The fight for my Mum's life
Dear Friends I'm here on this forum on behalf of my Mum because she cannot She had trouble eating for the better part of the early months of this year and she was diagnosed with gastric cancer in June and we were told that surgery was an option. Unfortunately, when the operation was performed, she was found to have locally…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
Stage IV Stomach Cancer
My dad was just diagnosed with stomach cancer stage 4 that has metasized to his peritoneal layers, both sides of his diagphram and his pelvic bone. He has not started a chemotherapy treatment yet but other than losing weight he is in pretty good health and is willing to fight till the end. Any good advice on specific…
Hi, my father got diagnosed with GIST two weeks ago and had a surgery a few days ago where they have removed his GIST. He has got another surgery in a few days to cut around the area again and to remove more of the tissue around the GIST. He was complaining about severe backpain two months before his surgery and still has…
need help..plzz..
Im new to this site.please help me out.My husband(33 years) was diagnoised adinocarcino in july,2012.gone through 4 cycles of chemo.undergone Total gastrectomy(entire stomach removed including omentum).post surgery he undergone 2 cycles of chemo and radiation.This process of treatment was over in feb,2013.Now again 3…
I am new to this, and we have been overwhelmed
My husband has stage II stomach cancer, they immediately took out 3/4 of his stomach, that had the tumor. The next biopsy showed they missed some, microscopic pieces running along the blood vessels on his colon. They wanted to start treatment right away but his feeding tube went bad and he had emergency surgery 2 days…
Stomach Cancer for my husband
Hi all,my husband(hyderabad,India) undergone total gastrectomy in oct,2012 after 4 cycles of chemo.Post surgery he went through 2 chemos and radiation.He lost half of his weight. It is very horrible for him to face such a life without stomach.he is unable to eat or drink.He is losing hopes.Please can anyone who has…
Stage T2N0 stomach cancer
My father is 56 years old. We recently found that he has been suffering with Stage 2 stomach cancer (T2N0). Initial endoscopy and biopsy was done in Apr 2013. After we have identfied stomach cancer in April, Doctor gave him 2 cycles of chemotheraphy in last two months. At today's complete body pet scan results came as…
Looking for advice on many levels
I have been envolved with a man for around 1 1/2 years that just got told he has PANCREATIC CANCER THAT HAS SPREAD TO MY LIVER AND STOMACH; STAGE 3 and next Friday will be to see his onocolgist to set a plan. My delema is how to support him. He has never told anyone (to my knowledge) that I even exist, so I can't be by his…
Stage IV stomach Cancer & Clinical trials
Hi, my husband was diagnosed with stage IV gastric cancer with mets on his liver March 2012. They have changed his chemo treatment 3 times and we are at the end of the rope. I was wondering if any had participated in a clinical trial and received benefits from it. I am hoping to find something in the SE region of US but if…
Hi, my fiance was diagnosed with Stage 1 metastatic stomach cancer and adenocarcinoma in the intestines. He had surgery on May 29th and the "bad" parts were taken out. Surgery had taken a toll on his health physically and now he is very weak. He started chemo and radiation a few days after. Just today I received a word…
Hello ~ My husband was just diagnosed with stomach cancer so I have been reading up on it, feeling overwhelmed by it all and what he has to go through. I knew it would be important to hear from others going through this and found this site. Thank you all for sharing your experiences, I look forward to being able to stay in…
Depression and anxiety after cancer
Hello everyone. This is my first time here. I'm really hoping to get to know other people that are going or have gone thru what I had. My name is Sherlymary, Sherly for short ;) I am 27yrs old and a mother to 3 beautiful boys. I am a stage 3 stomach cancer survivor. I went thru hell and back, as you guys all know how that…
Unclogging J feeding tube
Has anyone used anything besides warm water or Diet Coke to unclog a J tube? My husband's gets clogged every three or four days despite flushing every three to four hours around the clock. We are on the fifth tube in less than a month, and we are just worn out. The cancer is bad enough without the impossible tube…
any of this sound familiar?
