Thanks Vets
Thanks to all of the Vets who gave so much to so many.
Surgery Viable for Advanced Prostate Cancer, Study Finds
http://www.pcf.org/site/c.leJRIROrEpH/b.7323871/k.461A/Surgery_Viable_for_Advanced_Prostate_Cancer_Study_Finds.htm?msource=may11np&auid=8371415 Having had surgery...this is promising! After removal of their prostate gland, 80% of patients survived 20 years Tuesday, May 17 (HealthDay News) -- Surgery to remove the prostate…
Finally I can start my Cyberknife treatments!
Finally, after so many delays due to complications from seed marker placement. I will be starting my CK treatments in the morning. This process started for me on January 3, 2011. The antibiotics did not do their job when the markers were implanted and I became septic and positive for E-coli. After two hospital episodes the…
Brisk walks fight prostate cancer
http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/health-13518537 Men who have been recently diagnosed with prostate cancer can help keep their disease at bay by taking brisk walks, claim researchers. Based on their observations, men who power walk for at least three hours a week can halve how much their cancer will grow and spread over the next…
My first Post Treatment PSA resutts!
Just got a call from my Oncologist and wanted to share with all the results of my first post treatment PSA results. My pre-treatment PSA was 4.4 and my post treatment PSA was a 1.2! It appears that I had a good response to the Cyberknife treatment process. My next lab work is scheduled for September and I will post those…
i pushed my dad to go for a biopsy, will i regret it?
hi everybody, last month my dad PSA was 13 and the doctor felt that there is a hard lump in his prostate, the doctor asked him to go for a biopsy but my dad didn`t agree and said that he will see another doctor, i did a lot of research in th internet and found that biopsy is necessary, so i spoke with him and asked him to…
Prostate Cancer
In Dec of 2010, my husband was told that his PSA count went from a 6 in 2009 to a 20. We were never notified about this 6 in 2009, so we were very surprised, not to mention very upset. On Dec 23, 2010, he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. He had a radical prostatectomy on Feb 1 and also had 13 lymphnodes removed with 1…
Denosumab May Prolong Metastasis-Free Survival in Men with High-Risk Prostate Cancer
New data presented at the American Urological Association Conference Santa Monica, CA, May 17, 2011 —– Data on the use of denosumab (Xgeva) to improve bone metastases-free survival in men with high-risk prostate cancer was presented at the American Urological Association conference today for the first time. If approved by…
Growing Danger with Prostate Biopsies
I came across this article yesterday from Bloomberg News which I thought many here may find interesting. It highlights a growing trend of spesis and sepsis related death following prostate cancer as a result of bacteria that are increasingly resistant to antibiotics. The risks of a transrectal needle biopsy should be…
Differences of Opinion
Age at diagnosis 64 PSA 30 RP (robotic) Jan 09 Pathology Report Gleason 4+4, (pre-path. disease in 2 cores) Tumor 3.4 x 1.3 x 1.2 = 5.5 cm3 Predom. left and right anterior apex-mid prostate Tumor focally involves capsule – 0 extension PT2cN0MX, Stage II Neg seminal vesicle, lymph nodes and margins Perineural invasion…
study ..coffee drinking and prostate cancer
The Harvard School of Public Health did a study among 48,000 men over the last 12 years. http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-checkup/post/coffee-drinking-may-cut-prostate-cancer-risk/2011/05/16/AFLCzl5G_blog.html
Just recently was positive for prostate cancer: PSA 9. Gleason 3+3=6, one positve sample of 12 taken. DRE negative. I have read the discussions about the various procedures and experiences available on this site but have not seen anyone mention cryosurgery. Does anyone have any experience with this procedure and any…
Another ZERO
Got my PSA test results back and I am still ZERO after surgery 2 years and 2 months ago. As we all know, this is one test you want a zero. JR
Bone Mestastsis
Does prostrate cancer that has mestastis to bones go to organs as well?
