groin pain

PawPaw J
PawPaw J Member Posts: 34 Member
edited July 2011 in Prostate Cancer #1
Hi yall, (yes I'm from down south)

Just got diagnosed with PC June 28th. I'm 53 y/o. Hx is as follows. Nov 2009 went to urologist with blood in semen. URO said not to worry. At the same time primary care physician did PSA test. Was 2.1. In Nov 2010 PSA was 2.8 In May 2011 went back to URO with more blood in semen and pain in the right groin area. He again said not to worry, was probably not associated with cancer. This time though he did a blood test and PSA was 3.9. He sceduled another in June which was 3.3. Free psa was 14% so did biopsy. Showed 1 core pos in 12 with 5% involved.Gleason 3+3. Since Nov. 09 cancer was in back of my mind. He thinks pain (now for almost 2 months) is from something other than cancer. I have had disc problems in my back that radiates to the hips and that pain is alo present but it has never radiated to the groin area. He says my numbers are where he has never seen it spread in the short time he thinks it has been there, but my worry is that it may have started way back in Nov 09. Every time I try to find info on groin pain associated with prostate cancer all I see is that it probably has spread because there is usually no pain associated with no spreading. I am going to have the open surgery and My wife and I have an apt. Monday with another URO(the one that will be doing the surgery)and I dont know if I should push him toward removing extra lymph nodes or even the vas diferens.Im wondering if anyone has had associated pains with numbers like mine. Thanks


  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    I ain;t no doc, but
    gleason 3+3=6 in one core out of 12 is associated with low risk indolent did not mention the involvement of the one core, that is what is the percent that is cancerous. If it is less than 50 percent, this is associated with low volume cancer. If fact you would be an excellent candidate for active surveillance with delayed treatment, maybee for life.

    I tend to think that you pain is due to something else.....consider seeing a , say a pain management doc to see how to manage pain that is associated with the disks. Probably a good idea to find one associated with a major medical institution.
  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,700 Member

    I ain;t no doc, but
    gleason 3+3=6 in one core out of 12 is associated with low risk indolent did not mention the involvement of the one core, that is what is the percent that is cancerous. If it is less than 50 percent, this is associated with low volume cancer. If fact you would be an excellent candidate for active surveillance with delayed treatment, maybee for life.

    I tend to think that you pain is due to something else.....consider seeing a , say a pain management doc to see how to manage pain that is associated with the disks. Probably a good idea to find one associated with a major medical institution.

    A MRI could look for any inflammation

    Welcome to the board.
    I wonder what your doctor as recommended in 2009 and again in Nov/2010 for the blood in ejaculate. Does he know about the pain you are experiencing?
    As Hopeful comments above, your status is that of a low risk case. I do not think that cancer has spread if the data you report is complete. Pain in the lower abdomen due to a disc problem is common.
    Usually groin pain is associated with a hernia or it could be due to any inflammation of the nerves in the pelvic area, including those that surround the prostate gland. Inflammation could as well be the cause for the blood in ejaculate.

    I do not know if you have taken any image study but a MRI could look for any inflammation in the pelvic and the prostate which should be done before surgery. Surely you are worried but the Gleason grade of 3 and other data, indicates that you do not need to rush. You have time for investigation and to educate yourself in the matter related to surgery particularly the side effects that can be nasty.

    In your next meeting with the surgeon, you can discuss about the surgery procedure and on the scope of the radical prostatectomy. In my case at 50 y/o the surgeon dissected 9 lymph nodes together with the gland, seminal vesicles and the nerves, etc. This gave me erection dysfunction (ED). You could ask details regarding the nerve-spare procedure. However, before committing to surgery I would inquire with the surgeon in the possibility of trying a dose of antibiotics.

    Wishing you peace of mind.

  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member

    A MRI could look for any inflammation

    Welcome to the board.
    I wonder what your doctor as recommended in 2009 and again in Nov/2010 for the blood in ejaculate. Does he know about the pain you are experiencing?
    As Hopeful comments above, your status is that of a low risk case. I do not think that cancer has spread if the data you report is complete. Pain in the lower abdomen due to a disc problem is common.
    Usually groin pain is associated with a hernia or it could be due to any inflammation of the nerves in the pelvic area, including those that surround the prostate gland. Inflammation could as well be the cause for the blood in ejaculate.

    I do not know if you have taken any image study but a MRI could look for any inflammation in the pelvic and the prostate which should be done before surgery. Surely you are worried but the Gleason grade of 3 and other data, indicates that you do not need to rush. You have time for investigation and to educate yourself in the matter related to surgery particularly the side effects that can be nasty.

    In your next meeting with the surgeon, you can discuss about the surgery procedure and on the scope of the radical prostatectomy. In my case at 50 y/o the surgeon dissected 9 lymph nodes together with the gland, seminal vesicles and the nerves, etc. This gave me erection dysfunction (ED). You could ask details regarding the nerve-spare procedure. However, before committing to surgery I would inquire with the surgeon in the possibility of trying a dose of antibiotics.

    Wishing you peace of mind.


