I hope I have not waited too long!

mcin777 Member Posts: 66

I suppose some of us who are Believers, hold on to a hope for healing.  I know that I have.

At my last check up with my urologist he indicated that I should not wait much past June for surgery.  Well June is fast approaching.  I had a physical yesterday by my Family Doc. I had them check my PSA.  I got notice today that it has risen from 5.9 to 9+.  I pray that the cancer is still contained within the prostrate.  Now I want the sucker out of me fast.  So, I will be trying to get scheduled for surgery this month.  I will do the robotic surgery.  I have heard to many horror stories about radiation, otherwise I might have opted for that procedure.

I wonder if a cure for most or all types of cancer will ever by found?  It would be interesting to see what percentage of donations to the American Cancer Society goes to research.

Still hopeful for a good outcome.


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Still time for a good outcome

    Jim (mcin777)

    I believe that we all hope for your good treatment outcome.

    By now you have done your researches, discussed with your family and know what is best to tackle the bandit. I am glad for your decision.

    Just make it sure that the team treating you is experienced and that they have a care program to assist you after the treatment.

    In regards to the increase of PSA I still think that the cancer is where it was at the time of the last PSA test, was it contained, localized or spreaded. Unfortunately there are no means to judge it correctly or to deny it. Radical treatments for PCa are done will lots of guessing. We need some luck and pray that the treatment is the proper one to get it whole. In any case I believe our researchers are closer to find the "silver bullet" to all us. It is hidden in the DNA. 

    I would suggest you now to investigate about your needs for the after-treatment period. Get all required tests so that the results can be compared latter.

    Here is the link to your previous thread; http://csn.cancer.org/node/255309#comment-1341499



    Best wishes in your continuing journey.

    VGama  Wink

  • yankeefan
    yankeefan Member Posts: 69

    Still time for a good outcome

    Jim (mcin777)

    I believe that we all hope for your good treatment outcome.

    By now you have done your researches, discussed with your family and know what is best to tackle the bandit. I am glad for your decision.

    Just make it sure that the team treating you is experienced and that they have a care program to assist you after the treatment.

    In regards to the increase of PSA I still think that the cancer is where it was at the time of the last PSA test, was it contained, localized or spreaded. Unfortunately there are no means to judge it correctly or to deny it. Radical treatments for PCa are done will lots of guessing. We need some luck and pray that the treatment is the proper one to get it whole. In any case I believe our researchers are closer to find the "silver bullet" to all us. It is hidden in the DNA. 

    I would suggest you now to investigate about your needs for the after-treatment period. Get all required tests so that the results can be compared latter.

    Here is the link to your previous thread; http://csn.cancer.org/node/255309#comment-1341499



    Best wishes in your continuing journey.

    VGama  Wink

    get the best surgeon you can...one who's done hundreds or more..

    the single biggest factor in a successful radical prostatectomy is the skill of the surgeon. If you are going the robotic route, make sure your surgeon has done hundreds of successful robotic surgeries....best of luck and hope you have a speedy recovery....there is no substitute for a skilled surgoen....

  • mcin777
    mcin777 Member Posts: 66
    yankeefan said:

    get the best surgeon you can...one who's done hundreds or more..

    the single biggest factor in a successful radical prostatectomy is the skill of the surgeon. If you are going the robotic route, make sure your surgeon has done hundreds of successful robotic surgeries....best of luck and hope you have a speedy recovery....there is no substitute for a skilled surgoen....

    Question about Tesla Magnet 3 for MRI

    The surgeon that I am going to use has done more than 3,000 Robotic surgeries.  But I found it interesting that when I called the office and talked to the person who handles the doctors scheduling and such....when I asked her to order an MRI at OHSU with the Tesla Magnet she asked what part of the body do you want looked at?  I was dumbfounded.  Uh,,the prostate?   Am I missing something here folks.  Should the MRI be lookig elsewhere. I need some guidance here please for those of yoiu who have undergone this type of scan.

    Thank You,


  • BLUEpac6
    BLUEpac6 Member Posts: 43
    mcin777 said:

    Question about Tesla Magnet 3 for MRI

    The surgeon that I am going to use has done more than 3,000 Robotic surgeries.  But I found it interesting that when I called the office and talked to the person who handles the doctors scheduling and such....when I asked her to order an MRI at OHSU with the Tesla Magnet she asked what part of the body do you want looked at?  I was dumbfounded.  Uh,,the prostate?   Am I missing something here folks.  Should the MRI be lookig elsewhere. I need some guidance here please for those of yoiu who have undergone this type of scan.

    Thank You,


    not to late

    In 2000 I had bloodwork done and my psa came back at 9 and doctor said it was probally a infection and give me antibiotics fo 30 days and did not say I could have cancer or to even come back.Since at the time I did not go to doctors.Anyway in 2009 I finally got sick from the flu and foumd a doctor to go to and he did blood work and my psa was 110.After a biopsy with gleason 9 and aggressive carcinoma I went to a robotuc surgeon and he said he would not touch me as it was out of the paostrate and I would have to have radiation. I went to a local oncologist and a second opiniion at OK. cancer treatment center where they sad the same thing.My bone scan was negative and mri and cat scans only showed a hump protruding from prostrate.I took a hormone shot which you have to do and wait 90 days before raiation.In the mean time a friend of mine talking to his urologist about me called me and said I needed to get the prostrate removed because if cancer returned after radiation there is not much chance of cure.He put me in touch with a doctor at baylor clinic in Houstn and remved the prostrate.After about one and half years my psa went to .06 and the doctor said I would have to have salvage radiation which I did in june 2011 and as of Feb.2013 my psa is .0003.Every case is different but you see how long I went before anything was done because I did not no anything about prostrate cancer at the time.I will pray you do fine as I think prayers got me this far.As for the radiation except for having to go Inever felt like I was having anything and no side effects at all.