Stomach canccr eating after surgery
I have had surgery for stomach cancer and had 2/3rd of my stomach removed, luckily they got it all and I do not need radiation or chemo but will have another Ct scan in 6 months. My problem is there is not much information out there on how to eat, what to eat or how to cook for this. If anyone has any suggestions or advice…
Stomach Cancer
Hi there, hope this finds you all well. I am posting this because I have a good friend who also has Stage 4 Stomach Cancer, and she also has a husband and 3 small children. Upon learning her diagnosis, she turned for answers, finding there weren't many. She has since started a foundation, and we are working very hard to…
Women who, 13 months after terminal PC diagnosis, is in remission
Seriously! Read her story here: http://ourcancercenter.uwhealth.org/stories/entry/alyssa-brewer/ What she did? She used complementary methods, meaning not just chemo and radiation but active, aggressive diet changes. Her husband talks about them more here: http://www.nbc15.com/blogs/carleenwild/35161414.html There is yet…
Will the prescription pills I take every 4-6 hours be affected if I have a case of diarrhea immediately after taking some? In essence, will the pills be flushed out in any way?
Has anyone been treated at MD Anderson?
My mother was just diagnosed with stomach cancer. I was told that MD Anderson was the best and I was wondering if anyone had gone there or if anyone could recommend a place for treatment? My mother was not comfortable with our local oncology surgeon that was recommended and he was supposedly the best according to many of…
Mom with Stage III Pancreatic Cancer giving up on life
my mother was diagnosed w/ Stage III Pancreatic Cancer last christmas. Although she has lost a lot of weight, she is still fully-functional. But she does not want to get up off the couch. I can barely get her to eat. I know pain has something to do with it, but I asked her this morning, if she was giving up on life on me,…
pancreatic cancer
My dad has stomach cancer
Second time lucky.....New at this :( My dad was diagnosed with stomach cancer last December. Early this year he had his first round of chemo and was due to have his stomach removed a couple of months ago but unfortunately this did not go ahead as the doctors had found out that the cancer had spread to his bowels and not…
ASKING FOR OPINIONS PLZ--stomach cancer treatment insurance woes? anyone having them? appeals? de
care to share your story with insurance company interactions with stomach and peritoneum cancer treatment? we're in a big appeal for insurance and benefits coverage for both in network (dr) and out of network (facility) care but the insurance company is saying the expert surgical oncologist recommended treatment is…
Pancreatic Mass-Location Head
I am about to undergo the whipple procedure at Johns Hopkins Hospital, Balitmore, MD Aug. 10th to remove a 3.6cm mass in the head of the pancreas. I had a biopsy done and it come back benign-in my home town--the surgeon at JH does not believe the results. He believes the whipple is the only way to go--what do you think ? I…
can anyone help?
my son's fight with stomach cancer stg IV began 3 weeks ago . He's only 23 for god's sake, i'm trying to cope but not doing well, i have 4 children at home, including a 2-almost 3 year old and am a single mother. I can't shake the constant guilt and sense of doom, i am trying to stay calm, not panick and be strong and…
scheduled CSN outage tonight
The site will be down tonight from 1:00 to 5:00 a.m Eastern Daylight Time for scheduled maintenance. Greta Your CSN staff
Please help me
My 43 yr old husband was diagnosed with stomach and liver cancer this month. The doctor said there was not much hope and at best he had 10 months to live. What do you do from here? Please help me.