Hi, I am new here. I am having terrible stomach trouble that none of my doctors seem to know what it is. I thought I would post here to see if my symptoms sound familar to anyone. I have had stomach trouble for 8 years, since my gallbladder was taken out. Over the past 2 years, it seems to have gotten worse, and over the…
I am new to this Network
I would like to meet cancer patients, who are going through the same situation that I am. Everyone needs support and friendship. Family can be there to listen and support you, but no one really knows what a cancer victim goes through.
Effectiveness of FOLFOX Regimen on Stage 4 CA with Mets
My wife, 56 y/o, was just diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach CA with some small degree of mets at this time. She just had 1st chemo treatment 2 wks ago with virtually no side effects. They tell me that Gastrectomy is not appropriate due to mets so I would be most appreciate hearing from someone who has been on the FOLFOX…
My Mother In Law was just today diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer.
On Monday April 25, 2013 my Mother In Law went to the ER for severe stomach pain. We found out Monday afternoon she probably had cancer, they found masses all over her abdomen during a scan. All over her liver, gall bladder, bladder and most of her lower intestines. Then they transported her to a different hospital. After…
Is this how it begins?
My dad passed away when I was 10. He never smoked, drank, or did drugs. Honestly, I've never met a person as kind as he was. ...he passed away when he was only 30. I'm 15 now, and I just began experiencing the "early" signs of this type of cancer. (My grandma told me my dad started with this) I have an appointment with a…
How can I help my dad?
My dad was diagnosed with cancer for the second time. Unlike the first time, when he got surgery and chemotherapy to remove thaw cancer and the tumor, he is refusing treatment. I have come to understand an accept his decision. Now I just want to make life easier for him just a little. I am underage so there is not much I…
how can i help my mom? she is dagnosed with adenorcinoma last april 21, 2013. she is 60 years old. we are confined at the hospital right now. she undwrwent by pass operation. that is the best way for now said the doctor. it is difficult to remove the tumor because of its location. the tumor lies the main root of the blood…
My Husband has his third chemo treatment this thursday 4th April 2013
In October last year he was 112 kgs. Today 3rd of April he is 59 Kgs. In december of 2012, The doctor did a stomach operation on him. Closed him up and told the family that they could not take the tumour out and they only were giving him 3 months to live. The actual surgeon came in and said Maybe 3 months to 2 years and…
Stage 4 Stomach Cancer Chemo and CEA Level
When my husband was diagnosed the cancer, his CEA was 54 in December 2012. After first chemo, CEA was 49. After second one, it dropped to 33. After 3rd chemo, right before his 4th Chemo last week, CEA was 13. My husband has been feeling very well. And he looks good and exercises 45 minutes per day. The evidence of…
Mom has stomach cancer
We found out the day before we buried my grandfather that my mother has stomach cancer. We are in the very early stages of all of this but my mother is comforted that "as far as they can tell" it is confined to the stomach and has not spread to other organs. Not sure what that means but this has been very difficult. My…
After chemo treatment
I have been cancer free for two years now. Although I am happy to be cancer free I have severe pain issues and other issues from chemo treatment. My boggle is it seems to me that my oncologist and primary care Doctor are trying to avoid this all together. Has any one experienced this kind of treatment.
How to gain weight during chemo
Hi, My husband was diagnosed November 2012 with stage 14 gastric cancer. The surgeon was able to remove 60% of his stomach and some of the small intestine. 98% of the cancer was removed leaving 2% to battle. He has been through three chemo treatments and has three more to go. Treatments have been very rough on him and he…
how do you deal with the news of a 6 month prognosis?
Hello, My dad was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach ca in Dec 2009. That in itself was a shocking time as he was asymptomatic the only thing was being breathless and tired from a really low Hb level and this is how all the investigations were started. At that time we were told, the consultant (gastroenterologist not a…
Hello my husband is stage 4
Hello everyone my husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer the day after Thanksgiving 2012. No symptoms but after vascular surgery plavix and asprin caused internal bleeding, red blood count was a 3 or 4. Test after test revealed it mets to his liver, so the game plan changed and right now surgery isnt an option. He goes…
Is herceptin being used in other than stage 4 stomach cancer? For those on Herceptin what have been your results. Thanks.
hi, I am newbie here .I read our cancer related information.my relative also suffered from this type of cancer.so paz tell me what are precautions taken in this case? I hope you people help me and I like to join you people . Thank you!