Kegel Exersize
I am a little confused by conflicting information I read on this discussion board. I read where I should begin the kegel exersize prior to surgery. I did this half heartedly because my Doctor said it was of little value prior to surgery in his opinion. I have read where I should begin immediately after surgery. Does this…
Advice on Agressive Cancer
Last month I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. Since 2003 my PSA has risen from a 3.8 to a 6.1 and I have a gleason score of 8. My biopsy showed cancer in all of the six samples taken. My urologist recommended a laparoscopy prostatectomy with possible removal of the lymph nodes depending on what they find. (with possible…
What do I do?
I am 60 yrs old, i was diagnosed with prostate cancer almost 2 yrs ago. I am told that I am in an early to middle stage with a 6 gleason, and 10 psa readings that have stayed low. I am planning to have robotic surgery on Feb 3 but a lot of peple are telling me i am rushing aI have a girlfriend, tens years my younger and we…
Surgery on Wednasday
Well' this will be my last post till I return from surgery in Atlanta. This Wednesday , February 8, is the important day. I'm optimistic of the challenges that lay ahead and am ready to proceed with my life. I'll post my post-op news on my return home. My sincere thanks to all of you who have responded to my questions and…
bone pain
Hey my dad is having very pain bone pain in his arm. But it will go away and not bother him at all is that normal? He also got a bone scan yesterday and the cancer is now in his leg, spine,ribs, and hip and the arm which has been there. Does anyone have any experience with bone pain and what we should expect from here? I…
I had nerve sparing surgery on October 3, 2005 and after four months still have a major incontinence problem. I'm sort of O.K. if I stay seated but any activity like walking or playing golf causes quite a bit of leakage. My surgeon at Emory Hospital in Atlanta has told me to give it time and continue doing the Kegel…
Can someone tell me how to figure one's body mass index? I read an article tonight stating men with a BMI over 35 had a 69% greater chance of cancer returning after surgery than men with a BMI of 25. thanks, william1
getting discouraged
I'm 53, had a Gleason 6, stage 2 (after final pathology), organ-confined, PSA of 2.4 at time of surgery (2.1 when diagnosed), for which I chose to undergo a laparascopic radical prostatectomy in June of 2005. I was fully continent at three months and remain so today, for which I thank the Lord, but my doctor said with the…
To william...the emotional toll
William, Yup, many if not all of us have anxiety and are emotionally devastated when we get the news we have PC. Like Vic I was mad as hell and it felt totally unfair. At first I kind of went into denial as I was very healthy and I kept saying," this is a terrible mistake." But it wasn't. I really did have the disease. I…
My Dad
I was wondering if there was anyone going though chemo for advanced prostate cancer. My dad just found out he was hormone refractory. He is doing okay, while me on the other hand is very scared and sad. My dad is my rock and my hero. I can not get over what they are saying about his projected time frame. Help!!!!
To Morris
Morris I would like to get in touch but I don't know your e-mail...We are the same age and were dianosed about the same time...I still have quality of life issues in dealing with this cancer...
new member
Had RRP 1/25/05 gleason 6 stage 1 minor incontinence(dry now) still have ED meds help at little haven't tried anything else at this point.Physically feel fine just like I did before dx.what struck me as interesting was discussion on mental aspect of disease and surgery and after effects.I feel that is a topic that is not…
I joined your club!
Well, guys, in mid Nov. I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I went to too many websites and read too much stuff. Anyway, I opted for RLRP which I had done 1/11/06. I had a few problems but all is ok now. Get the cath out next Monday. To Tom and Bob, Thanks for everything! I'm new to this kind of thing so I'll just check…
Metastasis Pain
I would like to hear from someone who has or had severe pain in hips and lower back, due to metastasis of PC, to the point that walking is difficult. What have you found that helps with this pain? I get little to no relief with 10mg Vicodin. I have outlived the average dx for my condition which started at psa of 24 and…
To Photon
You should touch base with tisbud4you
What now?
