Proton Therapy, Gleason 7, 28 Treatments
It has been recommended to me, that since one biopsy core has been evaluated at a Gleason 7, the other two being Gleason 6, (PSA 4.5) that a proton therapy course of treatment should be 28 treatments, rather than the normal 40 treatments, with the 28 treatments being accompanied by a higher proton radiation dose. Does this…
groin pain
Hi yall, (yes I'm from down south) Just got diagnosed with PC June 28th. I'm 53 y/o. Hx is as follows. Nov 2009 went to urologist with blood in semen. URO said not to worry. At the same time primary care physician did PSA test. Was 2.1. In Nov 2010 PSA was 2.8 In May 2011 went back to URO with more blood in semen and pain…
Hi, my dad is 73 and now has prostate cancer
He went for a bone scan and ct scan of abd and pelvis today but after the bone scan, the radiologist said they needed xrays and did like 15 of them and I was wondering why? Ty for any suggestions.
Recent Proststate Surgery
I had my surgery done last Tuesday,June 21,2011. Dr said everything went very well.Besides the usual pain,and gas (grrrrrrrrr) all is good now.Getting cath removed this Friday,July 1st.hope that goes good.Right now my spirits and well being are very high,and i ntend on keeping them this way.If you want to talk,just post…
Important appointment on Monday 7/18
This is the day I should find out if I can get the AUS or not. I am so nervous about this appointment. IF i just still still I can now get by on 3- 5 pads a day. But out wlaking I will run (pune intented) through a pad every hour 15- 20 minutes. And if the pad shifts at all I have wet underwear which I need to hold the pad…
Medicare To Cover Provenge
Just saw this article which should be of interest to those of us over 65 and suffering from more advanced PCa: http://www.medpagetoday.com/HematologyOncology/ProstateCancer/25648
I had robotic prostatectomy 2 yrs ago. The PSas went down to undectable. The past 2 psas were high 2 and 3. The urologist recommended radiation(IMRT) They did a intial CT scan.To my surprize there was nothing.I never really asked the doctor alot of questions. What is the radiation supposed to do (yes lower the psa) Is it…
panic attacks
its probably normal to be nervous starting IMRT treatment.You get on these web pages that give you all the probable side effects,you read others accounts of treatment and find its ok.My predictiment is doubled becasue I have a wife on dialysis and demands scratching and other care for skin problems.Its exhausting.Iam not…
Cyberknife Graduation Day
I completed my last (of five) CyberKnife sessions today and I was valedictorian out of a class of one. The Cyberknife office is a one hour drive each way but the Colorado mountains are always beautiful scenery Preparatory daily protocol involves a low residue fiber diet, Gas-X on the night prior, and a Fleet enema prior to…
Taking the Cyberknife plunge (finally!)
Finished up my first Cyberknife treatment today after taking a curvy path. All went well and based on advice from other participants on this site, my 5 treatments will be conducted every other day. I drove home by myself after the 40 minute session and feel fine except for minor burning when urinating and minor urgency.…
Urologist vs Oncologist - who's right????
Hello all, I've been diagnosed with prostate cancer last month. I've consulted with multiple urologists and oncologists which gave me different treatments. Urologists recommends radical surgery to remove all prostate and lymph nodes. They say there is a chance of curing the disease. They said that after surgery, according…
Joint Pain
I am asking a questions for my brother. He had his prostate removed last november due to a cancer diag. Things seem to be well, until now he is experiencing joint pain. Mostly in the early am, in his shoulders and hands, and sometimes in his growing. The pain seems to improve with the day, but starts over at in the morning…
Insurance has denied coverage
I am 52 years old I am a gleason score of 6, I chose surgery as I would like this cancer removed from my body as I have heard of people watch and wait and one of them has passed, he just waited to long I guess. I had no insurance for 3 years after going into business for myself. My wife and I had been discussing putting me…
psa bounce after r/t
i just completed r/t last week. had a psa test done already and my psa has bounced up. was 4.3 starting therapy and is now 5.1. i just finished last friday, the 24th. the oncologist said it is common to have a bounce in psa right after r/t therapy. doc wants me to come back in 2 months for another psa test. i received a…
Breaking News-Medicare to Cover Cost of Provenge
Medicare to Cover Cost of Provenge PCF’s Take: The decision today by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) to immediately start covering Provenge is good news for many prostate cancer patients with advanced metastatic disease. The Prostate Cancer Foundation began funding research for immunotherapy in the 1990s…
I have just been told I have PC, $M question what to do?
