Recurrence-Looking for information
Hello everyone, I am officially out of the zero club. 22 months after RP, my last 2 psa's were .4 and .3(a week later tested at the same lab). My local urologist and the surgeon who performed the robotic assisted RP are in agreement that I'm having a recurrance. The drs. both suggest salvage radiation therapy My radiation…
3 Year CyberKnife Results
I joined CSN in 2013 after being diagnosed, 3 of 18 cores positive, 3+4 Gleason. (my story here: https://csn.cancer.org/node/264905; My CyberKnife experience here: https://csn.cancer.org/node/292915). For those that want to be spared the threads - here's an abridged version: My case was relatively low involvement, possibly…
Prostate cancer in peritoneum with no other metastasis
Hi, My close friend friend was diagnosed with prostate cancer about 18 months ago. Gleason 8. He had surgery and radiation and test results since then were good, until 3 weeks ago when abdominal discomfort led to the discovery of substantial growths in the peritoneum. Biopsy indicates that it is the prostate cancer. So…
Newly dianosed, lots of questions and concerns
Hello everyone, As the topic says I've been recently diagnosed with PC and have lots of questions. I realize this probably won't kill me, at least any time soon, but that doesn't keep me from being scared to death. After all, it is the C word. Brief history: My father was diagnosed with PC in his early 60s, my age now. I…
Decision Made
To recap, about a month ago I received the result of a prostate biospy. Here are all my stats: Age 69 PSA 3.7 12cores taken, 1 showed cancer in one core, 10% of the core Gleason score 6 Prostate volume 87 cc PSA density 0.4 Free PSA 0.8 Stage T1c MRI showed no lesion of concern Results from Oncotype DX testing on the…
Xtandi, Tecentrique: Rash Solutions?
Does anyone have any relief suggestion or experience combatting a severe, full-body rash that has developed while on these drugs? I see that rash and itching are shown as side effects (of which drug, I don't readily recall) and I have developed both conditions. A truly maddening itch! Thanks.
3 Years On
It has been three years since I went through cyberknife for prostate cancer. All is well and my PSA has dropped to acceptable levels almost immediately after the procedures. Since then I have always encountered a burning sensation while urinating. The doctors have never shown much concern and it is certainly not…
Surgery tomorrow
Hi all, my surgery for radical prostatectomy robotic assisted is scheduled for November 2nd at 7:30am CDT. it is about 9 hours until surgery commenc. I am doing my bowel prep now and will take few hours of sleep. i feel very anxious about surgery and recovery but I am positive I have chosen right treatment for my prostate…
Anyone on AS taking Proscar?
I've petty much decided that given my test results, AS is the way for me right now. That leaves me with BPH and all the symptoms that go with it. My urologist mentioned Cialis as a possibility, but I don't think that actually shrinks the prostate. I have a pretty big one, 72 cc sticks in my mind, and shrinking it makes…
feeling the burn
Half way through radiation and I've started to feel the burn in urination. Will this last through the rest of the treatment? I've completed 20 of 39 treatments
Hormone Therapy hot flashes
I started hormone therapy 6 weeks ago. Im having 5-6 hot flashes per night that are wet sweating ones. Does anybody have any helpful tips. I went to a naturalist doctor and he had me on liver supplements but no help, he now put me on some other supplement 2 days ago. As of last night, nope not helping.
Value of having an MRI before a biopsy
Study: MRI can rule out clinically significant disease (video) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=t6_OH9VQWTg&feature=youtu.be
Best Imaging For Recurrent & Metastatic PCa
Brothers, I am lining things up for a future cyberknife treatment and believe that the centerpiece to a successful outcome is the best imaging possible that clearly shows the tumor location plus any junior bandits that may be lurking elsewhere. Here is a link to an article I pulled from Renal and Urology News.com that…
gravitational incontinence 2 years after daVinci prostatectomy
59 years old. I'm two years post-op daVinci prostatectomy. Have attempted 3 months of pelvic floor therapy one year ago with minimal improvement. Bladder does not retain urine at all when standing. Leak when sitting and sometimes when lying down. Change 6-8 pads per day. Two urologists say AUS 800 only way to go with one…
metformin and radiation
I just started radiation and just found out how beneficial metformin is along w/ radiation. If you are going through or will go through radiation, look at the benefits of metformin. Only thing is that it helps to get Rx if you are diabetic or pre diabetic.
