My 74 year old father was diagnosed with Stage 4 Cancer,
My 74 year old father was diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach Cancer on Easter 2016. He had been a very healthy man up to 2 months ago. Doctors performed a catscan and found fluid in his stomach and decided to test him further for Cancer and on Easter they confirmed. He was also diagnosed with Malignant Acites. His doctor wants…
Laparoscopic Surgery for Cancer of Cardia
My dad (76 years old) was recently diagnosed with cancer on Cardia (adenocarcinoma). The tumor is pretty big (4-5 cm) and invaded all layer of stomach, and is classified as T4N1Mx. My dad is currently under chemo to see if the tumor can be shrunk and see if surgery is possible. I am wondering if Laparoscopic Surgery is…
New Here - Stage 4/ Colonectomy
Hi, I am the significant other/ caregiver of someone with stage 4 gastric cancer. The cancer was discovered after an emergency surgery to a ruptured colon that was caused by two cancerous growths. My partner has had his entire large intestine removed and has finished his first chemo treatment. I am looking for helpful…
Hot Chemo treatment please help
First time I have heard of this.Just been diagnosed and this treatment has been mentioned.Any advice would be appriatted please.I am very scared.
high grade neuroendocrine carcinoma of the stomach
Feb 18, 2016 - 4:16 pm My 33 old husband has been diagnosed with NEC in stomach with mets to liver. As per the biopsy, ki67 index of stomach is less than 10% while the index for the liver is up to 40% (high grade). He cannot have a surgery because it's too invasive. The oncologist said its not curable and the goal of the…
Stomach Cancer survivors... I could use advice..
My brother is a stomach cancer survivor. I use the term "survivor"loosley because he is always feeling so sick and depressed I dont know how to help anymore. I would really like to find out hot I can help him move forward with his life. He got stage 4 stomach Cancer 8 hears ago. He got very sick very quickly, surgery,…
New to stomach cancer board but not new to breast Cancer boards.Please help
I have been told when they do surgery on my stomach to remove tumors .If they see Cancer they will put Chemo in my stomach right then.Has anyone had this before.And do you take Chemo afterwords.Do you lose your hair?I had Chemo when I had Breast Cancer.Thank you for any answers I get back.God bless.
Chemo in stomach
2016-02-05 I have been told I have tumors in my stomach.when they do surgery if it's cancer.they will put chemo inside of my stomach.Is anyone went through this.Does Chemo make you sick like other chemo.Do I take more chemo afterwords.And do you loss your hair?Thanks everyone.
Stomach Cancer
My Husband 46 was diganoised with stomach cancer 4 monthsa ago.We been married almost 19 years and have 2 teenagers.He Actually has Neuoendoctrine Tumors in his stomach thats cancer, and started out as 4 tumors,now months later over 10.It's a rare cancer and paticularly likes the stomach.He has atrophic Gastritis which…
New to Forum
Hello everyone, I'm , Donnie Wyatt, from Plant City, Fl. On April 1, 1977 i started a party that is still going. I dove into a lake and broke my neck rendering myslf a c5 quadriplegic now of 38 years. i was 19 yo at the time. That's 38 years of quadriplegia. About 32-33 of those years where great. About 5 years ago i…
Stomach Cancer Diagnosis Question
I had an endoscope 24 months ago and a high grade dysplasia polyp was found and removed. I researched high grade dysplasia on the net and found out it is the final step before getting gastric cancer. The average time for getting the disease from the time the dysplasia is found is 15 months. I just had my 2nd endoscope 3…
Large amount of phem coming up in throat
I need to know if anyone else that has had stomach removed after some chemo and experienced the cough that comes up and have to spit it out. All the time. It is clear but thick. I cant seem to eat more than 2 ozs ice cream or jello at one time and dont want that. maybe eat two times a day. Had surgery on Sept 17 2015 and…
stomach cancer recurrence
stomach cancer recurrence My mother is 50 years old. She has been diagnosed with stomach cancer last year April. Has been gone through with 6 chemo before surgery and got 4 chemo including 25 radiation after surgery.radiation done on January 15. now this months pet ct shows that her cancer has back again on same place with…
Planned Outage on 10/9
There will be a planned CSN outage on 10/9/15 from 5am-8am EST while the site undergoes some maintenance. We apologize for the inconvenience. Rowan CSN Support Team
Hi To All
My mil was just diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer yesterday they operated on her and got the tumor out but the doctor said there was alot of cancer and he couldnt get all of it...............She is meeting with the oncolgist today .............Any advice or info would be greatly appreciated thanks
stomach cancer post operative changes
My wife was healthy until a routine screening ulitmately found stage III gastric cancer had 2/3 pf her stomach removed and two inches of her esophogus for the first 3 weeks post op she was fine now she is experiencing nausea vomiting excessive saliva. Has anyone experienced this or anything similar
Stage 4 Stomach Cancer
Hi everybody, My name is Natasha, and my boyfriend's father just got digaosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. He is an extremely healthy man and very active. Just these past couple months, he started to slow down and began losing a lot of weight. He always had stomach problems with digestion and etc. but never went to get an…
Hi All, I was wondering - do any of you know if curcumin helps lower or prevent hair-loss due to chemotherapy? My brother-in-law is on chemo (cisplatin + vp16) and was practically going bald, and since he started taking curcumin capsules, it seems as if the hair loss has stopped. Has anyone else around here experienced…
Mom just recieved Cancer Dx -- HELP!
