new diagnosis
Hi. My name is Lisa and my dad, who is 82, just found out today he has prostate cancer. (The reason for my user name-billysaunt-is because I have used this site for information for my 25 year old nephew who has colon cancer.) All we know so far is that his PSA is a 4, having been a 2.5 six months ago. The plan is for a…
Pain in rectal area
I am 6 weeks from a RP and I still have soreness when sitting. In addition, I have a small amount of leakage when I get up after sitting a while. My doc says the pain is normal and will go away. Anyone else having similiar symptoms?
Anyone out there being treated by Ketoconazole for prostate cancer? My father was diagnosed with PC over 15 years ago. He went through radiation treatment which led to all kinds of side effects including internal bleeding and severe case of hemorrhoids. He stopped and went through only half of the recommended treatments.…
Newly diagnosed RP 4/14
Hello Everyone, I'm Mrs Easy...Mr Easy is age 50 and he's been coming for the past few nights and reading the posts for SEVERAL hours. I told him I'd set up a user account so he can get to know some of you. My husband's dad was diagnosed with PC at the age of 56, it had already gone to bone (he died at 57). DH started…
Mesothelioma & you
Get Mesothelioma cancer Information at www.mesotheliomaresourceonline.com is an educational resource for those who suffer from the lung cancer mesothelioma, also known as asbestos cancer, or who know someone who does.
Post Op Recovery
I'm 50 yo, 5 weeks after surgery. My concern is bowel control. Mine is limited to two hours. Lately (the past week) I have been pissing a lot of blood and tissue. My doctor is saying normal and not to worry. Today I passed a hunk the size of quarter and I am still pissing a lot of blood. Any one with similar? Would you…
difficulties with bladder control post RP
About 2 1/2 weeks ago, I had an RP. The surgery went extremely well. My catheter was removed about 5 days ago, and I'm feeling a bit frustrated with the fact that I just don't have very good bladder control. I know that it's early days, and I have been doing my kegel exercises faithfully. It's just that everything else…
Family Support
My father is 67 years old. He was diagnosed about three weeks ago. His treatment will begin about April 14th and will go through eight weeks with radiation treatment a few days each week. My mother is very emotional about the situation and tends to get upset. I have been thinking about flying to offer them support sometime…
Great article on Testicular Cancer
hi, While going through the internet browsing seeking some info to help me understand facts of Testicular cancer, its causes & stages at http://www.mesotheliomaresourceonline.com/articles/testicular_cancer.html, I came across this site above which is informative, and would be very helpful for people suffering from…
Lupron / wild emotional variability?
I started Lupron injections about a year ago. Recently (2-3 weeks ago) I began going into and out of DRASTIC depressive mood swings; never had any such volatility otherwise. No change in diagnosis, all's still going well in that regard, and I'm not prone to denial/avoidance anyhow. Given the hormonal shift, can Lupron lead…
Had RP year ago, terrible after effects
Well, had RP and radiation treatment 1 year ago. Only thing is the cancer is in check. I still have no bladder control, and of course impotent. I am unable to go anywhere, go thru 6 to 8 pad per day. The worst has happened, my wife could not handle everything and has left. I feel my unability to perform sexually(my wife…
Another Up-date
My July PSA test 3 months after my RP was .2 The Doctor said not to worry it's probably only traces left over that need to be filtered out of your system. Being .2 I was a little sceptical of that answer. He ordered another blood test for the end of August and my results just came in it's .0 no trace of any PSA at all. I…
radiation necrosis
following hormone treatment, external beam radiation, and seeding with paladium seeds my husband has developed a very painful deep ulcer in the first five centimeters of his colon. The ulcer is not healing and dr. has recommended treatment in hyperbaric chamber. Has anyone had any experience with this condition. Would…
Proscar Therapy?
Has anyone had any experience with Proscar Therapy to control rising PSA after other treatments have ceased to work?