Meds - Xtandi
Dr. called last week, scan revealed cancer cells from my prostate cancer (treated with radiation therapy 3 years ago) cells are in a lymph node near the aorta. Saw the doc - urologist - who has been treating it this AM. It's not as dire, apparently, as we had imagined from that brief phone call. He's starting the paperwork…
Two New Books That Discuss Prostate Cancer
How Not To Die by Dr. Micheal Greger has chapters on Breast Cancer, Prostate Cancer, and other killers. He focuses on diet, exercise, and natural products, such as ground flaxseed and ginger to prevent cancer and halt it's spread. The Truth About Cancer by Ty Bollinger focuses on natural and "underground" cures for cancer.…
A Fork In the Road on my PCa Journey.
Hi Everyone, To Recap, I was diagnosed with PCa in Feb 2014 and had a RP two months later. My PSA at the time of the procedure was 7.4 with a Gleason of 4+3. My side effects from the RP are ED and severe incontinence that I've endured ever since. In Sept of 2014 the PCa came back and I went through two months of EBRT and…
What sense to make of these post-prostatectomy test results?
My six-week post-prostatectomy PSA was 0.47. Three weeks later this was 0.39. Can anyone help me understand what is most likely going on? The background results are as follows: 5.5 pre-op PSA (age 65) 7 or 7.5 Gleason with seminal vesicle involvement. Clean margins and clear lymph nodes according to the post-op pathology…
Hi, Can you tell me the best supplement to help with PSA levels?
Xofigo users information
is anyone currently on Xofigo? I will be starting it next month. Everything I am finding on line seems very negative. I am 65. Most of the other post I found were from 2013. And the patients were men in their 80s. Please help. Need some current information on side effects and is it worth taking. God bless
Surgical clip stuck in urethra after robotic surgery
Has anyone had a surgical clip get stuck in their urethra after robotic prostrate surgery?
4 yrs. out and 1st PSA rise
I apologize if I'm doing this wrong, this is my first discussion board or chat room, yes, believe it. Had RP by DaVinci method in March, 2014. Gleason of 7(4+3), involved whole left side, 3 at 100%, 2 at 90% and 1 at 30%. Did the radiation and 2 yrs. of hormone therapy. Been surviving at PSA's of <.01 for 2 yrs. testing at…
Prostate cancer is never an emergency
This is from Duffy Myers Prostapedia, October 2017: So then men should definitely ask their urologist how the imaging information might change things before the imaging study is even ordered? Dr. Cooperberg: Absolutely. You should never order any test—imaging or otherwise—that is not going to change your management, not…
Immunotherapy Trial: Atezolizumab
Has anyone had any experience or exposure to this therapy (not-yet-FDA approved for PCa) that blocks the PD-L1 pathway? A local clinical trial is open in Phase3, testing enzalutamide in combination with atezolizumab in pateients with mcrPCa who had failed hormone therapy and not yet undergone chemo. I have enrolled…
Radiation therapy and colonoscopy
I had rad therapy in Feb 2016. I'm due for a routine colonoscopy screening soon. Does anyone know if there are any precations I need to take due to the prior radiation Rx? Obviously I should let the MD doing the procedure know. Has anyone else had any issues? Thanks.
Scared all over again
Hello All, My husband has the following information: June 2011 Robotic prostatectomy Prior PSA 7.51, Gleason 7 (3+4) Sept 2011 PSA 0.46 then retested at 0.28 Started imrt SRT in November 2011 April 2012 PSA 0.31 Oct 2012 PSA 0.11 May 2013 PSA 0.06 Nov 2013 PSA 0.058 Sept 2014 PSA 0.035 Sept 2015 PSA 0.030 Oct 2016 PSA…
My husbands experience Bladder Neck Contracture I hope it will help you!
8-13-07 Radical Prostatectomy The PSA Tests have all come back cancer free! But he has had complications in scaring and has gone through the following procedures to keep the bladder neck open... Office Dilations: Lasting 1st Dilation 14 days 2nd Dilation 8 days 3rd Dilation 0 days 4th Dilation 21 days 5th Dilation 2 days…
Advice sorted based on the attached Biopsy, PSA, MRI, etc. reports
Hello, My father has been diagnosed with Prostate Cancer. Life has been rather overwhelming for me in the sense that when my father was younger and healthy, my relationship with him was non-existence (there a was good 10 years gap since we spoke just recently). We have both realized that "Life can only be understood…
Sucralfate 10% enema off-license treatment for radiation proctitis
Has anybody here been treated or know anyone who's been treated for radiation proctitis with Sucralfate 10% enema? it's an off-license treatment. I need to find out the "shelf life" for the Sucralfate 10% enemas. Prostate cancer treatment was provided in the US; patient now living in the UK. Thanks.