dealing with insurance companies
I can relate to the problems with insurance. I spent many hours on the phone trying to get the PET scan my doctor ordered. I learned a few things that might help you: 1. They have the standard protocols that they will not compromise. Go with the flow and have the tests they WILL cover first. This can be frustrating and a…
Did any of you ladies have continual headaches before diagnosis? I'm just searching for answers and although I've learned a lot from you ladies, but haven't found anything on headaches. I have been experiencing continual headaches for 3 weeks at a time and didn't know if this could be a hormonal thing. Also experiencing…
BOOK for Mary Ann/Daisy
Hey Mary Ann Just wanted to make sure you recieved the book I sent. It took me a long time to get it to you; hopefully you got it and enjoy it. I have restarted the CDs you sent as my anxiety and depression sneak in now and then. My husband is holding his own, but just on maintenance chemo. I did check with my Doc about…
I guess I need to know how to deal with the depression that seems to go with this new diagnosis and life change. I was diagnosed last November and this has set in, how do I get my joy back. I'm a Christian and think I should be better. I have two more chemos (one this coming Monday), I got shaky on the 3 day after the last…
how important to get all 6 taxol/carboplatin exactly on time to kill cancer cells?
Hello, I'm stage 3A and just finished my 3rd chemo treatment of taxol (Paclitaxel) / carboplatin, with 3 more to go. My neutrophils and WBC are getting very low, borderline neutropenic, so I'm worried that the 4th, 5th, and 6th cycles will be delayed. chemocare.com says that chemotherapy treatment is given in cycles. This…
Carbo/Taxol Weekly vs. Every 3 Weeks?
My mother will begin carbo/taxol chemo treatments in the next couple of weeks for Stage 4b UPSC and the oncologist suggested a possible weekly lower dose carbo/taxol treatment plan. Anyone have experience with this? We were told that some studies have shown a better response to this regimen but we are very concerned about…
Has anyone used Sutent
We are running out of options for me. My doctor is suggesting we go outside the box a bit and try Sutent, which has worked to stop other cancers but is not approved for uterine cancer. So my insurance company won't pay for it and a month's supply is a couple thousand US$. I told him I could afford one month and that would…
Happy Easter, Happy Spring
Wishing you all a Happy Easter. Hope you get to spend the time with family and friends. Since Spring is supposed to be here, I thought it was time to get rid of the hat and scarf. My hair has come in very thick, and I think I will get a haircut next week before we leave on the cruise. Kind of hate to get it cut when it…
Gemzar alone for UPSC recurrence
My gyn-onc has decided Doxil not best agent for my recurrence of UPSC stage IV so is changing me to Gemzar as single agent. In researching this (I'm to start next week) Gemzar website indicates Gemzar in combo with Cisplatin for first course treatment for OVCA (UPSC treated essentially the same) and in combo with…
Diane this is for you
Diane I hope you are doing okay. Have not seen a post from you for a while. Maybe you are getting your second opinion at MD Anderson. Hope you are getting some answers to your questions. In one of your previous posts you asked us do something new and share it with you. My husband and I are going to go on a Transatlantic…
Fosomax or other Meds / Osteoporosis
Before starting my treatments last February by OB did my first bone density test. Showed some thinnng at head of my hips. Wanted this test to have starting point before treatment, knowing chemo/radiation (pelvic) can be rough on our bones. Being a smaller stature person puts me at higher risk for osteo. Since January, been…
Tong Ren Therapy - anyone with knowledge??
Has anyone heard of this??? Any info is appreciated. I just read a book about it. It sounds VERY STRANGE however the author, a practitioner, is spot on in all he says about inflammation, info about PET scans, etc. that we have talked about here. Essentially the theory is that health problems are caused by blockages. He…
alternative vs. western medicine
Since this seems to be a hot topic, Does anyone know if there's any research that compares results of alternative versus western medicine for treatment of aggressive cancers?
