linitis plastica
Strong friends.......husband was diagnosed June 2011. been on chemo ever since. Every 2 weeks, herceptine and 5fu. Tried to remove his stomach Sept 2011 and closed him back up, cancer had spread. He has been back on chemo ever since. Now oncologist wants to again try to have total gastrectomy. His platelets and wbc are…
Anyone in their 20s/30s currently undergoing treatment?
Hi there, I'm 29 years old and was diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer almost one year ago. Surgery was not an option at the time of diagnosis (and still is not) so I've been undergoing chemo since December 2008. At this point, I've already surpassed my initial prognosis of 8-10 months and am wondering what comes next.…
Anyone in their 30's with this cancer
My husband is really struggling right now. His weight keeps declining. I know it mostly has to do with his depression. I am trying to find some people who are our age (34-38) going through this same deadly disease. I am hoping maybe if he can talk to someone his age experiencing his problems it might help. We live near…
Surgery after Chemo
My mother was diagnosed with advanced stomach cancer in August 2012. A PET/CT showed abnormally increased metabolic activity on gastric wall thickened in a diffuse manner in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen and in the multiple lymph nodes in the perigastric area and upper abdomen, in the multiple intraperitoneal mass…
Just diagnosed with Stage 3 Stomach/Esophagus adenocarcinoma
My boryfrieds 71 yo Dad was just diagnosed with Stage 3 Stomach & esophagus cancer. It was also in the lymph nodes around the mass in his stomach. He has several other medical problems so i'm worried that these will significantly affect his recovery. He has Type 2 diabetes, has only 2 functioning valves in his heart. In…
Pleading for advice/help
Hello. Hopefully you read this through before you dismiss me. I have been struggling with stomach issues since October. Had a barrium swallow in October Endoscope in November and just had a Colonoscopy. The only finding was tiny hiatal hernia and some acid reflux. The last part of my esaphagus was pretty beat up though?…
Help about teenager stomach cancer
Greetings !! 2 weeks ago my girlfriend diagnosed stomach cancer stage IIB , yesterdasaid trots said the cancer is stage 3. She is frI'm Europe and today she is traveling to New so she can have surgery in Tuesday .. She is only 17 years old , is she possible for her to live a long life ? The only thing that gives me courage…
Treatment and side effect of ca stomach
My sister is having ca stomach at stage 4 and it spread to pancreas, liver and ovary and she already took 3 dose of chemotherapy since 3 month and she is recovering well so far. Chemotherapy is getting very hard on her and taking all her energy out and she is having so much vomiting and diarrhea after chemotherapy dose.…
Gastriac Cancer - Stage 4 spread to lymph nodes and bone
Hello everyone, I hope you are doing well. My father was diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer on October 29, 2012. He saw a doctor in August 2012 but he was told he had a bacteria and was sent home with that. When he lost 50 lbs in 2 months I knew he had cancer. Initial symptoms: he was feeling full, had like ulcer…
Please Watch: Stress, Portrait of a Killer - Full Documentary (2008)
Hi all -- I come from the breast cancer forum and wanted to share this documentary with all of you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYG0ZuTv5rs
Stomach Cancer Stage 4 Survivors
Hi everyone, My mom has been diagnosed with Stage 4 Stomach Cancer, she's going through chemotherapy, but her dry cough just doesn't stop. Its quite scary doctors say there are chances the stomach cancer has now spread to the lungs,....please help if anyone is or aware of in a similar situation,....we are quite desperate…
14 year total stomach removal survivor
my wife is 14 plus years and still going. The main thing everyone needs to stay atop of is vitamin D. Her bone density is -30 and they are going to try forteo which has excellent results in the elderly. My wife is 55 and maintains about 110 pounds. I am trying to get her more involved in this with hopes she might help…
Colon caner
I have diverticulitis and colitis. My colon ruptured five years ago and I had a colon resection done then. I had a flare up last week and spent four days in the hospital on antibiotic IV's. While at the hospital the Cat Scan showed that I have a large mass on my colon and my doctor said it was too dangerous to do the…
Stage 4 stomach cancer treatment stopped
Hi. In Feb. 2012 my father(72 years old but very healthy) was diagnosed with Stage 4 stomach cancer that had spread to his gall bladder and appendix. Well through surgery they were removed and chemo began about three months later. First treatment was in May. Went great. He was a bit tired and nauseous but aside from that…
New Here..
