Post Brachytherapy

MM Member Posts: 1
edited March 2014 in Prostate Cancer #1
My Dad (73 yrs old) will be having brachytherapy (80-120 seeds) in the near future. Our main question we need to know is the level of difficulty in movement and self-sufficiency and independency post brachytherapy.

He is in a different state and we're struggling with the decision as to whether he has it done in the state I live in or, if he'll be ok, he can just stay where he is and have it there - he has no local family in the state he lives in therefore no one around except an occasional friend. If the latter, I would be able to stay with him for 4 days post procedure and then check in on him on weekends. If the former, I would have him stay with me for the procedure and the radiation boost. We're struggling with this because we've gotten conflicting reports from the rad. oncologist vs. the urologist. One says he'll have a difficult time and the other says he'll be fine besides possibly urination problems. The other issue I, myself, am concerned with is his emotional/mental health. He can get pretty down and depressed and the word "cancer" substantially affects him. Any help from those of you who have gone through the same would be greatly appreciated. Although he doesn't want to leave his home, I really want to make sure he/we make the right decision for him.
Thank you.


  • gjegan
    gjegan Member Posts: 5
    Post- Brachytherapy
    I jsut had the brachytherapy done about a week and a half ago. So far I am doing well and having very few side effects. The effects of the surgery are very small. I had anti-biotics to take as well as some other medication. When traveling in a car a few days afterward, I used a pillow to soften the seat.

    Hope this helps
  • Kentr
    Kentr Member Posts: 111
    Your dad

    Based on what you've said regarding depression issues and no local family, I think I'd have him stay with me if I were you. The first few days after surgery can be uncomfortable (catheter) and there can be some residual discomfort (pain).

    While the word is "cancer" he's hearing "CANCER" (in caps, large type and bold print) so he's scared, which is understandable, he needs as much support as possible.
  • lewvino
    lewvino Member Posts: 1,010 Member
    Kentr said:

    Your dad

    Based on what you've said regarding depression issues and no local family, I think I'd have him stay with me if I were you. The first few days after surgery can be uncomfortable (catheter) and there can be some residual discomfort (pain).

    While the word is "cancer" he's hearing "CANCER" (in caps, large type and bold print) so he's scared, which is understandable, he needs as much support as possible.

    I agree with Kentr. I had
    I agree with Kentr. I had the Davinci surgery and it was nice to just know that my family members cared and were there for me.