Working during chemo & radiation
How many of you ladies were able to work during chemo & radiation? Next week I am starting round 1 of Taxol & carboplatin. I have the option to work at home, but am wondering if I will even be able to accomplish that. Thanks.
doctors' prognosis
Ladies, I've been pondering this for the last few days - thinking of the posts from Cathy and Linda. You know, my gut tells me that some docs tell us what we want to hear (or maybe what they want to believe/hear!!) and others tell it like it is. I remember what my first doc told me out upsc - "it's incurable but manageable…
Lets Roll out Endometruim adenocarcoinoma stage and grade
Hello all,lets do roll out our cancer stage and grade and year of digoinse only this cancer.My mom has free of tumour from cervix, tubes, nodes, omentum, wash but how tumour tissue foundon sigmond colon it make her stage 3c grade 1.Please write how much myometruim invasion in your case.my mom have 20% and ca125 was 117
As some of you already know, My wife was diagnosed with stage 4 b Uterine cancer a few months ago, she had complete hysterectomy, and she elected to not have treatment. Lately she has been coughing, had stomach pains, said her hips hurt and headaches.she says the pain in her side is like apendix pain, but she lost that a…
My mom has her first second-line chemo today. They opted against the Cisplatin and are instead using Ixempra. Insurance denied the Avastin and they are appealing that, meanwhile she will get just the Ixempra. It's a new family of drug which has been used for taxane-resistant breast cancer. There have been some clinical…
solution of rediation therapy on uterus
there was a operation on uterus cancer 8 years back. the cancer was removed from my body. later doctor give me rediation therapy. now there is infection inside my belly. first the two side of my belly was hard.but now the back and front side of my belly is infected. doctors are telling that it is not cancer but inside my…
Update on My Mom
First I have to say how inspired I am by all of your stories. These boards are maintaining my sanity through all of this. Last I posted my mother (Stage 3 UPSC with recurrence) was recovering from debulking surgery for her first recurrence. (Recurrence 9 months after completing hysterectomy, radiation and chemo) She had a…
Aches & Pains 7 mos after treatments
A yr ago having gone thru total hysterectomy, 6 rounds of chemo, 33 pelvic radiation, which ended August 1, '09. All tests -- blood, CAT-scans have been great thusfar. Noticing more and more achy muscles, especially after a nice walk or workout. Having a pain on/off in my right buttox which my chiropractor thinks is in…
Nurses assessment of chemo induced peripheral neuropathy
March 9, 2010 (Atlanta, Georgia) — Nurses consider their assessment of chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN) to be essential in oncology nursing, but 75% rate their CIPN assessment skills as only fair to poor, according to a new study. Madelaine Binner, DNP, CRNP, a nurse practitioner with the Johns Hopkins…
I am going for my first post treatment CAT Scan and blood work tomorrow at U. T. M. D. Anderson Cancer Center in Houston. Won't know the results until the following Monday. So far I feel great. A little tired after the chemo, otherwise feel fine. Taxol/carbol last one was Feb 22. My CA 125 has been in the 10's for the past…
Has anyone experienced lymphedema?
Just wondering if any of you have/are suffering from lymphedema? For the past few days I have been having some pretty significant swelling in one of my legs. I was under the impression if you were going to get lymphedema that it would be soon after surgery and radiation. I had surgery 9/08 and finished radaition 12/08. I…
Side Affects from Taxol & Carboplatin
Diagnosed with uterine cancer Feb '09, been away from chemo/radiation for 8 months and having some minor pain, mainly in the one buttox (sacroilliac per my chiropractor), and general tightness in most joints. Radiation was to the pelvic area and have "challenged" bowels, when eating much roughage, urgency to hit the…
Shot(s) to in increase white blood count
During chemo, how many times per week do you get a shot - 5 days or only one?
PET Scan
Anyone having problems with insurance paying for PET scans? My sisters last two were deemed medically unneccassary or experimently. Yet both found reacurrance of uterine cancer.
Betty update - moving over to Ovarian page
Hi everyone. We probably should be over on the ovarian page since while Betty was diagnosed with Uterine and Ovarian cancer, the uterus was removed, so technically she only has ovarian cancer left and the chemo is treating that cancer specifically. Anyway, I just want to tell everyone here about the move and thank them for…
Cisplatin and Ifosfomide
Does anyone have experience with this drug combination? My mom just finished her first round of 4 days of chemo. She starts around two in a couple of weeks. Just wondering if anyone out there has had this combination of treatment. thanks, leslie