Hi. It is my first time on here. My husband (now 55) was diagnosed about 3.5 years ago with prostate cancer. His PSA was 25, and his Gleason was 8 (4+4). I always get mixed up on his stage, but it was in his seminal vesicles, but bone scan and other tests were clear. He had IMRT radiation, and was on hormone therapy for 2…
Pre-op Questions
I sincerely hope everyone had a blessed holiday. I am waiting to have a mini-lap R/P next month and am wondering if any of you have advice on how I might better prepare myself for surgery. My doctor has advised me to lose twenty pounds ( I'm working on it), take a multi-vitamin every morming and to walk. Are there any…
Question on Post RP-DaVinci
I'm 44 and having a DaVinci-RP on Dec 20. Wondering if someone knows of the best pads to use after cath comes out? Also, do they show through pants etc. Don't plan on returning to work until first or second week in January, But I travel a lot for work, and wondering about the pad thing. i.e. lose pants, dark colors etc.…
Ultra High PSA
In Oct 02, I learned from my new primary care doctor that my PSA was elevated to around 7.0. I had my first visit to a urologist who, after verifying that my PSA was high via another PSA test, scheduled me for a biopsy which was performed in Nov 02. This biopsy was NEGATIVE. My urologist told me to have my PSA checked…
Decreasing PSA after RP
Six weeks ago I had a RP and I just had my first PSA and it is 0.1. Before the RP it was 12.6 with a Gleason score of 6 and T1C Is there a chance that my PSA will go down more in the future?
Casodex stops working. What now??
Just received news that my PSA is rising after being on Casodex only for about one year (had orchiectomy in lieu of Lupron) Cancer has metasized to ribs and spine. Have had worsening episodes of bone pain. Need some candid information about what may possibly be down the road. Anyone who has been there, done that, please…
Eggs and Prostate Cancer?
Considerable research has been conducted concerning the relationship of dietary consumption of (chicken) eggs and 12 different types of cancer, specifically including PROSTATE CANCER. I would like to send you a free email attachment of a Microsoft Word document which contains a 4 page executive summary and full abstracts…
Decision Help Requested
I'm 44 with stage 1, gleason 6. (5% in only 1 biopsy of 10) Was leaning toward DaVinci RP, but met with Radiation Oncologist today, and now I'm confused again. Still leaning toward the RP, but does anyone have any help they can offer in what made you choose either seeds or RP? Both Doctors are leaders in their field in…
To nodawgs
I appreciate the information you provided on Casodex...I just had a PSA test yesteday so I will know how I'm doing in the next few days...I find the wait to be nerve racking...Thanks for the info
It's R/P in February
Hi to All, I've safely returned from my second opinion at Emory University in Atlanta. I was impressed with Dr. Frey Marshall, the Head of Urology there. If his surgical expertise is as impressive as his mannerisms... then...I have complete confidence I'm in good care. Dr. Marshall answered each of my long list of…
Incontinence following RPS
We see many messages regarding varying degrees of incontinence following radical prostate surgery. And it appears that the first recommended remedy are Kegel exercises which are supposed to reactivate the sphincter after a time. Why haven't the sphincters reactivated fully in these continuing incontinence situations…
Info Requested on Recovery Time
Anyone have any stories on recovery time for DaVinci RPP? How long before cath was out? How long before you were back at work. How long before you no longer had to wear "Depends". Did anyone have issues while you were flying? (I travel 2-3 times a month, sometimes every week for my job, that's why I'm having this done…
Injections for ED
I have been prescribed 'Caverjet' injections for post RRP and Radiology ED; having tried all the pills. My problem is even with a reduced dose from 20 to 10mg the result is painful. I have fairly significant shortening of the penis and the result is not all that firm either. My question is, has anyone else had similar…
i have prostate cancer and the doctors have me on lupron and cassodex that i would like to quit taking.Has anyone had any luck with some of the natural cures?I have looked in the discussions and have not really found a answer.I was just wondering if anyone had been helped with the natural cures.I keep hearing about wonder…
Need treatment info/help
I'm writing on bhalf of my brother,age 53 who was just diagnoised with prostate cancer. He doesn't have access of a computer and ask that I help him with some info. We live 1200 miles apart and he is alone and I cannot get to him at this time so we are talking alot on the phone. He has been diagnosed with stage IV with…