Unique Case
Hello, My father was diagnosed with Poorly differentiated neuroendocrine carcinoma, small cell carcinoma. He underwent a surgery and the tumour was completely excised. Doctors were also certain that cancer has been removed. Biopsy was conducted on the removed tumour and lympnodes. Below is the exact statement of the result…
Mom diagnosed with Adenocarcinoma: Please help with your advise to get right treatment
Hello All, Hope you all doign great. BUt really need all your advise and share your experiences. Last few days and weeks are being so terrible and shattering to know about her health reports back in India. she has been having sever stomach pain & recetly diagnosed with Moderately differentiated adenocarcinoma putting all…
Elevated CA72-4 level for Post Surgery Gastric Cancer Patient.
66 years old male underwent surgery to remove 2/3 of stomach due to antral ulcer in 2002. Pathological report revealed "Gastric glands has severe atypical dysplasia. Mitotic activity is obvious." Patient then underwent 6 chemo treatments with 5FU and Mitomycin in 2002. Recovery seemed good with normal food intake and…
Husband Recently Diagnosed w/ Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma Stage 4
My husband recently had to have emergency surgery 12 days ago because his colon ruptured and has since then been diagnosed w/ Signet Ring Cell Adenocarcinoma Stage 4 four days ago based on pathology results from the part of the colon that had to be removed. The oncologist said she thinks his cancer originated in his…
Hope you are all well. Thank you so much for starting this page. I am learning a lot. Any further advice would be appreciated. My mother started losing weight last year, always complained of stomach pain, We all assumed they were just ulcers, little did we know, some tumor was growing inside her. Fast forward to month end…
signet ring cell carcinoma stomach stage 3 prognosis
my dad is diagnosed with poorly differentiated adenocarcinoma(signet ring cell) and underwent total gastrectomy with d2 lymph nodal resection...dont know the staging yet..and we were told that he needs chemo plus radiation...is anyone out there with the same condition and survived through chemo and radiation and is cancer…
Signet ring cell carcinoma in stomach and abdomen wall
Are there any success stories with regard to this type of cancer ??? My father is 66 and has been told they will try FOLFOX but not holding out much hope. If anyone has any suggestions please I would greatly appreciate it. Thanks ....
Wondered if anyone is taking curcumin? If so, what is the best brand for stomach cancer? There is a lot of talk about bioavailability and the ability to get into the bloodstream. But I wonder whether that matters for stomacher cancer? thanks Andrew
Relative did 6 months of chemo but not in remission
She hasn’t been in touch with anyone for months so I as well as everyone else I found out on FB that she had just finished 6 months of chemo. But she is not in remission. They are running tests to find out what’s next. What I was told is she had a rare and aggressive form of stomach cancer that spread to her abdomen (isn’t…
linitis plastica
I have avery close friend who has recently been diagnosed with linitis plastica. It is inoperable and stage four. He is very ill and only 36 years old. The cancer has spred through his abdomen wall and appears to be spreading through his body. He is waiting to start chemo once he heals from an operation during which they…
Poorly differeniate diffuse signet ring cells
In the world of stomach cancer how aggressive is this type of cancer cell. We were asked to be tested (whole family) for the CDH1. Is this cancer type linked to the genetic carrying cancer? Thanks Ellen
Stage 4 stomach cancer with mets to ovaries not under treatment any more
Hi I am 28yr female.i had right ovarian mass which was removed on july 2016,it showed signet ring cells so endoscopy and colonoscopy was done to find the primary lesion.it was found i had stomach cancer poorly differenciated adenocarcinoma with mets to rt ovary which was already removed.so i was advised chemo DCF…
Oral chemo
My doctor is considering changing my meds to oral chemo to treat stomach cancer. Anyone with experience of oral chrmo? Positive or negative
Carcinoid Tumor
Two days ago the doctor told me I have a carcinoid tumor. It's located in the lining of my stomach. After a CAT scan, I am going to have surgery. This is all new to me. From what I've read, I'm not overly concerned, but I'm also pretty optimistic by nature and have a strong Christian faith. I understand that carcinoid…
MY MOTHER CAN´T EAT. Please if you have so info that can help.
