Help or advice on ifosfamide/ascites
Hi everyone, My mom has Stage 4B uterine cancer and she's being switched to ifosfamide from doxirubicin as the latter is not working to combat her tumor growth effectively enough. The treatment should start next week. She is 73. I'm devastated as we had just heard from the doctors that last week that the tumors were stable…
Surgery is Monday then next step. . .
First of all I would like to thank everyone for thier post, they have been helpful the last few weeks. But Monday is my surgery, I am hanging onto the hope it will be the only treatment. Unfortunately, I have not seen anyone who has had only surgery thus I am trying to be prepared for the next step which from what I have…
2nd round of Chemo
I finished my 2nd round of Taxol/Carbo on Monday. Today I just feel really crummy.It hit me on the 3rd day after my 1st treatment, too,and I guess that's pretty typical. It's hard to describe how you feel to someone who's never had Chemo so when I say I just feel bad, they have no idea what I'm talking about. I'm not…
Open surgery done
My moms open surgery was done on the 9th and it went really well. Her oncologist said that my mom is healthy. The tumor size was 3mm. Her pathology results came in neg. no further cancer found. Thank god. Now my question is if the tumor is 3mm what stage is it? I forgot to ask her oncologist...
Possibly Uterine Cancer - Please Help
Hello, I understand this is a forum for cancer survivors, but I need some advice. I am the mum of 2 and a half year old twins. They were conceived naturally and the birth was vaginal. The major complication I had was something called HELLP synrome. I lost over 2 litres of blood during delivery, apparently from my…
Just a stupid question
Seems every cancer has a "ribbon" color. Dowe ladies with UPSC have a color? Just wondering, Best Debrajo
CT Scan Results In
Got my CT scan results and not sure how I feel (happy, but concerned?)- CT Scan in Dec, 2011 reflected 4.0cm x 3.5cm mass in supraclavicular lymph node. Additionally two spots on left & right upper lobes of lungs and several additional spots. Biopsy confirmed recurrence of USPC (2 pieces of the mass in my neck were removed…
I saw this on the Ovarian Discussion Boards: Cancerfightingstrategies.com and was wondering if this is a scam, legit, or just another "get rich scheme" for someone? It was the first topic on the board. Debrajo
Fascinating information below!! If you Google, you'll find lots of great information on this topic. Epigenetics is changing the way we eat and live. Epigenetics is a new area of biology that is re-writing the text books. It is the study of how our environment (food, thought, belief, and physical environment) affect which…
FDA - Stop Giving Antibiotics to Animals / USA Today
This is a start.... http://www.usatoday.com/news/health/story/2012-04-11/FDA-antibiotics-farm-animals/54172866/1
mom has "serous carcinoma" / UPSC, what is coming ahead?
Hello My mom had a pap smear last March 19 Monday and by Thursday, the OBGYNE called and said she had "serous carcinoma". The OBGYNE also ordered a pelvic ultrasound, which she had done on Thursday. She saw a GyneOncologist the next day and had orders for CT of pelvis, abdomen and chest. These will be done this coming…
Ct scan
The doctors did a CT scan on my mom and the CT scan shows nothing ! Is that a good sign?
I have completed 6 rounds of taxol/carboplatin. Before the 6th treatment my CA125 was down to 78 from 816 pre-chemo. Still way above the goal of 20 or below. I am anticipating oral therapy with megestrol. I'd like to hear from anyone who has used this drug regarding therapeutic results and side effects. Thanks and Bless…
Back from R & R in Australia Happy Healthy Holidays
Dear all, After 5.5 weeks of five day a week radiation have two months where there was no therapy nor tests CT etc that I could do. Got Docs ok and off we were to Ausralia for first time. Yipeesit is ar away. Twenty hours on a plane which we broke up in half by staying in Hong Kong for two nights in both directions. Toured…
Lynch people: Are you taking aspirin? how much? and any kind of monitoring?
