from previous surgeries. He is able to drink and eat liquids, but does not want to eat the amount of calories he needs. I am so frustrated and tired of fussing at him. It's almost like he does not care. Saturday he is to advance to a…
Hi all I don't normally post much, but this is laying heavy on my heart, Some of you will remember this person some of you won't know her. One year ago yesterday 11-29-10 at 8:30 am our MENTOR Cathy Simmons, aka Kitten0385, left this world and joined our angels above, she was a fighter and never gave up, when I was down…
Update - Treatment plan set
Hi everyone, I hope you had peaceful and enjoyable Christmas and I am wishing everyone a great new year full of good news. I just wanted to post some updates on our status. I posted earlier about my husband, Tom, age 37, non-drinker, non-smoker, healthy-eater who was diagnozed with EC Stage III (T3 N1 M0) on December 8. We…
My dad newly diagnosed
Hi, I stumbled across this board and would be grateful for any help and advice as my family embark on our journey of supporting my dad who has esophageal cancer. A bit of background - my dad was having trouble swallowing at the beginning of November - he reached a point where he couldn't swallow anything by December and…
Recently Diagnosed w EC T2N0M0
Hi, New to the site but have been reading up on EC and this site has raised many questions. My father in law was diagnosed w EC less than 2 weeks ago. T2N0M0. He's 84 and in overall good health. Has some heart issues (m/v prolapse replacement about 10 yrs ago) and type II diabetes. Due to his age, surgery is not an option.…
Our last two weeks --carepages--to update you all.
Habakkuk 3:19 Posted Dec 15, 2010 12:46pm "The Lord God is my strength. He has made my feet like hinds feet and he makes me walk on my high places." Cori Ten Boom, Holocaust survivor, used to compare our time on earth as a tapestry or needlepoint. When you look at one of these from the bottom, it seems to be quite a mess.…
Dad is HER2 negative - is this "good" "bad" or "indifferent"?
My dad's HER2 test finally came back - he is negative. We aren't quite sure if we should be pleased with those results, or not? The reason being is the assistant doctor we met with yesterday mentioned that they have seen people who are HER2 positive typically respond better to chemo. Would love to know the thoughts on this…
Update on Dad's clinical trial experience
Hi all, My dad asked me to share his clinical trial experience with everyone on the Board who has been so supportive through his ordeal. And before you read any further please understand this is not for everyone and some folks here have chosen to stop treatments, or not go for clinical trials because they are in a…
After Surger and Chemo - No Energy
Hey everyone, haven't posted in a while. A brief history: Diagnosed 10/09 with EC - stage 3. Had chemo & radiation and did not opt for surgery at the time. The cancer came back and had Ivor Lewis in June of 2010. I had follow up chemo which my last dose was 6 weeks ago (6 doses every 3 weeks, started 6 weeks after…
L Spriggs, posting an answer on a new topic about feeding tubes
Hi, I don't know how to interpose your question and posting so I hope I got your attention about the feeding tube. Yes to feeding tubes if it is possible for you to get your Dad to get it esp. since he is not eating and losing much weight. I had to have an NG tube before surgery because of the weight loss and not being…
increased mucous production during and after eating
my dad was recently diagnosed with esophageal cancer the beginning of december and decided to bring him home and spend quality time with him. doctors gave him 2 weeks without treatment and 6 months with treatment. for the past week he has had increased mucous production and coughing during and after eating and the foods…
A big thanks to all of you on here-It's been awhile but I always think of all of you!
I found this discussion board a little over a year ago when my 68 year young Mom was diagnosed. She has since undergone chemo, radiation, and surgery. I am thankful that a year later she is still with us. Even though she weighs 105 lbs. and is tired often, she never complains or asks for help. The surgery resulted in…
My Dad
Dear all Let me start off by saying what a wonderful forum this is for people like myself who are having to come to terms with a loved one falling victim to this terrible illness. I have been lurking on this website for the past few weeks or so since my dad was diagnosed with esophageal cancer. As I mentioned its been…
Heavy heart
Hello, My heart is heavy. My pastor was diagnosed with hodgekins lymphona right after I was diagnosed with EC. Like me he has been cancer free. A month ago he started having some memory loss. It was time for a pet scan, so it was decided to do a complete scan. A small malignent tumor was found on the front part of the…
Dr. Thomas Rice - Cleveland Clinic
My husband was diagnosed T3N1M0 on December 22. Working on appointments for chemo and radiation. Surgery will follow neoadjuvant treatment. Looking for more experienced surgeons than what is available locally (Toledo, OH). Cleveland Clinic hotline referred me to Dr. Rice. Has anyone out there had any experience with this…
Anyone else being treated with Paclitaxel (Taxol) and Carboplatin plus radiation for Stage 3 EC prio
My mother was recently diagnosed with EC (adenocarcinoma) in late October as she turned 69. The PET/CT showed no spread, yet the doctor that performed the EUS (endoscopic ultrasound) was unable to get the device in place as the tumor was blocking 90% of the esophagus (distal esophagus at the junction of the stomach). His…
My dad's gift to me and my family
Hi all. For those of you that don't know me, I lost my dad to this dreadful disease on August 29, 2010. He was only 54 years old and was officially disgnosed on August 9th and passed away on August 29th. To say that I wasn't able to process what happened is the understatement of the year. I have had a really tough time…
thankyou for your support. Stuart my husband went for an upper GI on 12/16, they were unable to complete it as they found a large mass in his esophagus, the physician had him admitted to the icu as she was concerned there was a fistula. tn the hospital they did a CT scan and found there was no fistula, they discharged him…
throat wont heal after radiation
Hi All, I’m writing here in hopes of finding out why my throat is still sore after my radiation and chemo treatment that ended almost 6 months ago in July. Each time I go back to the DR, he says, “give it time, it will heal” but still nothing. I am so hoarse and can barely make sound when I try to talk. It’s like a…
my husband cannot keep fluids or food down???
My husband, stage four, has not really been able to keep food down and now his fluids are coming up. It seems when he first starts to eat soup or some broth, etc., he immediately gets the hiccups and then he starts to vomit. This happens on and off, somedays better than others. Like today, he had a frappe this morning and…