CT results not good
Hi everyone, Well after 8 rounds of carbo/taxol I had a CT scan and got the results this week. The tumors responded to the first 4 rounds..shrunk over 40%...but not so well after. Two of the three tumors have started growing again and it also looks like it has invaded my bladder. I am being sent to OHSU for a consult on…
aromatase inhibitors
Can someone please give me some advice. I live in Austalia and have been reading the discussions on this site for the past couple of weeks and you all seem so knowledgeable about your diagnosis and treatments. I am feeling helpless and not sure what to do. I was diagnosed with grade 1 endometrial adenocarcinoma which had…
Unbeliveable Stress...No way out
Terrible stress here at home. Lots of family drama with no way out for me. I've tried meditation, exercise,herbs,teas,sound and light calming techniques and nothing is working. I can't leave it all and run away and no one can give me a hand. Even uped my depression/anxiety meds and getting more sleep. I know this is not…
Lump on my inner thigh
Hi, I must finished my Chemo and Radiation. Interal in May I was Stage 1A. This morning I noticed a small lump on my back inner thigh,, I totally freaked out. Called my doctor got a apt tomorrow. Has anyone here experienced this. It's hard and a little larger than a pea. I examine my body daily so I didn't notice this When…
A wonderful day to all!
To all my "sisters" have a great day and a wonderful start to the new week. I have a family bridal shower today and I am so looking forward to seeing cousins I was so close too and haven't seen in years. Cancer has given me new persepectives in having connections to those you love. Hugs to all, Pat
My Mother has UPSC uterine cancer - Scared
Hi All, My mother was diagnosed with stage 3 UPSC in Jan. 2012. Tonight, I am in her hospital room wondering if she will make it through the night. She went through 3 rounds of carbo/taxol and it did nothing...cancer still progressed. They gave her a treatment of doxorubicin a few weeks ago, and I believe that's what has…
Had last chemo for this round
Had a CAT scan last week which showed significant reduction in all of the enlarged lymph nodes. It did not address the blood clots in the lungs though. The doctor said it takes a special test to show the blood clots. It was just an accident that the caught the blood clot on the other CAT scan. My marker went from 81.2 to…
The intergrative Doctor...again!
Lab's just in: Besides taking me off all supplements(Cur cumin, Pepper, Black Raspberries,ect) he has now taken me off ALL B-vitamins, Folic Acid, Iron,and my regular multivitamin, and has me on D-3 only. Maybe it's me, but fatigue has hit me like a brick wall! Said the T-3 thyroid was normal but the other TH(something, I…
Only 5 Chemo Treatments???
Today Mom went in to have her sixth and final chemo treatment, but when we told her dr about how she almost passed out last night after taking a bath. I don't know whether she got overheated, low hemoglobin or what, but her dr said we should just stop at 5. My Mom does have multiple health problems such as chronic kidney…
Does this happen to anyone else?
It's the middle of the night and I just raked up enough courage to ask this. Does anyone else have a severe aversion to intimacy..of any kind? I find that being touched by anyone, anywhere, is absolutely repulsive to me. The very thought of having sex or a routine check-up makes me sick to my stomach. Even a hug from one…
Confused about CA125
I'm really confused as to if the CA125 was a good marker for my Mom. She's always had low numbers, prior to her surgery it was 9, and after each chemo is was either 6,5,or 4. This last one was 3. So after reading some of your posts, I'm just wondering was this test a good marker for her because her numbers didn't change…
Probably a dumb question, but......
Ok, I have UPSC(1a,c). I was told I have a good chance to not reoccur and if it has been five years I am considered "cured". I was also told that if I do reoccur it will be considered "incurable" just treatable. Is this correct? Aren't there too many variables, such as where, how much,personal condition,ect? Best, debrajo
Endometrial Cancer DX 12/21/10, Have Questions, High Risk
54 yrs. old DX: Endometrial Cancer (Grade 2) on 12/21/10 via D & C with Hysterscope. Symptoms: Vaginal bleeding/Ovarian pain 10/23/10. Status: 2 years post menopause. Tests: Transvaginal Ultrasound showing thick endometrial lining 9mm plus Uterine mass. Scheduled for complete hysterectomy in 2 weeks, including uterus,…
Endometroid Adenocarcinoma
Hi, my name is elaine I was just diagnose with Endometroid Adenocarcinoma is there anyone whas been diagnose with this cancer? And choose not to have a hesterectormy...