what should i do now ? Please give me some advice
what should I do now? I need some advice . I come from Vietnam- an asian country . my father was diagnosed as stomach cancer 1 month ago. the doctor advised him to make the biopsy but they found no cancer cells. they did that three times more but still found no cancer cells. But they decided to make surgery to cut my…
so very scared
Tomarrow I am having my endescopy done after the last 3 months of going to the doc complaning of symptoms. I have had reflux for years last year he did a barium swallow and found a hiatal hernia but that was it. Went back 3 months ago constant reflux,stomah ache.He did a ultra sound and a h pylori and some othr bloodwork…
Stomach Cancer
My mom was just diagnosed with stomach cancer, the doctors tried to remove the tumor but they couldn't because it was too big and the cancer is advanced, however they put a tube so she can eat. Although she seems fine and she is eating now, the doctors told me she only has a couple of months to live. The oncologist wants…
Hi My Mom ( 79 years young) was diagnosed with gastric cancer in Feb, has since undergone 4 chemo treatments and both the Oncologist and Surgeon have said she has responded amazingly to the chemo so they are recommending a total gastrectomy. They really think she has a great chance of getting rid of the cancer. My mom is…
there is hope :-) HIPEC/CYTOREDUCTION SURGERY for gastric cancers spread to peritoneum
12 surgical oncologist specialists have recommended this dr http://www.upmccancercenters.com/search/page_physbio.cfm?id=21716 Surgical Oncology David L. Bartlett, MD is an Associate Professor of Surgery and Chief of the Division of Surgical Oncology. Dr. Bartlett's interests include all aspects of surgical oncology. His…
HIPEC/CYTOREDUCTION SURGERY we're all in this together--i promise i'll come back with some answers i
hi all, i anyone out there with peritoneal carcinomatosis with gastric (stomach) origin had the debulking, cytoreductive, heated/hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemoperfusion surgery? if so, did you get insurance denials and were able to get them overturned? if so, what insurance companies? ok, i promise to try to put some…
To do Chemo or not to do??
My father who is 86 has been diagnosed with Cancer in his bile duct/pancreas. He is not a surgery candidate because he has had heart problems and currently uses a pacemaker. He is also pretty weak as is and the docs told him he would run too much risk to do the surgery. He has decided to do a weekly session of chemo for 3…
nodule in stomach
I had a upper Endoscope done yesterday via mouth. I was told I have a small 8mm nodule in my stomach. They biopsied and I wont get the results for probably a week. I'm 31 female. What are the chances this is nothing? Dr said not to worry. How common are nodules in the stomach? He showed me a picture of it. It looked pink…
My mom is 76years old and I don't want her to go yet
My mom just got out of surgery and got 3/4 of her stomach removed. What we initially thought was an early detection was found to have spread throughout her abdomen area. The doctors are saying radiation won't help because it has spread so widely in her lower abdomen. Chemo is an option, but it has been suggested that…
I have a stomach tumor and cancer. After several rounds of chemo the pet showed no signs of cancer. However, the tumor remains. The Surgeon prescribed radiation and then partial or complete gastrectomy. I've just finished the radiation and remaining chemo. I now have to wait 4 weeks for a pet and ct before speaking with…
Stomach cancer called - PPC-Peritoneal Cavity
My mom has been told she has a rare cancer of the stomach lining, called PPC. It's actually the abdomen. She is on chemo. Is anyone familiar with this cancer?
Hey DJ
I see you said on another post that you had chemo for a year before you had surgery. If you don't mind me asking, why couldn't you have surgery sooner? Did the tumor not shrink enough? Or were there other medical issues involved? Just asking. We are trying to explore all options for my hubby.
need help!!!
Hello all.. I never though that I will face this...My Dad a vegetarian,non-smoker,no-alcohol,highly religious person is diagnosed with stomach cancer.. It was detected when he was in for ulcer treatment in july.He was doing very good until the previous day..The ulcer specialist refered to Oncologist.My dad recovered from…
Stage 4 w/Lymph Gland
I am 44 y/o and was diagnosed with stomach cancer in mid-Dec; the tumor was removed during the holidays, and altho' small, it was stage 4 due to invasion into 18 lymph nodes. I am getting opnions regarding best chemo/radiation treatments at this time. I am hoping to find someone with similar lymphatic invasion that who can…
My Father, my pride, my life, my everything
February 17, 2009 my father fainted and was rushed to the ER. I rushed from work, driving in horrific traffic. My body was shaking, i was in shock. I thought he had a heart attack. He was only 61 years old. When I got to the hospital he was in ICU. His hemoglobin was only 4.9. The next day he was scheduled for an…
Subtotal Gastrectomy++LIFESPAN??
Hi to all, I'm a recently diagnosed & operated cancer survivor. (35 y.o.) On January 11th I was diagnosed with gastric adenocarcinoma, resulting in a subtotal gastrectomy with y-en-roux reconstruction done on January 17th, the tumor (my son) was cataloged as T4 N1, and will receive chemo and radio herapy in about 6 weeks,…
stomach cancer
please read my e mail and write to me so I can connect with people that are going through what I have or finished the treatment.