Looking for others
I have posted before, but I am looking for anyone that has/had stomach cancer. I would love to share stories and get insight into issues we face daily. I was diagnosed in May 07, had surgery (full gatrectomy), short fling with chemo and 25 sessions of radiation. My issues now are eating and gas problems. Please if you are…
Milestone reached...kinda
Well, my husband just completed his 3rd round of chemo this morning. At this point, he will have another round of scans to see if surgery can be done. We meet with the surgical oncologist next Friday. He's tolerated the chemo fairly well. He's on eripibucin (sp), oxaliplatin and Xeloda. His hair has thinned but he had it…
CT Results
Well, my husband had his CT yesterday and we talked to the surgeon today. His tumor did not respond to the chemo. There was no spread but the tumor is still inoperable at this point. So tomorrow we talk to the oncologist for the next step. My husband is handling this better than me. I was so prepared to have the surgery,…
Linitis Plastica Carcinoma
Hi, My father has been recently diagnosed with a gastric cancer - Linits Plastica. My family has been struggling to find people with an expertise in this area or even someone that has seen this type of gastric cancer. I've read some of the messages related to this topic, but have not come across any updates of their status…
stage IV stomach cancer and diet
Does anybody have good guiding principles for diet (aside from avoiding sugar, raw, and fatty foods), 2 months after total gastrectomy and 1 month into chemo for stage IV stomach cancer? My husband was diagnosed with stage IV stomach cancer this April, had his stomach removed 2 days later, and is now on a 2nd round of 8…
Mother recently diagnoesd
I am normally on the breast cancer side since I had breast cancer last year. Now my mother has been diagnosed with stomach cancer. She is 78 and this has been hard on my family especially for my father and myself having fought cancer. My mother just had her suregery on Monday and as of today the hospital has not gave her…
Have you had radiation? Any long term effects?
I am considering radiation as a treatment option. Can anyone share their experience with me? From what I understand if you have radiation to the stomach, nausea is a given. I can live with any short term effects. Anyone having longterm effects? Thanks for any thoughts.
What Now? Radiation? Please Help!!
Three weeks ago I had a partial gastrectomy. I had stage II T3 gastric cancer. I had 3 rounds of Epirubicin, Cisplatin and Fluorouacil pre surgery and the plan was 3 rounds after surgery. Well I had the surgery but the chemo had no effect on the tumor. Technically I have no cancer, the tumor was removed and 22 lymph nodes…
Starting Chemo Tomorrow
My husband starts chemo tomorrow. He's getting oxiplatin and epirubicin via IV and Xeloda pills orally every day. Some people have said he will get very sick while I have co-workers who had cancer and they say they continued to work thru their chemo. He's a professor and he's on leave so he doesn't have to go to work. We…
My daughter was just diagnosed with stomach cancer this friday/any advise?
Hi, My daughter was just diagnosed with stomach cancer 2 days ago. They found it while doing a scope. She is only 35 years old. She has been having a lot of heartburn, a little nausea and some diarrhea. The first Dr. she went to told her she had chronic heartburn and she would have it the rest of her life. Thank God she…
Alternative treatment
Hello, have any of you taken AHCC? Just did some internet research and the studies seem promising.
Help with vomiting, extreme nausea, and pain medication
Hello, This is my first post. My mom had surgery for stomach cancer on 9/13/07. They removed 3/4 of her stomach, some lymph nodes, and part of her pancreas. She had chemo and radiation therapy which finished in May 2008. After the five and a half weeks of radiation were finished she has had non-stop problems with pain,…
HELP! mom won't "let it out"!!!
