Ferriheme with MRI
Due to rising PSA #"s , following RRP on Oct. 2010(.03, .05, .06, will be having another PSA next week), I'm trying to sort through all the information about various follow-up therapy options. Dattoli Center in Florida uses MRI with Ferriheme to pinpoint cancer for radiation therapy. I cannot find anyone else using…
PSA 43.15 Gleason score (5+4) = 9 Ct & Bone scan show spreading
In April had 1st PSA level 43.15 Biopsy on May 20,2011 returned gleason score 9. On June 20,2011 had ct and bone scan return results of spreading to lymph nodes and speading to bone in pelvic, leg and spot on spine. What do I do? I'm 51 yrs old
Surprise! Being married improves prostate cancer survival
http://prostatecancerinfolink.net/2011/06/27/surprise-being-married-improves-prostate-cancer-survival/ Surprise! Being married improves prostate cancer survival Posted on June 27, 2011 by Sitemaster It has been known for years that marital status impacts the likelihood of stage at diagnosis and survival in a number of…
Exciting news to Share - Non Prostate Cancer related
I have a step daughter and a son that have both been accepted into medical School! My Son has been accepted into Cornell University Medical School NYC Starting Aug 19, 2011! My step daughter has been accepted into Loma Linda University Medical school Starting Aug, 4, 2011 plus she is getting married on July 19! My wife and…
VA Disabilty
I filed for VA disability on 21 Aug, it came back today approved. They conceded that I was exposed to Agent Orange in Viet Nam '70-'71 so it is 100% service connected and combat related. Per a 2003 federal ruling combat related means it does not impact my military retired pay. It is subject to a review in the future but…
Recurring Prostate Cancer after RP years ago
My husband had an RP in 1999. Gleason 8 found on biopsy. Cancer in one interior lobe, did not spread. Said on report that he had perineural invasion. Did not ask at that time, surgeon did not spare nerves as he said cancer "climbs" and majority of RP he has performed, cancer eventually returned. Five years later, his…
Excellent News Today
As part of the Active Surveillance protocol that I am under, today I received the results from my third biopsy. There were six samples that were targeted using an MRI machine, and eleven that were random for a total of seventeen...............all were benign......I will be having another biopsy in two years, and at least a…
Still Waiting.....
Still waiting for my next U of MI apointment on July 18. My dripping have deminished as along as I sit still. I am hoping the AUS can be installed before July ends. That is what I am hoping for. I haven't been around for awhile. I am into this just waiting mode and, well, just waiting for July 18. Lots of new names here. I…
At 10 months post CK, I occaisonnally experiance a weak or no stream upon awakening in the middle of the night. My CK nurse advised me to take Flomax on a daily basis. I really dont want to due to the side effects. Mainly stuffey or runny nose. Can anyone suggest an alternative that I can take and not on regular daily…
Friend's post RRP pathology report stage T0 ?!?
Hello all, A friend of mine received his pathology report three weeks after RRP, which found nothin. stage T0. His Gleason's score before surgery was 8 in 3/12 biopsy samples. His PSA was 9.6, Free PSA 20%. Age 58. Bone scan and endorectal MRI were clear (before surgery). How could it be? Have you heard of something like…
Function of lymph nodes?
Can anyone explain what is the negative aspect of removing lymph nodes during DaVinci surgery? That is, what is the function of lymph nodes and what happens when some of them are removed? Do we even need them? Is there a safe number to remove? Why don't surgeons just cut them all out while in there? My surgeon removed a…
Gleason 6; PSA 8.3; Stage 1 or 2.. concerned son looking for help
A concerned 21 year old son here is worried about his 57 year old dad. He just got diagnosed with cancer a day ago. I'm so worried and concern about his health and I'm trying to look for the best CURE for him... diagnosed with Gleason 6; PSA 8.3; Stage 1 or 2 I've been reading a couple of topics here in the forum and can't…
Human Vaccine Used to Cure Prostate Cancer in Mice
Human Vaccine Used to Cure Prostate Cancer in Mice Source: http://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2011/06/110619133456.htm ScienceDaily (June 19, 2011) — Mayo Clinic investigators and collaborators from the United Kingdom cured well-established prostate tumors in mice using a human vaccine with no apparent side effects. This…
Rising PSA post RP and SRT, what mix of HT to use
Hi , I was diagnosed with PC in 12/07 biopsy glesson 3+4=7 pre RP PSA 8.9. post op pathology Glesson 4+3=7, negative margins, nodes and seminal vessals clear with small extraa capsular extension. PSA fell to 0.04 after 6 months but then began to rise and was 0.16 by 12/08, and SRT was recomended. Started SRT in 01/09 PSA…
Herbal alternatives for dad with gleason score 7 and PSA 14.8
Seeking anyone who is trying alternative herbal/accupuncture for Prostate Cancer. My dad was receiving care from a very negligent doc whom passed away from his own negligence to himself. Now I am dealing with dad having Prostate Cancer. He had 2/12 of his biopsy's come back with cancer and a PSA of 14.8 and a gleason score…
Recent Surgery now increased PSA
Hi everyone, I have a loved one that recently went through a RP 5/11/11. Gleeson of 8 T2C with known unclean borders on one side. Recheck of PSA one month after surgery showed a PSA of 0.42. He will now be starting radiation therapy in July as soon as he is cleared from surgeon. My question is 1) I know that a PSA score of…
Hi i need some advise i have just had my 9 mth PSA since my RP.My PSA readings are @ 4 wks 0.02 @ 8 wks 0.01 @ 3 mth 0.03 and at 6 month 0.03 and again at 6 mth 0.03 But today my 9 mth PSA WAS 0.04 My QUESTION IS SHOULD I BE WORRIED IM VERY WORRIED. Any Advise Greatly Appreciated bob01.
