information and advice
My mom was recently diagnosed with adenocarcinoma of the stomach. CT scan and x rays were negative. She had a scope and they found an ulcer, which came back malignant. She is 55 years old. Everything is extremely overwhelming and scary. She is having surgery Wednesday, and I guess we will have a better idea what to expect.…
Different Treatment
Has anybody heard about a treatment where the gastric cancer has spread from the stomach to the peritoneum. The one I am wondering about is where they do the surgery remove the tumor and and tumors they can outside the stomach and then perform what they call Hyperthermic intraoperative intraperitoneal chemotherapy. This is…
Please help
As I wrote before my husband has had nausea, vomiting and constipation since finishing chemo. A recent CT showed free fluid in his abdomen.One cause could be from lack of peristalisis. Which would give him all the problems he is having. Has anyone had this trouble and will probiotics help. How long to get your self back in…
Problems after chemo
As you know from my previous post my husband had a clear PET scan the beginning of December. His Chemo finished the 7th of November. What I am wondering is has anyone here that is past chemo and in remission had any trouble with nausea and vomiting for a period of time post treatment? He is a month and a half past his last…
6 months cancer free
Just reached 6 months from end of treatment for stomach cancer. Cat scan is clear!! Only problem is that my liver function numbers (especially alkaline phosphatase) are too high. Doctor is not too concerned but will continue to monitor it. Has anyone else had elevated numbers after treatment? It's been a full year since I…
In Remission
Dear All, Just a note about my husband ****. We got the results of his PET scan this afternoon and there is no evidence of any metastatic cancer. It appears he is in full remission. Our prayers have been answered. Pat
End of Chemo
Well my husband has just completed number 6 of his chemo treatments. They were hoping to get it into remission with the chemo and my husband is feeling good about that. He has developed and appetite since all this began,between the 5th and 6th treatments, and gained over 15 pounds and most of the gas he has had problems…
my mother has stomach cancer
hi all my mother has been diagnosed with stomach cancer. she is 56 and in relatively good health. the cancer has spread to her liver which makes me assume that it is in stage III or IV? we are seeing an oncologist on friday and i am scared. so very scared. i have read about a million articles on gastric cancer and it seems…
has anyone developed a high sugar count as a result of receiving chemo....
appetite and fatigue
My husband was recently diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcenoma of the stomach. He has a tumor that came through the lining to the outside and a few spots were found on the peritoneium. So far no other involvement. He just started chemo last week and did fairly well. Two things are his main problem. He gets very tired and…
Shocking News! Encouragement?
My Dad was just diagnosed with stomach cancer. He is 57, healthy,(even though he has had many health problems in the last year: knee replacement,blood clot in lung, vit B-12 deficiency, numbness in hands, feet. He's right hand now shakes making it hard for him to sign his name. NOW stomach cancer. He had a scope down the…
Need help
I have stomach cancer. I had a surgery in late June to remove part of my stomach and was confirmed to be in stage 3 (T3N2M0). My next step is chemo and radiation. I have great concerns about where I should go for the treatments and what doctor to choose. I live in Dallas, Texas. I have talked with a oncology doctor at a…
Painful to eat, No Stomach
My wife had her stomach removed. She know has her esophagus connected to her Intestine (Jejunum) She was on tpn in her artery for 6 months and could still not eat. She was not getting the proper nutrition from just the tpn. She could not eat anything without being extremely ill. Her original surgeon insisted that all was…
**this is a duplicate post to a reply that I left for you on an old message... I wasn't sure if you would get that one!** Dear Maria, I'm so sorry that I didn't reply earlier. I didn't know that your message was here! It has now been almost a year since my husband had his surgery and he is just now starting to get some…
Newly diagnosed 33yr old
Hello, My husband was diagnosed with andenocarcinoma stomach cancer the day before his 33rd birthday. The doctor that performed his endoscopic ultrasound thinks that it is a stage 2 and doesn't see any spread. We have an appointment at M.D. Anderson in Houston next week and are curious if anyone has gone there and what…