I am in the stressful process of deciding what to do-expectant management, operation, or radiation. PSA doubled in a year=3.9 to 8.8 then went down to 7.3. Free PSA .11%. First biopsy one atipical cell. 2nd biopsy normal. 3rd biopsy at Mayo (31 samples)=canser in one sample only, <5% of the one sample, right lobe. GS…
Thank You all , I just checked my lab results , Thank you Bob for telling me about the Sloan patient portal, the blood was taken at 5.00pm , and when I was home at 7.00 the news was good 0.05 psa same as my last test I am feeling Thankful ,
Dr visit
I will be have my 6 month post surgery check up wed psa after surgery was undetectable , maybe I will get zeros again , I have been doing ok , no pads , had nerve sparing surgery , and I guess it could be worse , I had a hard time with Drug companies , filling prescriptions , just wanted to check in I guess I am a little…
Boyfriend newly diagnosed
My boyfriend was just diagnosed with PC and he doesn't want to do anything right now. His gleason scale was 7 and pti 2 I think that's what he said. Found cancer in 10%of two areas of 18 samples taken. His Doctor wanted him to go for bone scan to rule out that it has spread outside of prostate. He has refused and will try…
Would like to speak with someone, privately.
Have some questions I would like to ask a cancer survivor. If you are willing to E-mail back and forth, please, let me know.
testosterone level
What would be a safe blood testosterone level for a CK treated PCa patient? Is a level below the minimum (220 ng/dl) considered safe. I've read that this low a level can increase heart attack risks in older men. Thanks/Jimmy
Ferriheme with MRI
Due to rising PSA #"s , following RRP on Oct. 2010(.03, .05, .06, will be having another PSA next week), I'm trying to sort through all the information about various follow-up therapy options. Dattoli Center in Florida uses MRI with Ferriheme to pinpoint cancer for radiation therapy. I cannot find anyone else using…
PSA 43.15 Gleason score (5+4) = 9 Ct & Bone scan show spreading
In April had 1st PSA level 43.15 Biopsy on May 20,2011 returned gleason score 9. On June 20,2011 had ct and bone scan return results of spreading to lymph nodes and speading to bone in pelvic, leg and spot on spine. What do I do? I'm 51 yrs old
Surprise! Being married improves prostate cancer survival
http://prostatecancerinfolink.net/2011/06/27/surprise-being-married-improves-prostate-cancer-survival/ Surprise! Being married improves prostate cancer survival Posted on June 27, 2011 by Sitemaster It has been known for years that marital status impacts the likelihood of stage at diagnosis and survival in a number of…
Exciting news to Share - Non Prostate Cancer related
I have a step daughter and a son that have both been accepted into medical School! My Son has been accepted into Cornell University Medical School NYC Starting Aug 19, 2011! My step daughter has been accepted into Loma Linda University Medical school Starting Aug, 4, 2011 plus she is getting married on July 19! My wife and…
VA Disabilty
I filed for VA disability on 21 Aug, it came back today approved. They conceded that I was exposed to Agent Orange in Viet Nam '70-'71 so it is 100% service connected and combat related. Per a 2003 federal ruling combat related means it does not impact my military retired pay. It is subject to a review in the future but…
Recurring Prostate Cancer after RP years ago
My husband had an RP in 1999. Gleason 8 found on biopsy. Cancer in one interior lobe, did not spread. Said on report that he had perineural invasion. Did not ask at that time, surgeon did not spare nerves as he said cancer "climbs" and majority of RP he has performed, cancer eventually returned. Five years later, his…
Excellent News Today
As part of the Active Surveillance protocol that I am under, today I received the results from my third biopsy. There were six samples that were targeted using an MRI machine, and eleven that were random for a total of seventeen...............all were benign......I will be having another biopsy in two years, and at least a…
Still Waiting.....
Still waiting for my next U of MI apointment on July 18. My dripping have deminished as along as I sit still. I am hoping the AUS can be installed before July ends. That is what I am hoping for. I haven't been around for awhile. I am into this just waiting mode and, well, just waiting for July 18. Lots of new names here. I…
At 10 months post CK, I occaisonnally experiance a weak or no stream upon awakening in the middle of the night. My CK nurse advised me to take Flomax on a daily basis. I really dont want to due to the side effects. Mainly stuffey or runny nose. Can anyone suggest an alternative that I can take and not on regular daily…