Scan for dh will be this Wednesday
Tom will go for his scan Wednesday at the U. of Chicago...we are praying for good results..and could use more prayers if you have time. jan
Jim and I have spent the last week in Portland, Oregon seeing cardiologists and surgeons regarding his possible surgery. The lymph nodes (4) have all shrunk and the tumor has shrunk considerably. There is no metastasis to any organs or bones. The surgeon says it is a great petscan and he can remove all cancer with the…
Dad at MD Anderson for evaluation of Phase III Clinical Trial
I wanted to let everyone know that my dad, he just had his 79th birthday is at MD Anderson and being evaluated for participation in a Phase III Clinical Trial. My Dad was initally Stage III, T3,N2,MO at the gastric junction and then had the cancer spread to his liver with tumors in both lobes. The chemo was not successful…
Thoughful words from Elizabeth Edwards
I saw this online this evening and the sentiment in the posting really touched me. This is a recent posting from Elizabeth Edwards who has been fighting breast cancer since 2004 --- the doctors say there isn't anything else they can do for her. “The days of our lives, for all of us, are numbered,” she wrote. “We know that.…
Sad Day - One Year without Roy
In today's newspaper: AYERS Harry Roy March 27, 1953 – December 5, 2009 One year ago today, God took you gently by the hand. He walked with you so peacefully into His Eternal Land. It broke our hearts to lose you, but you didn’t leave alone. Part of us went with you, that day God called you home. If we could have one…
Mayo Rochester
Well, I leave for Mayo Clinic in the morning to see Dr. Wigle for a second opinion. Will keep you all informed as soon as I can. Thank You All
Pending surgery 12/14
I have a date with Dr. Demeester at USC University Hospital in LA for 12/14 for MIE. Would like to hear from "those who have gone before" what questions I might ask the surgeon before the operation, and experiences in the postoperative period. I have obtained housing close for myself when out of the hospital and…
Update from Linda and Jim in Idaho
We continue to be on the roller coaster ride you all talk about. Jim is having low blood pressure problems since his release from the hospital. The cardiologist has removed his heart medications and they will be doing a echocardiogram on Tuesday. They are concerned that the radiation may have caused damage to the heart.…
Just wondering how things are going??????????????
Many of us in our little EC family maintain a prayer list for our daily devotions. Sometimes we have people on our list that we do not hear from for a long time. Although I know God knows the status of all of our friends, I like to pray for the right things as I go down my list. There are some people on my list that we…
Today....Today is
Dads Birthday. It will and is a hard day. Just last year he was getting ready for surgery. He couldnt have cake but he could have ice cream cake. So we all gathered around for some ice cream and celebrated and wished happy and successful surgery and for a better 2010. come to find out he did great with chemo but then ended…
Dad's out of surgery
Good evening all, Dad had his MIE today and I just got the news that all went well. He went in at 10am PST and the was done and in recovery at 4pm. The doctor said that all went well and mom can go see him in an hour. I go see him tomorrow, and will keep you posted. Thanks for all your prayers, thoughts and well wishes…
My Mom Ginny's Update as of 11/30/10
Hello to all of you my CSN family! Just a quick note to let you know mom had her pre op appointment yesterday. All went well. Paper work, blood tests, meeting with the respiratory specialist and the anathesiologist. We are all set for the surgery on Monday, 12/6/10, 7:30 a.m. Please keep us in your hearts and mind in…
Has anyone had to battle the doc and nurses over hydration???
We are getting big resistance when it comes to xtra hydration at home or during chemo. It seems the more we ask the less they want to give. Steve just started his third round of chemo treatment. Same two drugs, just higher dose and less often. (he only has two sessions with this round) One is cisplatin where he goes in for…
Scan results today
Hi this is Shirley and my husband John 60 years old was given the dreaded newa October 14 2009. He actually started having problems July of that year. He has been having chamo for a year now. Oh he is stage IVB Met to lymph nodes and muscle tissue in the right buttocks.Chemo has been given for over a year now. He also has…
Is Surgery after ChemoRadiation Stage III a good idea?
