Covid Booster

Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member
edited September 2021 in Uterine/Endometrial Cancer #1

Got a call from oncology scheduler before my last immunotherapy treatment asking if I wanted the Covid booster. Sure. 24 hours later I had body aches, headache and chills. No fever. I had no reactions after first two shots. Today after waking up I felt great--so 24 hours of feeling bad. Probably why I "let" my husband buy a new truck. Anyone else been "invited" or signed up to get the booster shot?

Hope all the ladies and families here are finding the peace and support they need.


Deb 1



  • Lyn70
    Lyn70 Member Posts: 214 Member
    Yes. I had Pfizer Booster in August


    Primary advised I get booster 8/16. I walked into pharmacy same day and received shot and my vaccination card got another patch. I had a reaction to both 1 & 2 Pfizer and this third shot was the same. The following day, I had a very sore arm, fatigue and just a general yucky feeling, no fever. Recovered the next day fully. Pharmacy sent me a reminder to get my second shot on My Chart account, obvious confusion over booster status. 


    Sending Hugs to all the Ladies on the site.


  • NoTimeForCancer
    NoTimeForCancer Member Posts: 3,477 Member
    Deb, which one did you have? 

    Deb, which one did you have?  Pfizer or Moderna?  (Funny about the "let" your husband bying a new truck)  


  • oldbeauty
    oldbeauty Member Posts: 378 Member
    Yes, booster

    My functional medicine physician offered vaccines before my mainstream well-known medical center, and he called to offer the booster 2 weeks ago.  Pfizer, here.  No reaction save a sore arm for one day.  I still wear a mask out.  Best wishes to all, Oldbeauty

  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member
    edited September 2021 #5
    I had my Moderna booster

    I had my Moderna booster vaccine on 8/20 - a little over 6 months after I had my 2nd shot in February.  I had similar but not as severe reaction as I had with the 2nd shot.  First shot - just a sore arm for a few days.  Second shot - flu like sick with high fever and hiorrifc heacache for 36 hours plus sore arm for a few days. Purposley scheduled booster shot for a Friday afternoon so I could recoup on the weekend.  Booster shot - sore arm day 1.  Day 2 - woke up with 102 fever and feeling like a truck ran over me and sore arm but no headache. Fever broke by the afternoon and by next day just had sore arm.  

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    Getting it soon! Moderna.

    I am waiting because we are going to be going on a much needed and postponed vacation soon, so I have been working in my yard, transplanting, getting rid of things that didn't work, general cleanup. I have almost an acre with many beds of native plants so this is no small job. I had no reaction to the first shot except a sore arm, a fever, and bad body aches with the second, so I have to allow a day for that. 


  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    Deb 1!

    Deb 1!

    I have been thinking about working to get the booster for about a week. I do plan to get it. My second Pfizer vaccine was March 25th, the day after my hysterectomy (note; that was quite the output of energy I really didn't have).

    Thanks for making a note of it here, as I need a reminder to do everything these days. 

    Deb dos



  • Tamlen
    Tamlen Member Posts: 343 Member
    edited September 2021 #8
    No side effects

    I had my third dose of the Pfizer in late August, a little over 6 months after my 2nd dose in February. First dose, no side effects at all. Second dose, sore arm and felt a little under the weather for 12 hours. Third dose, no side effects.

  • jan9wils
    jan9wils Member Posts: 209 Member
    moderna booster

    I just got my booster yesterday afternoon. As with the second shot, I have a headache and a fever, fatigue and nausea. If it goes like my second shot it will all be over in about 36 hours. Still masking as I live in Texas and we have a lot of people (mostly unvaccinated) in the hospital. Getting my flu shot next week.


  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member
    Late reply

    I had Pfizer

  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    jan9wils said:

    moderna booster

    I just got my booster yesterday afternoon. As with the second shot, I have a headache and a fever, fatigue and nausea. If it goes like my second shot it will all be over in about 36 hours. Still masking as I live in Texas and we have a lot of people (mostly unvaccinated) in the hospital. Getting my flu shot next week.


    Just my opinion

    But I am an RN and have given thousands of vaccinations over my long career.  Patients would tell me about their reactions.  And with all vaccinations some people have an ilness like episode.   I always wondered if those are the people who would have been extremely ill if they actually had the disease.  You reacted to just an antibody the vaccine instructed your cells to create, not the virus or a piece of it.  Just my opinion.  You might have been very ill if you had actually had the virus.  All our immune systems work differently.  Many patients who had a flu like illness after the flu shot decided not to get another one.  And they never got the flu.  Go figure.  I was told my manufacturers that it was impossible to get the flu from the vaccine, but it must have been a flu like response to the vaccine....

    I have not had my booster yet, but it has not been offered to me.  I will when it is available.  I had Pfizer with no reaction to either immunization.


  • ConnieSW
    ConnieSW Member Posts: 1,688 Member
    I have wondered

    The same thing about immunizations and side effects.  As for flu shots:  many people tell me they won't get them because they are afraid of (rare) severe side effects. My comment is that I have have seen many of my patients die of flu complications ( I worked in geriatrics the last years of my nursing career) but never one from the flu shot.

  • BluebirdOne
    BluebirdOne Member Posts: 656 Member
    Health care workers are saying the same.

    They interviewed a nurse on tv in the ICU. She said all of the patients who have recently died were unvaccinated, however they never had one case die from the effects of the vaccine. Another story about a parent who was told that her kid was missing the DPT vaccine so they could not come back to school withoout it, but no such mandate for Covid. Madness. 