New Study fuels debate
Prostate Biopsy Experience
Before my biopsy and surgery I benefitted from reading comments from others on this message board, so I would like to share my own experiences with the prostate biopsy process. Everyone’s experience is different, but my hope is that some portion of this may prove useful to others. In my humble opinion, reasonable people…
Extensive bone mets
Hi. My dad was recently diagnosed with prostate cancer. It is a Gleason 8 with extensive bone mets. He is 66 years ols with a lot of life to live. I have been reading these blogs for the past 2 months and have found a lot iof comfort from reading all of your stories. My dad never went to the doctor until he had lost 30+…
Newby seeking advice
Hello all, I just posted this on the "blog side" of this network, but not knowing where the audience is, I decided to post here as well. It's long for a discussion/chat board, but I decided that more is better at this point. In October, I had a routine blood test. PSA came back at 3.09, not alarming, but up from 2.90 just…
Latest Update on the AUS Option
I was in to see my Dr at the U of MI today- May 9. Everything looks neat and clean all the way up to the bladder. I just love those scopes!! the doctor paused at the sphincter and showed me mine in its relaxed position- slightly opened and then he and she (two docs) had me do a kegel so I could see how it looks shut.…
Dad doesn't know what procedure is best
After posting on another thread I thought it might be best to start a new thread...as each case is really individual. Just looked through my father's paper work again... Earlier this year PSA dropped to 5.9 from 6.6. It was 5.2 at the time of his biopsy. Now he has a PSA of 8 and a Gleason of 8...Although it states in the…
Update on my "confusion"
This is thread number 2 which I started to make it easier for respondents. If you want to see the original thread from a few days ago, it is http://csn.cancer.org/node/217641 To recap my situation … I will be 73 in a couple of weeks and during a routine physical, my PSA was 5.2, which led to a visit to the urologist and a…
"What if Cannabis Cured Cancer"
Something to think about...Following the screening of the documentary, "What if Cannabis Cured Cancer" at the 2010 Sausalito Film Festival, four distinguished panelists take the stage to discuss the film and its implications for cancer treatment. They inclu... http://wn.com/What_if_Cannabis_Cured_Cancer
20 month PSA
Just returned from the Doctor. My 20 month post Davinci Surgery PSA is 0! Next check will be in october at 26 months and if all clear the Doctor is moving me to a yearly cycle. All has been good so far inspite of the positive Margin noted post surgery. Larry (lewvino) Robotic surgery 08/12/09 at Vanderbilt, Nashville TN.…
Abiraterone - on the Trial....After Surgery 0.0% Residual Cancer - Nothing, Nada
November 9, 2009 was the date of my diagnosis. February 12, 2010 I started the Abiraterone Trial. Within one month my psa was down to 0.64. By May 12, 2010 my psa was down to 0.02. My surgery was on August 5, 2010. On August 18, 2010 my doctor told me the results of the pathology report - 0.0% residual cancer. My story: I…
Abiraterone - Great News
Just returned from a PCa lecture by Dr Reiter, Urologist @ UCLA (So Cal). At the start of the lecture he announced that their Abiraterone (T4 stage trial drug) clinical trial has had such great success that the trial was stopped, study participants/data were unblinded, and apparently because of the great results, ALL the…
Relationship between Gleason and PSA velocity
Do you know of any known relationship or a research of this? (I'm looking for a connection between the two, like G7-> PSA elevation of 2 each year or so...) Thanks in advance!
6 Months post IRMT & HT
Finished 38 IMRT treatments Sept. 2010 6 Months HT treatment ended 1-15-2011. Gleason 3+4=7 RP 2006 PSA went from .1 in Dec. 2009 to .4 June 2010. PSA 0.08 in Nov. 2010 after IMRT. PSA now 0.01 6 months out. Do not think i could ask for anything better. Feeling good. Going for a long walk.
Question about Cialis
How long after stopping cialis did it take for the side effects to stop?
Two questions: 1. When I receive the biopsy slides, is it possible to examine them (for Gleason score) without a microscope? If not, what microscope is needed to be able to see the cells structure and evaluate Gleason score? 2. How much Gleason 3 and 4 are difference (in the eye)? I want to know the possibility that the…
Just got my psa results 15 months post davivci and subsequent adjuvant imrt. "Undetectable" !!! I am counting my lucky stars especially since my pathologic diagnosis of. T3A with positive margins and extracapsular extension.Lymph nodes and seminal vesicles were clear. Gleason was 3+4=7 both at the clinical and pathologic…