Father aged 75 is diagnosed with Gleason 9. Is CyberKnife Treatment an option as it is still localiz
Hello, My dad has been diagnosed to have Prostate Cancer with Gleason score of 9 with PSA level of 8.81. The cancer is localized and has not spread to other parts of the body or Bone. This is confirmed with MRI, CT scan and PET Scan. The doctors recommended Radiation Therapy and Harmonal Therapy. For Radiation therapy is…
10 Myths and Misconceptions About Prostate Cancer
http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.7425707/k.7A02/10_Myths_and_Misconceptions_About_Prostate_Cancer.htm?msource=may11adv&auid=8373209 10 Myths and Misconceptions About Prostate Cancer By Dan Zenka, Senior Vice President, Communications With the identification of more than 25 types of prostate cancer by PCF-funded…
Elevated PSA
I am a new member and have some concerns. I am 67 and had an RP done 18 years ago. My PSA was undetectable for over 13 years. It then showed up @.3. I have been tested every quarter for the past 4+ years and the scores as follows. Starting 3/6/07 to 5/10/11. PSA/QTR PSA .3, .23, .19, .39, .51, .63, .76, .94, 1.22, 1.36,…
Half of Prostate Cancers Could Potentially Benefit From New Type of Cancer Drugs
http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.7475967/k.6698/Half_of_Prostate_Cancers_Could_Potentially_Benefit_From_New_Type_of_Cancer_Drugs.htm?msource=jun11np&auid=8492180 Research News Half of Prostate Cancers Could Potentially Benefit From New Type of Cancer Drugs Work was a team effort led by PCF-funded investigator Dr.…
I received a "private message" on CSN-beware
I received a pretty bizzare "private message" today from a twisted indivual(s)...see below From: fermie To: bdhilton Subject: Re: discussing your cancer status Date: June 13, 2011 - 7:07am Many thanks for your reply.I glad you have been living healthy and cancer free since after your surgery and wish you remain cancer free…
Regular Brisk Walks May Protect Prostate Cancer Patients
No kidding.... Research News Regular Brisk Walks May Protect Prostate Cancer Patients Study found those who took them lowered chances of disease progression, death By Alan Mozes HealthDay Reporter Monday, May 23 (HealthDay News) -- Prostate cancer patients who take brisk walks on a regular basis fare better than those who…
Gleason Score of 7
Hello- Just diagnosed wGleason Score of 7 (4+3) I'm afraid and indecisive about whether or not to use the robotic procedure method or go the open surgery route. Please help. Thanks in advance for giving me hope.:-)
Radical Prostatectomy - in depth questions
Hello, I have some questions about the Radical Prostatectomy (open, not robotic) surgery details: 1. What is PLND? I've read that it relates to lymph nodes test, but could't find if it's something that is done during the surgery or after? And what does this test mean? how accurate is it? Is it being done on every surgery…
Worried about my friend
Hi, I have a close friend who has had a little trouble in the past with his prostate but nothing serious. Now, they have found tumors in three places in his prostate. He is waiting for results of bone scan and full body scan on the 15th. I've had other friends develop prostate cancer for whom radiation worked well, but I'm…
quesion about intermittent HT
Hi guys, So here's an update on my dad along with a question that has been perplexing us: After a 10 year remission, his PSA started going up reaching 5.89 in January. I think his Gleason score was 6, maybe 7. A possible lymph node (one node was enlarged on the CT scan) involvement was noted, but his bones were clear. He's…
Smoking Might Raise Odds for Prostate Cancer's Return
http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.7323861/k.D2DF/Smoking_Might_Raise_Odds_for_Prostate_Cancers_Return.htm?msource=may11np&auid=8371475 Study found that smokers had steeper rise in blood PSA levels, a harbinger of recurrence Monday, May 16 (HealthDay News) -- In men who've had their prostate surgically removed due to…
New study shows intermittent HT as effective as continuous HT
This report was apparently published today at the annual meeting of the American Society of Clinical Oncology... http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/releases/227668.php
Completed my last CK treatment four weeks ago!
Completed my CK treatments four weeks ago and wanted to share the experience. The CK treatments were effortless and simple. Did have a couple of side effects that lasted thru the third week, but have now subsided to nothing. The urinary urgency and frequency were the main side effects with some minor constipation. The…