    I was just notified today to come in for my booster and I will do that soon. 


  • woodstock99
    woodstock99 Member Posts: 206 Member
    jan9wils said:

    moderna booster

    I just got my booster yesterday afternoon. As with the second shot, I have a headache and a fever, fatigue and nausea. If it goes like my second shot it will all be over in about 36 hours. Still masking as I live in Texas and we have a lot of people (mostly unvaccinated) in the hospital. Getting my flu shot next week.


    Not sure if it really matters

    Not sure if it really matters but I read somwhere to wait 2 weeks for the flu shot after getting the booster.  I had my booster a couole fo weeks ago and my husbnand had his last Thursday so we have appointmmets at CVS for flu shots 2 weeks after his shot.  

  • Dak82
    Dak82 Member Posts: 109 Member

    I spent 33 years in the USAF getting every shot and test they told me to get. I was well indoctrinated!


  • Forherself
    Forherself Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Dak82 said:


    I spent 33 years in the USAF getting every shot and test they told me to get. I was well indoctrinated!


    I was thinking of Service members

    They have no choice.  Thank you for your service to this country by the way.  I'm sure you were a great asset.

  • Lasha12
    Lasha12 Member Posts: 20 Member
    edited September 2021 #17
    oldbeauty said:

    Yes, booster

    My functional medicine physician offered vaccines before my mainstream well-known medical center, and he called to offer the booster 2 weeks ago.  Pfizer, here.  No reaction save a sore arm for one day.  I still wear a mask out.  Best wishes to all, Oldbeauty

    Still wear mask

    Hello, curious, if the shots are effective why would you wear a mask?

  • Afoste3
    Afoste3 Member Posts: 39 Member
    edited September 2021 #18
    Trolls need not apply!

    This is a space for legitmate information only--luckily this doesn't happen often, but I'm reporting this to CSN as inappropriate. 


  • cmb
    cmb Member Posts: 1,001 Member
    edited September 2021 #19
    Know Your Sources

    As someone who has spent the better part of my working career reading laws, regulations and agency notices, I always recommend going to the original source of a regulation or ruling since reports about these can be misunderstood.

    The FDA notice published August 23, 2021 clearly states that it has approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older. This vaccine will be marketed under the name Comirnaty. It is the exact same vaccine as what has been known as Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19, with the new name.

    The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

    So while the vaccine is still considered as EUA for certain individuals, this is not true for the vast majority of individuals who are eligible for the vaccine.

    Unvaccinated Israelis – who account for 17 percent of the population eligible for a vaccine – currently make up about two-thirds of the total number of serious cases.

    It was never claimed that any the vaccines are 100% effective at preventing infection with COVID-19. But they are effective at preventing serious infections, and subsequent death, in most vaccinated people. Sadly, a very small portion of vaccinated individuals may still die from COVID after being vaccinated, but the vaccines are the best method we currently have to prevent serious illness and death in most people.

    I hope that others who may read this thread will continue to seek authoritative sources of information rather than rely on unverified social media.

  • Theskinnyscot
    Theskinnyscot Member Posts: 36 Member
    cmb said:

    Know Your Sources

    As someone who has spent the better part of my working career reading laws, regulations and agency notices, I always recommend going to the original source of a regulation or ruling since reports about these can be misunderstood.

    The FDA notice published August 23, 2021 clearly states that it has approved the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 Vaccine for individuals 16 years of age and older. This vaccine will be marketed under the name Comirnaty. It is the exact same vaccine as what has been known as Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19, with the new name.

    The vaccine also continues to be available under emergency use authorization (EUA), including for individuals 12 through 15 years of age and for the administration of a third dose in certain immunocompromised individuals.

    So while the vaccine is still considered as EUA for certain individuals, this is not true for the vast majority of individuals who are eligible for the vaccine.

    Unvaccinated Israelis – who account for 17 percent of the population eligible for a vaccine – currently make up about two-thirds of the total number of serious cases.

    It was never claimed that any the vaccines are 100% effective at preventing infection with COVID-19. But they are effective at preventing serious infections, and subsequent death, in most vaccinated people. Sadly, a very small portion of vaccinated individuals may still die from COVID after being vaccinated, but the vaccines are the best method we currently have to prevent serious illness and death in most people.

    I hope that others who may read this thread will continue to seek authoritative sources of information rather than rely on unverified social media.

    I'm with you CMB, my son in

    I'm with you CMB, my son in law is a bio chemical engineer (PHD):he said the vaccine does not contain graphene  oxide. I can post on Vaers that the vaccine, or any other medicine for that matter, caused my teeth to fall out even though I had extreme periodontal disease!! No one is verifying if it is true and correlation is not causation.

  • Harmanygroves
    Harmanygroves Member Posts: 487 Member
    Lasha12 said:

    Still wear mask

    Hello, curious, if the shots are effective why would you wear a mask?

    Who are you addressing?

    If this is a theoretical question, I'll have a go.

    I have a few colleagues who have gotten the Delta variant, despite receiving both Pfeizer vaccines.

    "If" is an interesting word: "if" the vaccine is effective, why wear a mask? Well, apparently it's not always effective. 

    That's why I've decided to avoid the public school where I usually work as a substitute teacher. Because of my "walk" with cancer, I think I may be a bit more fragile than the average bear, so why wear a mask? It may keep me from ingesting another person's saliva or mist or vapor or aspiration. 

    Then again, it's a state edict right now, so in public places, I'm also following the law. 

    We do have a lot of anti vaxxers and anti maskers in Oregon, but I'm not one of them.