Hello. I am new here trying to learn more about this cancer or ways that i can support my mother who was diagnosed today with stage four linitus plasticas cancer. I care for her very much as i am her oldest son and have a big family who cares for her very much as well also. She has just finished her first surgery couple…
Mistletoe therapy for stomach cancer?
Hi, My husband (aged 34) was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcenoma of the stomach in May. He is currently in the middle of round 5 of 6 chemo cycles. When the chemo comes to a close we are going to try and boost his immune system by all means possible and look to other less toxic therapies (less toxic than chemo). I have…
Need help with food and nutrition after surgery.
Good Morning to all! After my remission, my mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer. She had a surgery on Feb 26th, 2012 with 95% removal of the stomach. Her recovery was slow but successful. She had to do chemo with pills and radiation for 1 month. Her diet has changed a lot and she has lost more than 40 pounds. My major…
Stomach cancer can be cured with possibilities?
I've heard stomach cancer can be cured, which bring me lots of joy besides so much tears. I hope that it's something small so that surgery will do everything. - lower abdominal pain I'm scared... very scared...But except scared, I should never give up. Hope everyone will have a happy ending. - pain in right side
Chemo portable pump
I am about to start chemo treatment and I have read about a portable chemo pump that administers chemo over a few days . My doctor says it is available and it tends to minimize adverse side effects. Has anyone used this device and do you recommend it.
pancreatic cancer
I have just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. It was caught fairly early when I had a ct scan to find a kindney stone. That led to an mri which found a cyst on my pancreas which the radiologist said was not cancer and to wait 4 months and have another mri. I asked for a second opinion and had the scope done. It was…
stage 4 stomach cancer
Hi, My dad is 53 and has just been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer he also has cancer and it has spread to his liver and the soft bone of his hip. currently he is too weak to be able to withstand the chemo as the tumor is partially blocking his esophogus so he hasnt been able to eat. The Dr. said that they would hit…
Stomach Cancer Sharing and Caring Group on Facebook
As many of you know by now, stomach cancer is not a common disease in the US so it definitely helps to know others going through the same situation. That's why a support group for stomach cancer warriors, their caregivers and supporters was created. Since facebook is a popular way to connect with others, it's convenient to…
Can't Stomach Cancer organization
I found a wonderful organization called Can't Stomach Cancer, which is a great resource for stomach cancer patients and their families. You will also be inspired with the organization's founder and her stage 4 cancer story. Their web site is cantstomachcancer.org. I hope you find this a valued resource.
Pain in Lower Left Abdomen
Q: What would cause pain in lower right side of abdomen? A: Well are you talking about if you are running,working out, or walking for long distances at a time? If you are then you are probably getting air bubbles stuck below your ribs. Its know big deal. Some reference: Pain in left side Pain in Lower Right Abdomen Pain in…
Stage IV cancer. Unknown primary (possibly gastric) with extensive peritoneal implanting. Should we
Hi everyone. I'm new to this forum. My friend was diagnosed with stage 4 gastric cancer in July. They think (but they're not sure)the primary may be gastric according the the cell block they got from taking cells from her ascites fluid. Her ascites subsided, but she now has a very palpable stomach mass and a malignant…
new short film on cancer - looking for stories for next film
I am from the colon cancer group but want to post this : PSA on Early Detection for colon cancer ... http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86jEIEBLPNM&feature=player_embedded the next one will be on diet & alternative therapy during remission. If anyone has a story to share, please message me. I want to keep making these videos…
small bowel cancer
male 69 yrs old had small bowel cancer in 2011. had six months of chemo and 26 treatments of radiation, chemo ended last sept 2011. starting this april 2012 started feeling hot all the time and sweat least thing i do.also seems like after i eat i get really hot at times. has anyone else had this problem
stromal tumor removal
When my tumor was removed, I lost 90% of my stomach. My weight has gone down to 100 from 175 lbs. I have been told to eat small meals 6 to 7 times a day. I am unable to do this as I get full fast and nasueated and sometimes throw up. I feel full for hours so I can't eat several meals during the day. I am still losing about…
My Mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer march 2012
I am in tremous pain and dis belief my Mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer two months ago and she is losing her battle so fast she opt not to do chemo due to her weight loss and how weak she was from the begining why was it not detected sooner she was diagnosed with stage 4 the only health problem my mom suffered was…
Bile and blood
My father was admitted to the hospital three weeks ago with vomiting bile. Since then, blood has been present about once a day. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer in May of 2011 and has gone through chemotherapy. He started his latest round right before he was admitted. My question is what others have done to control the…