Signet Ring Feature Stomach Carcinoma
Please/Please help! My 73 yr old sister that is in perfect physical condition and great health has just been diagnosed with Stage IV Signet Rell Feature Adenocarcinoma of the stomach. We are hoping to start her chemo and radiation in the next couple of days and we need help finding a hospital, clinic, or doctor that may…
85 Y/O Male suffering from 4th Stage Stomach Cancer
Dear All, It was revealed to me 3 days ago that my grandfather has a 4th stage stomach cancer and 50% of the inner lining of the stomach is covered in cancerous cells. Upon getting futher tests it was revealed that the cancer has spread to some areas of kidney and was touching pancreas. The docs told us that he has a max…
GcMAF and Lagalase Tests in Australia?
New to this forum. I have a question for those in the know. Where can i get GcMAF and where in Australia can the nagalase blood tests be done? Thanks in advance!
Stomach Cancer - will he be able to survive this?
Hi Everyone Very new to this! After 6 months of struggling, 2 weeks ago, they diagnosed my dad with stomach cancer of 5cm long and 4 spots on his liver? Do not know what stage it is. Doctors still need to find out what tipe it is? Dont know what to expect? Sometimes i just want to shake the doctors to speak to me cause…
Diagnose problem
Hi everyone I wish all you and your loved ones luck with your treatments. My father had stomach and digestive problems including pain. Until that he had been suffering with gastric ulser and etc. He used some common medicines. When he suffered pain and weight lose his doctor made an endoscopy arrangement so everybody was…
any other stage 4 stomach cancer people out there doing ok?
My mom was diagnosed w/ stage 4 stomach cancer and she has been doing well. She actually does not have any debilitating pain and knock on wood, no major symptoms, aside from when she's on chemo. Anyone else out there?
Stage 4 stomach cancer
Hello, i have been diagnosed with stage 4 stomach cancer. I will begin Chemo next week. I hope to hear positive feedback from those that have beat the odds. Thanks Lee
Anyone familiar with BIRM?
My mother was recently diagnosed with early stage stomach cancer. The recommended treatment is surgery, but that option is proving difficult because my mother has other health problems that make surgery rather risky. My brother has learned of an herbal concoction called BIRM developed by a doctor in Ecuador that is…
Heard of critical patient getting better and then die?
A little hope, so needed with this diagnose!
I wanted to post this because I know how much we need to find some hope when we hear the diagnose of stage IV stomach cancer. It's so hard to see the numbers. We just went to my husbands oncologist today, finally his CEA is in normal range. He just has a laparoscopy with peritoneal wash: no malignant cells founded.…
Stomach Cancer at 59, doctors giving up hope, please advise.
Hello Everyone, My uncle, 59 years old has Adenocarcinoma (Stomach Cancer, T4aN3bMx) at STAGE 4 and the cancer has spread around the stomach but has not affected any other organs, except few deposits have been found at lungs. Some Acitis Fluid appears to have spread around the stomach, and doctors are struggling to find…
From a daughter of a Stomach Cancer's patient in stage IIIB(T3N2Mo)
Dear all, If you are survivors and now cancer free, congrats! I really admire your experience. If you or your loved ones are living w cancer, I wish u all the best! My mom was diagnosed w stomach cancer a month ago. 2 weeks ago, the doctor was able to operate a subtotal removal of her stomach, spleen, and 16 lymph nodes.…
Story of HOPE for Esophageal and Stomach junction cancer
I wanted to write a story of Hope, courage and fight. On January of 2010, our world was shattered when we learned that my dad of 58 year old was diagnosed with Gastric Esophageal junction Stage III cancer. First few days were that of helplessness, anguish, anger, sadness, and anxiety. It came from nowhere, but looking…
Private Message Spam
Hello everyone, Thank you to all of you who have alerted us to the PM spamming from earlier today. I apologize for the inconvenience. While we do have securities in place, we are not always able to catch all spam, and we are trying to figure out how this one got around our system. If you received a message from jegac1…
Need any referrals to oncologists for Kaiser
Hi ... i'm new to the board and happy I've found it. My dad was just diagnosed with stomach cancer. He has Kaiser and as many of you know, Kaiser does not allow you to go anywhere outside of their network, well you can but they won't give you a referral nor will they pay. So I'm trying to figure out another oncologist with…
Lost and confused