My mom, 58, got diagnosised with stomach cancer at the end of January of this year (2015). She has had multiply bouts with H. Pylori along with severe GERD until finally her primary MD sent her to a GI for testing. She got an upper and lower GI, which the GI MD stated that he found polyps on her colon (4), but felt…
Boyfriend has no compassion
After telling my boyfriend (Have to admit we were on the outs) about developing stomach cancer and needing surgery he had the nerve to tell me, "Wow, thats tough". Now I know there are people who have no moral compass or compassion and this has been very painful to me me. How can someone cope with people that we love who…
Stomach Cancer Treamtnet Process
Hi - My dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer last month. He went to the urgent care for kideny stones and found he had a mass in his stomach. It was determined to be cancerous. From what I have been told it is lymphoma and in the latter parts of stage 2. I am presuming due to the size of the mass in his stomach they can…
Diffuse Gastric Cancer
does anyone know of somebody that has Stage 4 Diffuse Stomach cancer? Everyone that I speak with has had either partial or total stomach removal. The doctors have decided that my stomach will not be removed because it has spread outside of the stomach. I'm am being given 1-5 years at best because there is no specifics area…
DHL Treatments
Hi all - My dad was diagnosed with Stomach Cancer back in March. At the end of March he received an R-CHOP treatment (when he was diagnosed only with Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma ). A few weeks after his original diagnosis we found that he has an added complication of a Double Hit. He was then treated with a 4 day regimen…
thickening of wall of stomach and inflamation does this mean cancer
5 yr survivor of gastric caner. did 6 treat. of chemo. 2 wks ago woke up with severe acid reflux, nausea, and diahrea. ended up in emergency room day before yesterday and they did ct with barium. said everything looked fine and showed nothing. yesterday family dr. tells me need scoe as ct showed some thickening of the…
Stomach Cancer Stage 4 - just starting treatment
Hello all, We were a happy, carefree family of three - me, my husband & our 15 yr old son. Then suddenly, on March 19 2015, my healthy 49 yr old husband was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer, which has turned our lives upside down. We are still in the 'shock' stage of the diagnosis. He has adenocarcinoma with mets to…
putting weight back on after partial gastrectomy & chemo - has anyone gotten back into sports, eg at
Hi all As you probably already know, my husband is recovering from a subtotal gastrectomy where most of his stomach was removed & also had 12 weeks of ECX chemo treatment that he finishes the final course of tablets on Oct 26th. He has been eating pretty well normal meals now since about 2 months post op, which was in mid…
please help me with your knowledge
Hi, this is my last resort because no doctors are taking me serious. Due to the fact that I "look like I'm in good health," and since my risk is so low, no doctors are looking further into my symptoms that have persisted for 4 months now. I would love the opinions of people who actually know what they are talking about…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today, and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this. If you received a message, please do not respond or…
Discussion Board and Chat Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to those who've alerted us to the spamming from earlier today and we sincerely apologize for the inconvenience. While we have security measures in place, we can't prevent all spam. We are currently working on measures to try and block this kind of discussion board and chat spamming. If you…
Mexican citizen needs advice.
Good morning friends. I am mexican citizen. Stomach cancer patient since last february. I have haven 8 sessions of chemeotheraphy. The last PET/CT indicates that cancer grew in the last three months. My doctor says could be fine to change the medicine. He thinks CYRAMZA would be good to me; but that medicine is not yet…