Hello, my mother has gastric cancer, metastasis and in the NY Hospital, they told us yesterday that there is nothing else to do for her. No more treatment. She´s only 48. The thing is that she has EXCESS OF SALIVATION that doesn't allow her to eat or even sleep because she needs to spit very often. Can you help me with any…
Lost wife
my 36 year old husband has Stage 4 esophageal/gastric cancer. He has been estimated to live about a year, based on 3 oncology opinions. I feel like I'm dying with him. I am severely depressed. I am able to manage the basis of taking care of him, but I am so sad that I can't do much else. Leaning on others is not helping…
Bone metastasis help
My mother got diagnosed with somatch cancer with bone metastisis about a year ago, and has gotten worse and worse. She is on her last chemo round now, and the oncologist says we are out of options at that point. Do you know of how I can approach researching new or experimental treatments available internationally?
stage 4 stomach cancer with mets to ovaries
In April of 2009 my OBGYN found a mass on my on my right ovary. He performed a CA125 cancer marker test that came out negative for cancer. On May 15 2009 I had the right ovary removed, and the mass was cancer. The doctors say the mass was a secondary tumor from a primary tumor of the stomache and is called a "krukenburg…
Exterior cancer
My 75 yo father has an unknown primary cancer diagnosis. Doctors are under the impression that it is stomach cancer and it is on the exterior portion of the stomach. His endo biopsy did not pick any thing up. He has bone mets. Nothing on scans for stomach cancer. I would like to know is there any other way to…
stage 4 stomach, liver, pancreas cancer.. stage 2 kidney also heart attack
This last week my husband was given 4 to 6 months left to live. he was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma also cancer of the duodenium, which has spread to his pancreas, and liver , he also has ischemic heart diseae , alzheimers. He lost a kidney 4 years ago from cancer, now the only one he has left is in stage 2 with a…
Fiancé recently diagnosed Stage IV stomach cancer
My fiancé is a 33 year old male with no underlying health issues. Last month he was admitted to the hospital after complaining of abdominal pain and bloating. Scope indicated 2 tumors and 1 in the process of forming. The big one is located in the lower part of his stomach and the other is a rectal mass in the distal colon.…
Appendiceal cancer, limited ability to eat/drink. Compressing supplements.
Hi, My first time posting. I'm not sure exactly where my post should go. I have appendiceal cancer. (Endoscopy and colonoscopy tend to show cancer is involved in both areas of my abdominal areas). For almost a year my specific medical issue could not be determined. I was told, based on blood work, anemia and SED test…
Secretive Family Member
I am reaching out for help and support. I don't know where else to go. In April, my husband received a call that my brother-in-law has stage 4 stomach cancer. He was in the hospital and had half his stomach removed. I later found out that while in the hospital my brother-in-law called his ex-girlfriend and she informed the…
stomach cancer- my mother
My mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer about 5 weeks ago. She had surgery and they removed 2/3 of her stomach. They found the cancer in 34 out of 34 lymph nodes that were removed. Now she is gearing up for chemo and radiation therapy to begin in 2 weeks. She is really having trouble eating. She gets pain and feels…
Adenocarcinoma of duodenum
Have back pain and stomach pain. on going chemo treatment.
Pancreatic Cancer stage 2- my mom
Hi all, My mom was rec diagnosed with PC stage 2. They got all the bad out exc will need to do chemo on one lymph note. 1/22 ain't bad- right? I am worried for her.
Wife Diagnosed with Stomach Cancer
My wife has stage 4 stomach cancer in April 2015 and has had 4 rounds of EOX, but the Epirubicin was ceased after 1 round as she could not handle it, our oncologist has always maintained that there is no option for surgury, the cancer has spread to the peritoneum, She had a CT scan last week and the tumour has not grown or…
Phase 3 Clinical Trial For Stomach Cancer | Search Tool For More Trials | FindMeCure
Hello, all. I am new here, but I hope I have some useful information to share with you. I bit of pre-story about me: I lost my cousin two years ago due to pancreatic cancer that pervaded into his stomach. I wish I knew more about clinical trials back then and the possible treatment alternatives, but I was simply paralyzed…
Non resectable stage 4 survivors
Hi, is there anyone out there who's stage 4 Stomach cancer was unable to be surgically removed yet still survived?Anyone with any info or advice on this matter would be greatly appreciate. My little brother has adenocarcinoma of the gastric cardia. Doctors have refused surgery twice due to it being near the Renal artery.…
Signet ring cell stomach cancer...please help
My father was diagnosed with signet ring cell cancer stage 4 in March and it has spread to the abdominal walls. They said surgery is not possible. Started chemo with Oxciliplatin (is supposed to be the strongest) in March. Had the 5th cycle on Wednesday and a check up soon. He is in his late 60s. His state of mind is very…