Other than Cancer
Husband has nodule (lump)in prostrate. Found in routine exame. Is there anything other it could be besides cancer? Biopsy schedule for this week.
New Bedwetting after nearly 2 years
On March 6,2005 it will be 2 years since I had RP. On 5 Occasions over the past 4 months (none before)I've awakened in the middle of the night soaking wet from having completely relieved myself while asleep. In each instance I happened to be sleeping on my back (I normally sleep on my side). Has anyone else experienced…
Hospital selection
Can you guys give me some insight on your experiences at: Johns Hopkins, M.D. Anderson, Vanderbilt, Mao Clinic, or Birmingham in Al. Thanks
I responded to your message please read mbeavers
resuming sexual activity post RP
A couple of weeks ago, I had an RP. My recovery and healing seem to be going amazingly well (Touch wood!). My question is, how soon can I resume some kind of sexual activity? My catheter comes out tomorrow, and I'm wondering if an activity such as masturbation (without an erection) would be possible without causing any…
lupron, viadur implant, seeding
This is the plan for my 74 year old husband with Alzheimer's. Does anyone have expereince and what was the outcome of the seeding?
unable to urinate without catheter
I had a radical prostectomy 12/14/2004. I have not been able to urinate without a catheter. The doctor has tried four times to remove the catheter and each time has had to reinsert it after I have terrible pain. I have a very good output with the catheter in. Has anyone else had this difficulty?
Intermittent hormone therapy
I was diagnosed with PC in Mar 04 with PSA of over 31 and Gleason of 9. Prostate was not removed due to evidence of spread to lympth nodes. I was started on Eligard (Leuprolide)inplants every four months. Four months after first inplant, PSA dropped to 0.4 and four months later, down to 0.2. I have the usual side effects,…
help w/my guy in denial
My beau is 58, diagnosed about 3 months ago, and is 'in denial'. He says he chose 'watchful waiting', and won't give me any info. I keep trying to reassure him that I'll love him forever no matter what and telling him I want him around forever. However, I know him well and know he can't face the possibility of…
Biopsy of Prostate
Morning guys. A friend of mine is scheduled for a biopsy of his prostate and asked what is the normal or expected number of samples that should be taken. It's been 4 years since I had mine and I don't remember, not sure I ever knew. When one turned up positive that was enough. If any of you happen to know please let me…
Proton Beam Therapy
Anyone had it r heard of it. Advantages ? Drawbacks?
ED after prostate surgery
There doesn't seem to be any 'normal' period of time following prostate surgery (10/18/04) as to when I can expect to be able to have normal erectile function return. (hoping not hear 'everybody is different!) I'm 73, considered to be very fit. All comments welcome. Thanks
Still have ED and Incont.
Had rp april 04 and still having a struggle with the above. Saw an ad in our paper about Boston Med. Group, stating they can help with good results. Just wondering if anyone has any knowledge or experience with this Boston Medical? I am thankful to be a survivor as my original numbers were psa-26, gleason-8. The dr. said…
Prostate Cancer Prevention
My husband is at high risk for Prostate Cancer since it runs in his family. Our doctor recommended a wonderful vitamin which helps prevent Prostate Cancer. It contains Zinc and Selenium which studies have shown have reduced the risk of developing Prostate Cancer. This formula has apatented form of Selenium and Zinc.…
re: prostate cancer
If you want to integrate your conventional treatments with homeopathic care, you might try the Century Wellness Clinic in Reno, Nevada. (775) 827-0707 Office (775) 827-1006 Fax E-Mail: info@drforsythe.com I spent two weeks under the care of another doctor who emphasized redifferentiation and apoptosis. Did it cure me? No,…
Post Surgery Pathology Report
I had the RP on 5/3/04. I was under the impression prior to the operation that my cancer was in the very early stages since my PSA was being monitored regularly for 2 years after having a negative baseline biopsy. When the PSA took a 50% jump, I got another biopsy. This biopsy showed minimal cancer, only one of six cores…