UPSC Stage IVB update on disease progression/plans
Updating how my UPSC disease is progressing and treatment choices I am making. I had responded in rather great length to our fellow UPSC sister Bonniep in regard to her ‘freaked out’ post – freaked me out too! Since then I have been experiencing what to me seemed like possible symptoms of cancer advancement that was…
The Board
Somebody said to me yesterday, what I am going through is not fair and I don't deserve it. My response was none of us, any of the children, NOBODY deserves this....and, I DO NOT walk this road alone. I walk along side all you, following those who have come before us and, hopefully, adding some comfort to those that follow.…
Choices or false belief of a control freak...
Ok the Data is in from last week's ct pet. 1- new super clavicular lymph node 1.5 cm lower neck up close and personal to tracea . 2- mid, behind abdominal wall, 2cm mass 3-left retro peritoneal 2cm node, near aortic projection near Gastro I think. Blood tests and ca markers just fine! Choices: 1-do nothing, which can be…
To have or not to have brachytheraphy
Hello everyone! I've been visiting this site for a while and finally decided to join. You ladies have really helped me a lot. My Mom was diagnosed with UPSC, stage 1A back in December and is finishing her last treatment on Friday, thank God! Our concern is the next step, which her oncologist wants to be brachytheraphy. We…
I was too busy to post, since my daughter is fighting Leukemia. But I read all the time. I also keep every one in my prayers. But it's a long time I haven't seen anything from Maggie. May God bless all of you and give you peace and endurance to manage and fight this horrible disease. Love to all of you. June
I could not possibly ask for more... I am so incredibly thankful. Even if this time here is short, there is no doubt it will be sweet. Love you all, Rachelle
Post Chemo aches and pains
These post taxol/carbo aches, pains and twinges are annoying! Just saying. Like clockwork they start Friday afternoon and continue for about 72 hours. I wonder what actually causes this.
I got a promotion, of sorts...
I just wanted to share the good news that I am now Head Teacher of my elementary school. I won't make any more money, but I feel so blessed that my boss has so much confidence in me. She has been so fantastic during this entire ordeal and decided to give me the position even though I have been gone so much. I've been…
I read the posts and find that most of you have several CAT/Pet/ MRI'S. Except for right before surgery when I had an MRI, I have never had another scan of any kind. Is this normal? I have the CA125, Pap, internal check, but that's it. Even on my first year anniversary and the second year....just wondering? Best debrajo
how many of you are peri-menopausel?
I am a breast cancer survivor, and am currently taking tamoxifen which although small increases our risk of Uterine cancer. On another forum someone posted about an article by the director of MO of an SF Bay Area cancer center: If a patient is premenopausal and continues to menstruate on tamoxifen, which happens quite…
Advice for sister with uterine cancer mets lung and abdomen
Hi I've been reading many posts on this site since my sister was diagnosed 6 weeks ago. You are all certainly an inspiration. I wish all the very best and continued good health. I am concerned about my sister diagnosis and prognosis the more I read on many levels. My sister is 45 yrs old, prior to this in reasonable…
daughter home after having her radical hysterectomy endometrial uterine cancer May 24. Doctor is sure he removed it all and the good news is the stomach tumor that showed in the MRI was not a tumor but a shadow from the enlarged uterus! Tissue samples have been sent and may get that result the end of this week. The lung…
In need of advice support and encouragement.
I have had 3 rounds of chemo and now undergoing external radiation. I needed a total of 6 weeks that finishes up on JUn3 4 then two internal and then 3 more rounds of chemo. Recently, I find myself forgettul, misplacing things and forgetting wimple tasks...like typing, ho2w to dhqnge my sheets and seem to have a yeast…
New DX
Hi...this is my first post..I began having light spotting mid march, after 9 years of menopause. Had a biopsy on the 23rd of May (i work for the Dr, so i didn't have to wait, but I did a bit,to get a pre-planned trip taken.. then had a full physical) and on the 29th got the results of positive for endometrial…
drenching sweats
Had my two year checkup...everything ok, ca125 a little elevated from last check up 13 to 17, but dr.said it was fine and xrays were clear. Problem: The year of the surgerys and chemo/radiation I stayed cold(heating pads, electric blankets, ect. This year I can't MOVE without unbelievable sweating. Not hot flashes,not hot…
Just what is the second most aggresive uterine cancer? I have 1a UPSC(Ithink) but never graded...was just told I had the second most aggressive kind. Just currious. Best, debrajo