My mother was diagnosed with stomach cancer a few weeks ago, so I am new to this board. She (and I) get easily depressed under normal circumstances, so naturally I want her to pay special attention to herself, her emotions and try not to not bottle it up. She is open to counselling, but insists that only someone who has…
Hello everyone - My dad has been expericing colic-type pain in his stomch (intermittent and seems to come in "attacks"). The doctors first thought it was a kidney stone or gallstone and have now ruled those two items out. He has had bloodworks that come back normal and ultrasounds that also come back normal. He also has…
lonely and tired
My husband Steve has esophogeal cancer(where it started) and now it's in his stomach and liver too. He was diagnosed in April 2005. The doctors haven't given him much hope.He has gone through quite a few rounds of chemo. He and I are both tired of him being sick all the time. He can barely get out of bed. I am a teacher…
Hi, folks. I'm usually on the colorectal board (1 year NED!), but I'm posing a question here about my sister. She developed a mysterious bruise on her stomach just before Christmas. Her doctor saw her this week and ordered an ultrasound. She got a call Friday saying he'd found a small mass, but didn't know what it was. Is…
Hey everyone, my name is Paul Hogan and I am currently a psychology student at the California State University in Fresno. I am currently conducting research on the life outlooks of cancer survivors. If you could spare 10 minutes of your time to take a survey, I would greatly appreciate it. I myself am a past cancer…
my husband of 43 yrs has been diagnosed with stomach cancer,he is 66yrs old
On the 15th of april 08 we heard this horrible news.I could not stop crying all that day and night.My husband broke down at times but seemed to be holding it better than i was.By day 2 i was getting back control of my emotions, and now we are both going through the process of finding out,how far the cancer has spread and…
nutrition enzymes probiotic after total gastrectomy
I am 34 Male I have lost over 100 lbs. and I am still losing.What can I do to gain weight? Has anybody tried probiotics and enzymes and has it helped?
Mother in law new diagnosed w/ Linitis plasticas stomach cancer
My Mother-in-law is 60 years old and has been diagnosed with this rare type of stomach cancer. It has not spread to any other part of her organs and we hope it is early enough to treat. I think she may have her entire stomach taken out and maybe chemo. Does anyone know anything about this cancer and what the prognosis is.…
has anyone has this type of chemo?
My dad has stomach cancer which they can't operate on as its spread to his liver. They are giving him chemo which invloves putting a tube in the upper part of his body which then connects to a bag of chemo(this is changed weekly). Ever since hes started on this he seems to have gone very weak and wonder if this is…
stomach pain
has anyone experinced a lot of cramping and pain in their stomach due to cancer? My husband has severe pain in his stomach and we don't know if this from the cancer or from something else that could be causing pain, he is on strong pain meds but nothing seems to work for him very much, can anyone give us some suggetions?…
asoph stage 4 just found out
Hi I am a 37 yr old male that just found out I have osph cancer stage 4 that has spread into my stomach..I am getting around ok but basically overnight my career everything has stopped..I have had my first chemo treatment and will be getting it every 21 days...I must say it really has taken the life out of me with one…
mucus blockage after gastrictomy
I've had about3/4 of my stomach removed I had a y-en-doux surgery in March 2007. The first 5 months went well although I lost about 20 lbs.About 1.5 months ago I experienced feelings of fullnes after eating only about half of what I've been normally eating. I've had to throw up to relieve the pressure. The content has a…
Post Surgery Diet
Hi, My husband just turned 29 years old. He was diagnosed with stomach cancer and has had a gastrectomy. We now know the cancer was stage II. He is having a hard time eating 1500 calories a day when his diet is so limited. No sugar, no grease. Any help or suggestions would be appreciated.
Please help my uncle
I been doing some searching around and i found this webpage. Im mimi, im doing this for my uncle, which is wayy more than uncle for me. He's always there for me. Anyways, he's around his 50s, and we just found out 4 days ago that he's having cancer. At first, they said that it just a simple tuma, where all we need to do is…
Early Esophageal Cancer
I am posting this story for anyone with early stage Esophageal Cancer. (Stage 0-1) Mike, my husband was diagnosed with Stage 1 Esophageal Cancer May of last year. His cancer was most likely caused by Acid Reflux (Barretts Esophagus). He was scheduled for surgery to remove his esophagus in June at the recommendation of his…
Trouble swallowing after stomach radiation
Hi: my mom has stomach cancer stage 3b had 3/4 of her stomach removed on 1/13/07 had 4 chemos and 28 days of radiation and chemo (xeloda) pills during the radiation. after the 10th radiation she's been vomitting and nauseated at all times. has been getting ivs for flouids and has been givin every pill possible to stop the…
New Treatments???
My husband has been battling stomach cancer for the last 14 months. He has had some response to chemotherapy both times he was on it. We were hoping that he would have a surgery that would remove it from his stomach and peritoneal cavity and then treat his cavity with a chemo during the surgery. When they opened him he was…
sutent for stomach cancer?
Three moths ago my brother in law Peter (45 years) was diagnosed with stomach / adenocarcinoma cancer, unfortunately, metastasis at the liver was discovered. Hes been on chemotherapy all this time, after evaluation it was confirmed that the tumor at the stomach is stable; however, the metastasis is spreading even more.…