Any docs or cancer centers that specialize in rare Uterine cancers e.g. USPC, clear cell, MMMT
Hello everyone. I haven't started treatment yet for Uterine Serous Papillary Carcinoma but am thinking ahead. I wonder if any doctors or cancer centers have a niche in this? Does anyone know if there are USPC specialists out there? I know the generally accepted advice is to seek a second opinion from an NCI-designated…
New member/ Neuropathy
Hello everyone, I just shared some news regarding Neuropathy & shoes on the Ovarian Board. I have been reading the blogs for 4 years now but have not joined until now. Quick update, April 1, 2010, awoke to bleeding after 10 years menopausal. It was Easter weekend & could not get appointment until following Monday. On Mon.…
Prayers Answered
Todays' check up marked 4 years after finishing chemotheropy that I am still Ned! A calmness came over me this time that I have NEVER felt. Thanks to ALL of you, for bringing me back from the edge soooo many time, and for helping me to get over the anger, depression, and fear. Just wish I'd found you all in '09 instead of…
I'm hearing a lot about this for other cancers, and it really sounds impressive. I don't think anyone is developing an immunotherapy for uterince cancer, though. Has anyone heard anything? Frank
I read the FDA is warning not to use Morcellation during a hysterectomy for treatment of fibroid tumors. The reason is it may spread hidden uterine cancer. Very interesting
Please interped this
The pathology showed UPSC involving the surfice glands and stoma of an endromentrial polp and surrounding endrometrial invading 0.5/5mm of a 5 mm thick myomentrum. Carsonoma did extend to endocervical glands. Biladeral tubes, overies, and omentrum were negitave as was adominal wash. Thought I was sure about this, but…
Happy Mother's Day
Happy Mother's Day to all the lovely ladies here who have helped me with this journey. Thanks for being you and I am sorry we met this way but I am so very thankful that something good has come out of this nightmare - all of you!
Clean Report
I'm 3 1/2 years out since dx and 3 years since stopping chemo. Lastest CAT Scan was clean! I was dx stage 3C1 uterine adenocarcinoma at age 45. Cancer was found by accident during partial hysterectomy. I had major debulking surgery and did 8 rounds of carbo/taxol, no radiation. Just wanted to share my news...
Pictures uploaded to my profile from the Buzz Off event
Pictures were uploaded from the Buzz Off event here in Dallas Texas on May 4th 2014.
Spam Emails
We have been made aware of another round of spam emails being sent to users. While we try to have security in place to handle such emails, we cannot always catch them all. If you have received an email asking for money, please do not respond to the email or the private email address that was given by the sender. Please…
hernia repair & gallbladder surgery
What a fun trip is this has been so far. The gallbladder surgery went first. With no problems. Then the dr cut through all the llano ayers to get ins out de to find all the hernias. Turns out I had four 1 large and three small. He also did exploritory search to check the organs for any signs of cancer, found none. He is a…
BRCA Gene Mutation Could Also Raise Risk Of Deadly Uterine Cancer
Hello ladies. I apologize if you all saw this. I have "CRS" and had saved it but can't remember where I saw it. Apologies if this is already out there. BRCA Gene Mutation Could Also Raise Risk Of Deadly Uterine Cancer | by MARILYNN MARCHIONE Posted: 03/24/2014 12:02 pm EDT Updated: 03/24/2014 12:59 pm EDT Print Article…
Carbo-Taxol to Gemzar trivial issue ?
HI! To all the warriors on this board I wish you all the best. As a caregiver for my loving life partner with advanced disease I need a ladies advice on best way for me to shave her legs. Razor, electric, cream, if electric razor a name brand would be nice info. Once she switched to Gemzar hair is coming out and her self…
Got Biopsy results - good news
Finally got a call from the PA with regard to my CT core biopsy which I had done on Tuesday. I called her earlier on Friday and she called me back at 5 p.m. that late afternoon to tell me that no malignant cells were found. Yeah! I didn't hear much after that, only that I will have to meet with my gyne/onc to see if about…
Has anyone heard about moscelleration
Happy Easter everyone.