I'm curious what other Lynch patients have decided to do re: taking aspirin and if their drs have recommended any kind of monitoring along with it. Following in the wake of CAPP2 I'm taking 2 325 mg aspirin a day after taking to my oncologist about it, but she seemed a little unsure of what to recommend - she more or less…
Portland, Ore. Area Lynch Syndrome Social Networking Event on March 22nd
I thought this might be of interest to some in this group. Thursday, March 22nd, 5:00-6:30 PM People affected by the hereditary cancer syndrome known as Lynch Syndrome are invited to this informal networking event. Caregivers, family members and friends are welcome! Light refreshments will be served. Registration is…
Diagnosed yesterday with stage one uterine cancer, Im petrified and don't know where to start
I have been having heavy bleeding with very large clots (sometimes the size of a apple) for about 3 years now and have been admitted and given blood transfusions twice, the last time which was the third time I had a d n c. I went to the doctor yesterday for my post op and he did an ultrasound and says I have an enlarged…
New Appointment
I have a first appointment with an intergrative(sp) doctor at MD Anderson May 21. Any questions I should ask, if so what, or should I just listen to what he has to say for the first visit? This kind of doctor is new to me and I am VERY out of my element. I had to ask for this type of appointment since no one has ever said…
Is Sugar Toxic?
Dr Sanja Gupta, 60 Minutes, reports on new research showing that beyond weight gain, sugar can take a serious toll on your health, worsening conditions ranging from heart disease to cancer. Approx 7.45 minutes into the video the subject gets more specific to cancer. http://www.cbsnews.com/video/watch/?id=7403942n
Menopausal spotting/D&C HPV
Hi all,Iv'e had menopausal spotting.Dr having me get D&C in 2 wks. Iam scared,I have had HPV&conazation,took care of it.I,have small Parotid(Neck gland)masses. Wonder;if these two things are a cancer worry?Iam worried. ENT;said neck masses were not big enough to worry about.I,wanted another MRI;he says no.
extreme fatigue after radiation?
My Mom had 10 treatments of radiation that ended a week ago. Now she can barely stay awake. Is this normal? She falls asleep while people are talking to her sometimes too. Her legs have so much lymphedema that they are now giving out on her. I guess that's the reason. Guess it could be fatigue or the tumors in her…
I am wondering if any of you have strong feelings about probiotics and their usefulness in promoting overall health. In particular, I'm interested in facts or opinions about their ability to support or negate the impact of an alkaline or anticancer diet. Currently, I am taking two capsules a day of Nutrition Now's…
High grade endometrial stromal sarcoma - just diagnosed, scared, need support...anyone have anything
Hi, I'm new here and like many of you, I never thought I would be on this page looking for information or support. I'm 39, I turn 40 in about 17 days. Happily married for the past 5+ years and have a 3 year old daughter whom the husband and I adore. I just had a hysterectomy on Jan 10, 2012 and was told I have high grade…
More resources
I know we have, or I know I have, posted some titles I have watched on Cancer cure. One of them is Forks Over Knives. I just finished watching Dying to Have Known. Great information. If you have Netflix, it is in streaming.
Dreams & Cancer
Last night I to felt some pain in my hip that kept me up for the better part of the night. Even though I spent much of the day walking and working on the yard, I immediately attributed the pain to a re-occurrence. When I did manage to fall asleep, I had a dream that in the light of day doesn't sound too menacing but left…
My mom was recently diagnosed with cancer. she has an appointment later this week for mri. her endometrial biopsy report shows that she's diagnosed with: ENDOMETRIUM (SPECIMENS A AND B) HIGH GRADE ADENOCARCINOMA WITH CLEAR CELL FEATURES (CLEAR CELL ADENCARCINOMA) BIOPSY FINDINGS CORRELATE WITH CONCURRENT CYTOLOGY. i have…
doctor guess?
can a doctor tell if you have cancer just by looking at your uterus?
Like HESTKP, I was recently diagonsis on 3/9/2012
On March 9th I received a call from my Gyno's office that I had appointment with her at 11:15 that morning. I had a vaginal ultrasound and biopsies done on(3/2) following my routine check up the week before. Knew a phone call telling me I had an appointment could not be good. Today was to be my first visit with the…
Had first day of 3rd chemo
Was another long day. We left at 5:15 a.m. for 6:30 lab, 7:30 Dr's appointment and then 9:00a.m. infusion chair. Of course it takes an hour after you are in the chair to get any medications started. We got home about 6:00 p.m. My blood counts remain good, and so do the liver enzymes . The best news though is that the CA…
Just wondering about the water filtering. We have well-water that has no chemicals in it except what God put there(at least that I know of). Do you all think I still need a filter for the tap water? If so, what kind do you all recomend? Thanks, debrajo