Good day, This is my first time posting. My dad was diagnosed with stage III Adenocarcinoma. He has finished his chemo and radiation and is scheduled to have surgery to remove his esophagus on Dec 8th. The surgeon explained that she will use his stomach to make the connection from the throat to the small intestines. My…
Cancer is controlled -- Near Remission
I was originally diagnosed with adenocarcinoma on March 2, 2010. This is cancer of the esophagus which was for me a tumor that had grown out into the esophagus and had spread to 18 tumors in my brain and others in my chest cavity. This “silent killer” is diagnosed usually in men near age 60 as was with me. I was diagnosed…
Mayo Rochester
Head for Mayo on the 9th to see Dr. Wigle for a second opinion and consultation. Will know more then about a MIE. Will keep yopu all informed.
Kinda of a "Dumb" Question about Chemo...
Feel like I should know this, but want others experience and/or knowledge...(Sherri) :) . My dad has Stage 4b EC Junction cancer with mets to liver and spine. He's been on a couple of different chemo cocktails on and off since mid-April. It's (the cancer) been stable since Sept. The cancer spread to his spine during the…
Stage 1T
What is the normal treatment for stage 1T? Chemo & radiation before surgery, after surgery or none? Have read both so I'm not sure.
Made it through holiday and moms bday
Not sure how exactly, but we did. I have never made the entire Thanksgiving dinner, until now. I did pretty good, even on the age old family tradition of homemade noodles! It was sad and different without mom. Even more so, my brother decided to go out of town to our step sisters for the holiday and my stepdad wanted to…
Frustrated and confused
My Husband was diagnosed with EC stage IIB on 11/12/10 at Self Regional Healthcare, Greenwood, SC. Self Regional Healthcare stated he would not need surgery, just Chemo and Rad., would need a Port, and a feeding tube (he can still swallow), and would start treatments on 12/01/10. He had an Abd. CT and a shadow was on the…
Sheri He had 28 radiation treatments and 6 chemo. He is having surgery at Vanderbilt Hospital in Nashville Tn. We are very pleased with his Surgeon, Dr Eric Grogan. He is going to open his chest. The cancer is in the lower part of the esophagus and stage 2. It is not in any lymph nodes so that is a good thing. They tell us…
Post Surgery Chemo
Hello Everyone, I have not written in a while. My Mom (age 54) was diagnosed with Stage 3B EC in June 2010. The original plan was that she would have 3 cycles of ECF Chemotherapy (epirubicin, cisplatin and fluorouracil 5FU). However, half-way through her second cycle she got really sick, to the point where she was…
Staged and Treatment
Just got back from the Dr's. office for a consultation on the stage and treatment that he recommends. Stage is a T1 maybe just starting out stage T2. Oncologist recommends surgery to remove area and follow up treatments. This will be done in a Green Bay, Wi hospital. When I asked about the MIE procedure he wasn't familiar…
i didn't want to hear that
thank you william for replying. I did not have any chemo or radiation treatments and supposedly I am cancer free. My bloodwork has been good but the only real nagging problem is the feet.I never had any problems before and thought it was awful coincidental that this started 5 months after my surgery. My doctor didn't say…
Has anyone had the tumor come back to the stomach area after surgery, radiation and chemo?
My daughter is having problems swallowing again one year after radiation, chemo, and the Ivor Lewis operation. She has had chemo within the last six weeks and this did not change anything. Two weeks ago she began having trouble swallowing and coughs during eating. Has anyone had this happen after all these steps? In…
Does Avastin Drug Work for EC?
My dad has EC and he is at stage IV. Currently he is on his 2nd cycle of his chemo threatment out of 6. I found out on internet that Avastin can help with Esophycas Cancer. http://www.cancercare.org/pdf/booklets/ASCO-Guide/Stomach&Esophageal_ASCO.pdf I had asked his oncologist last time we met to include Avastin in his…
Dr. James Luketich
I now know why The Marshalls are always saying what a wonderful man Dr. Luketich from UPMC is. Per their recommendation I Fed-Exed all of my husbands records to Dr. Luketich along with CT and PET scans on Cd's. He phoned me yesterday and I don't think ever in my life I have spoken to a more generous, caring,compassionat…
foot problems after esophagectomy
i had a eshagealectomy in feb. I was in icu for 38 days and then oncology ward for 3 more weeks. After a few weeks rehabbing at home I got back on my feet and got back to work.(i am an electrician) It took some time but I feel like I am back. My greatest issue is the fact that now I am having these weird foot afflictions.…
Feeding Tube - when is it time?
My father was diagnosed with EC Stage IV last December. The treatments have been able to clear up all of his mets except for one stubborn tumor in his liver. This one seems to be causing the biggest havoc on his body!! He's had a lot of pain which is now under control thank goodness; however, he's not been able to eat as…