Wishing everyone a happy Easter. May all be safe and well. Trish
For those new to the board
I saw Dr Barakat (Sloan Kettering in NYC) speak last year at this meeting and he was very good. The presentation he gave had a lot of information, some I had read and/or learned from this board, on the world wide web, and from him. So much so that I just spent the last 38 minutes relistening to everything I heard hims say…
New question
Ok now I'm completely confused my paperwork gave me the diagnosis of clear cell adenocarcinoma however the Dr never told me that so today I called n asked why did I have to find out on a piece of paper. They said they would call me back they did n said it was never doused to be on there n the onc is trying to rule it out…
Is it me?
or are there threads on this board that have gone missing??? I swear I saw things yesterday that are not here today.
When will my hair start growing in?
Hi, Ladies, I had my last Taxol/Carboplatin chemo cycle on 3/20/14 and I know many of you have also had this combination of chemotherapy. How long does it usually take for the hair to start growing on my scalp, eyebrows and eyelashes? Yes, I've lost most of my eyebrows and some of my eyelashes. I sincerely hope that the…
CT guided biopsy
Although recent CT scans and the PET scans came back mostly good, there was one area where I had a small soft tissue mass that has changed. It went from 2.6 cm to 6 cm. and an SUV reading of 2.4 to a 3, which is still within normal limits. However, the mass is starting to effect my ureter on my left side (hydronephrosis).…
Did anyone read this? If it has been already posted, sorry.
I found this interesting, since my father was 30 when I was born, that appears to be a 25 percent greater risk for endometrial cancer. Lisa TUESDAY, April 8, 2014 (HealthDay News) -- A father's age at the time of his daughter's birth may affect her risk for breast, ovarian and endometrial cancer in adulthood, a new study…
I need to ask women who understand
Let me say I am now two years out from dx (4/2012) and doing well. I think I always worry about every ache, bump, twinge, that cancer has come back. I push it aside and think I need to adjust my thinking, but I also find myself worrying about my family and friends. My sister travels and I worry something will happen. Right…
A few simple things that helped me be a six year cancer survivor of UPSC
This is an answer in response to a question from bohemian girl. Hi, these things will be of the most help to you: 1. Go to this web site and read the info, its rather short, then pay close attention to the acid/alkaline foods and try to eat more than 70% from the alkaline side. The reason is cancer needs an acidic…
UPSC Diagnosis
I have been reading the postings here for the last couple of months and have found the information very useful. Thank you! It has helped me cope with a terrible diagnosis. I was diagnosed in November, 2013, with UPSC, Stage 3A following a hysterectomy and removal of my fallopian tubes, ovaries and lympth nodes. UPSC is a…
just diagnosed
I posted about a week ago about a uterine stump. Today I met with the gyn onc and have been diagnosed with stage IB GRADE 3 clear cell adenocarcinoma uterus. That was found in a pap. I'm nervous about surgery which is April 29th. Can anyone explain how aggressive this cancer is and what I should expect during surgery well…
Looking for some advise
Hello Everyone! I would like to start by saying I have not been diagnosed with any type of cancer, however I am looking for some feedback from Ya'll and who better to ask then those that have first hand experience with this subject. I think you are all brave women btw. I have read some of the posts and your strength is…
So, here's the question--what if you had a heart attack, and your doctor told you there was nothing
differently to have prevented your heart attack, and there is nothing you personally can do now to keep from having another one????? I'm thinking you might have been out the door looking for a new doctor with more information on things you can/could do have done. Well, generally, there are things that you did in your daily…
Jan thinking of uou
We have not heard from you for a while. I hope you are doing okay. Hope your last dose of Doxil went well for you. You have to be getting close to the end of your doses. You remain in my prayers and hope you are doing okay.