    To add
    After having an MRI, I had been diagnosed with spinal stenosis I did not have groin pain, however others with more severe prognosis have. If I remember correctly, if you have groin pain it is imperative that you seek medical attention for this ASAP I saw a series of docs including a surgeon to start, a nerosurgeon, a pain management doc who finally helped me. I also considered seeing various surgeons who specializes in back surgery, etc, etc.

    I also saw a series of physical therapists, finally I found one who had a specialization in backs, and I found this to be very helpful (in addition to epidurals that I received). I still do the physical therapy exercises at home everyday... By the way, some find physical therapy helpful while others do noy.
  • PawPaw J
    PawPaw J Member Posts: 34 Member

    A MRI could look for any inflammation

    Welcome to the board.
    I wonder what your doctor as recommended in 2009 and again in Nov/2010 for the blood in ejaculate. Does he know about the pain you are experiencing?
    As Hopeful comments above, your status is that of a low risk case. I do not think that cancer has spread if the data you report is complete. Pain in the lower abdomen due to a disc problem is common.
    Usually groin pain is associated with a hernia or it could be due to any inflammation of the nerves in the pelvic area, including those that surround the prostate gland. Inflammation could as well be the cause for the blood in ejaculate.

    I do not know if you have taken any image study but a MRI could look for any inflammation in the pelvic and the prostate which should be done before surgery. Surely you are worried but the Gleason grade of 3 and other data, indicates that you do not need to rush. You have time for investigation and to educate yourself in the matter related to surgery particularly the side effects that can be nasty.

    In your next meeting with the surgeon, you can discuss about the surgery procedure and on the scope of the radical prostatectomy. In my case at 50 y/o the surgeon dissected 9 lymph nodes together with the gland, seminal vesicles and the nerves, etc. This gave me erection dysfunction (ED). You could ask details regarding the nerve-spare procedure. However, before committing to surgery I would inquire with the surgeon in the possibility of trying a dose of antibiotics.

    Wishing you peace of mind.


    I appreciate the input. The
    I appreciate the input. The uro did give antibiotics for poss infection but to no avail. He knows about the pain but insist it is not related to the prostate cancer. I probably have been focusing too much thinking the pain is from the cancer and not other sources. He did suggest going to my back doctor to pursue that. I am going to ask about the mri before surgery and see what he says. I know my numbers tend to lean toward a less aggressive cancer, but after losing my mom and dad from cancers I maybe tend to overreact. I have a lot of ? for the surgeon Monday, but it is just nice to have people going through the same thing to talk to and learn of different expierences firsthand. I know I am just beginning my journey and will surely have many ? from the group here. As far as the side effects of the open surgery vs all other options at least at this point I think I would feel more comfortable and at peace to get the prostate out and anything around that might be questionable. This may sound crazy to someone who is not actually faced with this situation we are all in but the side effects are not going to be a major factor in my final decision. I have a very compassionate and loving wife and no matter the side effects she just wants me to do whatever is the best to hopefully beat this. Will be back soon!
  • hopeful and optimistic
    hopeful and optimistic Member Posts: 2,346 Member
    PawPaw J said:

    I appreciate the input. The
    I appreciate the input. The uro did give antibiotics for poss infection but to no avail. He knows about the pain but insist it is not related to the prostate cancer. I probably have been focusing too much thinking the pain is from the cancer and not other sources. He did suggest going to my back doctor to pursue that. I am going to ask about the mri before surgery and see what he says. I know my numbers tend to lean toward a less aggressive cancer, but after losing my mom and dad from cancers I maybe tend to overreact. I have a lot of ? for the surgeon Monday, but it is just nice to have people going through the same thing to talk to and learn of different expierences firsthand. I know I am just beginning my journey and will surely have many ? from the group here. As far as the side effects of the open surgery vs all other options at least at this point I think I would feel more comfortable and at peace to get the prostate out and anything around that might be questionable. This may sound crazy to someone who is not actually faced with this situation we are all in but the side effects are not going to be a major factor in my final decision. I have a very compassionate and loving wife and no matter the side effects she just wants me to do whatever is the best to hopefully beat this. Will be back soon!

    There is an MRI for the prostate,however this is different than an MRI for your back, so the prostate doc will not be a specialist in need to see a doc who works with patients who have back issues.

    As far as choosing a treatment option for prostate cancer,,,,,,,,the numbers that you showed are low, so,,YOU ARE IN NO RUSH provided the involvement is need to become educated.

    Actually the side effects of treatment can very well be a major factor for everyone. (whether or not your wife is supportive)

    Here is a piece of information that is a deciding factor for me.

    Active Surveilance for delayed treatment
    is a very viable treatment decision for low risk prostate cancer, since 97 percent of men with LRPC are likely to die of something other than prostate cancer. The pathologic stage of patients who are closely monitored, is similar to initally treated patients with LRPC, so the treatment decisions will be very similar. I've been doing Active Surveilance for the past two and a half years . I plan to continue with this treatment option for the rest of my life if I can. If not I feel that I will still be able to seek any necessary treatment.

    Not saying you need to do the same as me, but I do say that you need to be educated about this.

    As one who has had spine issues at the same time as the prostate cancer, I strong reocommend that you take care of your back first, since having groin issues as a result is very serious, and needs to be addressed now.