I just had a total gastrectomy about a month ago. I was discharged without much follow up at all, other than the appointment to remove my staples. I haven't met with a dietician or a nutritionist and I have no idea what I'm supposed to be doing. The doc did say to eat 6 to 8 small meals a day. A nutritionist in the…
Need some help and information
Hello friends, My father is 73 years old and according to his tests, unfortunately he has got stomach cancer, I wanted to share the results with you and use your experiences. First of all dr took an endoscopy and the result was: suspicious malignant tumor, then he sent the specimen to laboratory, the result was C 16/3 M=…
20 year old girl with stage IV stomach cancer
my 20 year old sister got diagnosed with stomach cancer after several months of complaining from stomach pains, nausea and heartburn and getting full too quickly. she got very bad stomach pain which led to her getting hospitalised after weeks of her not being able to eat and doctors testing when she eventually got…
Tumor between the bile duct and pancreas
I found out today that my dad's tumor (Cancer) has spread into his pancreas and that they can not do surgery. It's position is between the pancreas and his bile duct and therefore there is nothing they can do. Dr said they will use palliative measures to keep him comfortable. How am I supposed to tell my dad this? He is…
Stomach cancer . Looking for Doctor
I am looking for help finding a good doctor in Cabo San Lucus. I have a home to stay at in Todos Santos as long as needed to handle my treatment. Can anyone help ? I am 58 live near Tahoe Area and not having any luck hear.
Cancer at the age of 13 for my sister
Hello All, My sister was affected cancer at the age of 13, she is undergoing treatment. They told 4 times we need to admit in the hospital they will inject with medicines for 5 days completely, after 4 times of this they will check again the level, then they will send her back to hom, and they mentioned whenever we need to…
Any one 80 or older that has had total removal of stomach due to cancer
Any one 80 or older that has had total removal of stomach due to cancer? My Mom is 86 with diffused stomach cancer, she has had 3 months chemo, trying to decide if she should have surgery. We would like to know how patients her age have handled surgery.
Dumping Syndrome
65 days Post op I've lost 41 lbs. still struggling with Dumping. Seems like all foods cause dumping to some degree, mild to really bad. I've discovered that if I lay down immediately after eating that pretty much solves the problem. But to get my necessary protein and calories it's tough. Stop drinking 30 minutes before…
Does Chinese medicine interfere with chemotherapy?
Hello, My mom has stomach cancer and she is doing chemo every 2 weeks. I bought her some products from a Chinese store to help her with the side effects. There are supposed to be natural. Does anyone know if they could interfere with chemo? One is called Naturin2 and is supposed to rejuvenate after chemo. There are some…
just found out i have stomach cancer
I edited this never had a response and after thinking about it didnt need a response lol
Pepsi consumption cause of cancer??
Does anyone know if excessive amounts of Pepsi consumed could cause stomach cancer?? My husband of 18 years was diagnosed with cancer Feb 04 and passed away Feb. 23, 05. Since then I am consumed with how this could have happened or what we could have done differently to save him. Sometimes specialists don't have all the…
Bringing mom home
Hi All, My mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer in March and is not given the option for stomach removal or chemo. They gave her a J tube, and when they did, they said that it looked like the insides of her abdomen were covered in sand. After being stabilized from her J tube surgery, they highly recommended that she…
terminal stage 4 stomach cancer masectisized to liver
hi my name is Jennifer, my mom was diagnosed in may with stage 4 stomach cancer that has masectisized to her liver, they say it is terminal and chemo is not an option for her, so she is receiving palliative care with hospice, things are progressing and her days are limited
Need Information, please
I just found out a nephew has stomach cancer, he's had it for a year and told no one! He was extremely healthy before the cancer, but I cannot tell which stage he would be and he would not say himself. I am not going to push anyone, I respect him, but he is young, only 29 and I want to be as supportive as possible. What I…
HELP - Continuous nausea/vomiting after Ivor Lewis method esophagogastrectomy
My father had an esophagogastrectomy 7 weeks ago and has suffered with 24/7 nausea and daily vomiting. We have tried many different medications, peppermint oil, reflexology and have an appointment for accupuncture this week. Has anyone else suffered the same outcome and if so, how have you coped?