story of unlucky brother
My brother, Kevin, is only 23 years old, the oldest child in my family. Recently he was diagnosed with stomach cancer. It started out with stomach pains and as days gone by, it got worse. He was rushed to the ER. Fluid containing protein and malignant cells were drained from his abdominal area, which was causing the pain.…
After Removal of Stomach
Looking for some help regarding support of loved one after removal of stomach, loss of over 100 lbs, chemo & radiation therapy. My brother is 50 diagnosed in May and just completed his regiment. However, his spirits are low as he can not eat or drink at all. Doctors can not give answer as to why this is. He could eat &…
total stomach removal
has anyone had this done
need help- post gastrectomy
My dad had his whole stomach and part of his colon out in March '04. He recovered from the chemo and radiation and was eating pretty well and playing golf until a month ago. Now he throws up all the time, can't keep anything down, is back on the TPN and is having severe abdominable pains. They have done EVERY test in the…
My dad has cancer!! Help
I have been searching for sites that would be of some support or to inspire me about stomach cancer and there is not much out there.... My father was just diagnosed with stomach cancer and had his whole stomach removed on August 4th, 2005.... He has had all the symptoms and was tested positive with the H. Pylori bacteria…
After a little cajolling, I have convinced the CSN that there is a need for a discussion for military cancer survivors. The purpose of this discussion is to give military folks a safe place to go and ask questions about treatment, administrative issues, performance evaluations, etc. that are unique to military cancer…
Very Confused, Need Help
My boyfriend recently went to the emergency room because he could no longer take the pain which he thought was acid reflux...they set him up for an endoscopy....he had the endoscopy done and then they called him 2 days later and told him to immediatly pick up the prescription they called in for him to treat hplorie…
Please help my mom!
My mom was diagnosed with stomach cancer in May, 2005. Two thirds of her stomach has been removed after the surgery. Now she is on chemotherapy. It went well at beginning, but recently she got a fever in the process of the chemotherapy. Her temperature has been around 38.5 to 39 degree centigrade (101.3F to 102.2F) every…
cannot eat
My husband was diagnosed with stomach cancer in Feb, 2005. He'd been having trouble eating (food got stuck) and now he does not eat at all. He went from 157 pounds to 112. Now he is on TPN (fed by tube through his port for 12 hours each night) and has gained weight...120. Still cannot eat. Has anyone else had this problem…
what good advice can i give my uncle whom has cancers
my uncle has stomach and throat for sure, others unknown. he turned down chemo, which is okay. but he's not taking anything to keep his immune system up. the doctor do not want to tell him any alternative option because they wan't him to take the chemo. i'm scared that i'm losing him. what can i do to help. i belive he is…
I am taking Ultrase18 enyzymes for digestion...I am not able to gain weight past a certain number.Has anyone who has had a portion of their stomsch remonved had any success with enzymes that has helped them gain weight. I am told what I am experiencing is "malabsorbtion"...My email is ccassar@parkell.com
Teenager diagnosed with stomach cancer
My teenage son was diagnosed with stage 3A stomach cancer and had 2/3 of his stomach and 1 foot of his colon removed. He had his first cycle of chemo and will begin what they call a chemo/radiation/chemo sandwich the end of February. He did pretty well with the first three days of chemo, but the last two lost his appetite.…
CyberKnife. New Hope.
If you have been told that you have an inoperable tumor(s), please look into CyberKnife, This new treatment is painless, non-invasive, no side-effects, no frame required radiation surgery that is allowing previously inoperable tumors to be treated. For more info, go to www.cksociety.org. I do not work for CyberKnife or any…
Linitus plastica
my sister, 33, was just now diagnosed with stomach cancer as it was discovered during surgery to remove part of her colon because there was cancer there. They were going to put a bag and did but they also discovered that the cancer had came from the stomach. She has gone one round of chemo and is starting to lose her hair.…