prostate cancer cure

In august 2007 I was diagnosed in Luxemburg having prostate cancer.psa 40 carcinome 100g. beginning I went to the NKI(Nederlands kanker instituut in Amsterdam. Again investiga tion:The tumor had spread outside the prostate into my intestins and they found als that it was metastasized in my bones.So just a palliative treatment was possible and they gave me Zoladex a hormone treatment that would about stop the testosterone production and about two year later it would not help again . The psa would go up again and a would after that have only two or three years to live.
I was thinking that maybe all cancer begins with a too high body or topical temperature.(Why that is a longer story)maybe at the place wher later will occur cancer allready many years there are mutations of the DNA giving in the cell wrong protheines.after some time thhe cell will be old and dy But after a longer time there is a wrong cell making some wrong peptides and have still the possibility to mitosis(Cell division)
all the cells that come from there are wrong and form together the cancer.
The wrong and still good protheines are mostly bio cathelisers (enzymes)for a whole set of reactions that lead to the next cell division.There I thought again something namely that those reactions are though they use enzymes equilibrium reactions where the temperature determines how much of every molecule is present.
rarely a first cancer cell is a strong cell, after so many years it just could give a new cell division. So cancer cells are delicate Do something small for instance a temperature lowering and they can not divide again.(Because af one or more molecules will be almost not present.So keep it cold and wait till the cells are to old (what is this exactly??)
and the whole cancer is gone!
So what I did:I **** just shorts even though it was winter, no socks just open sandals as few cloths as possible during the night naked, just one blanket my legs not under it because the legs are normally two centigrades under core temperature and te blood comes back in the body next to the prostate,
My Dr van der Poel said if we sto the zoladex your psa will shoot up again. That was oktober and he asked me to come back february. My psa was 0.8!!! he asked me to come back in may and again my psa was 0.8!No symptomes no stinking!!!


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Dormant cancer ?

    Your story is very interesting. This is not the first time I have read about the influence of temperature in mitosis. But it is difficult to believe that we can have such control on our microscopic “flesh” by simply living naked.

    The PSA= 0.8 may be an indication that your cancer has become dormant, cured or that Zoladex’s effective period has not ended yet.

    I wonder what potency was the Zoladex shot (6-month ?).
    It is common to read from posters that the period under the effect of low testosterone, after finishing treatment, can be long with some reporting length of 9 months. That could also be the case with you. I would recommend you to have a testosterone test to verify if your body has fully recuperated.

    Welcome to the board.
    Wishing you continuous low PSA readings.

  • klaas de vries
    klaas de vries Member Posts: 5

    Dormant cancer ?

    Your story is very interesting. This is not the first time I have read about the influence of temperature in mitosis. But it is difficult to believe that we can have such control on our microscopic “flesh” by simply living naked.

    The PSA= 0.8 may be an indication that your cancer has become dormant, cured or that Zoladex’s effective period has not ended yet.

    I wonder what potency was the Zoladex shot (6-month ?).
    It is common to read from posters that the period under the effect of low testosterone, after finishing treatment, can be long with some reporting length of 9 months. That could also be the case with you. I would recommend you to have a testosterone test to verify if your body has fully recuperated.

    Welcome to the board.
    Wishing you continuous low PSA readings.


    prostate cancer dormant ? or cured?
    My zoladex was 10.8 mg good for 12 weeks or three months. I got the last injection september last year.the psa tests were ffebruari the first and May the third.There is nothing what could be a symptom ,no smell as it was before I awake because of the sunlight and not because I have to pee.I feel perfect. The third of october there will be still a psa reading . I'm sure that it will be the same. but I'll go to the NKI anyhow.
    I'm afraid a testosteron reading will be low but that is the effect of too long zoladex: my testes are clearly smaller and also the glans (that is covered by the foreskin. Also my libido is gone for a good deal
    I would be very happy if somebody would try the same as I did. There is no need to abort a cure of an oncologist or planned surgery.I do hope that!! It is worthwhile because in my history and explanation I didn't mention that it has to be prostate cancer.
    may be it is also the solution at a much wider range. As I said cancer cells are much more vulnerable than we thought.
  • Kongo
    Kongo Member Posts: 1,166 Member

    prostate cancer dormant ? or cured?
    My zoladex was 10.8 mg good for 12 weeks or three months. I got the last injection september last year.the psa tests were ffebruari the first and May the third.There is nothing what could be a symptom ,no smell as it was before I awake because of the sunlight and not because I have to pee.I feel perfect. The third of october there will be still a psa reading . I'm sure that it will be the same. but I'll go to the NKI anyhow.
    I'm afraid a testosteron reading will be low but that is the effect of too long zoladex: my testes are clearly smaller and also the glans (that is covered by the foreskin. Also my libido is gone for a good deal
    I would be very happy if somebody would try the same as I did. There is no need to abort a cure of an oncologist or planned surgery.I do hope that!! It is worthwhile because in my history and explanation I didn't mention that it has to be prostate cancer.
    may be it is also the solution at a much wider range. As I said cancer cells are much more vulnerable than we thought.

    Klaas, did you just jmake this treatment approach up on your own or was there some study or scientific basis for embarking on such a novel cure to cancer?
  • klaas de vries
    klaas de vries Member Posts: 5
    Kongo said:

    Klaas, did you just jmake this treatment approach up on your own or was there some study or scientific basis for embarking on such a novel cure to cancer?

    how I came to the "cooling"
    My mother had always pain in her tongue went to the dentist to make her teeth smoother but after some time she got cancer in her tongue. was radiated and cured. ten years later she got again cancer but this time it was cut out it was cured but in the beginning she had difficulties with speaking.
    I had also pain at the same side of the tong as my mother.Then I got at two of my fingers a swear I went to a good specialist Dr Tia in Jakarta antibiotic ointments didn't help.
    Then I took a bath (very hot) and realised that I always checked with those fingers the temperature of the water where it came in the bathtub (still hotter).I stopped that habit and in two weeks my fingers were healthy again.I thought maybe my tongue is also too hot, drinking tea I drank my tea cooler: never pain in my tongue again!
    And years later came my prostate cancer and I thought let me also try there a bit colder temperature.That is all.
  • klaas de vries
    klaas de vries Member Posts: 5

    how I came to the "cooling"
    My mother had always pain in her tongue went to the dentist to make her teeth smoother but after some time she got cancer in her tongue. was radiated and cured. ten years later she got again cancer but this time it was cut out it was cured but in the beginning she had difficulties with speaking.
    I had also pain at the same side of the tong as my mother.Then I got at two of my fingers a swear I went to a good specialist Dr Tia in Jakarta antibiotic ointments didn't help.
    Then I took a bath (very hot) and realised that I always checked with those fingers the temperature of the water where it came in the bathtub (still hotter).I stopped that habit and in two weeks my fingers were healthy again.I thought maybe my tongue is also too hot, drinking tea I drank my tea cooler: never pain in my tongue again!
    And years later came my prostate cancer and I thought let me also try there a bit colder temperature.That is all.

    try it too
    At post 3 I finished by saying that's all. I forget to say and more than a year hard thinking.
    I would like very much that everybody who reads this will Try this too'
  • klaas de vries
    klaas de vries Member Posts: 5

    try it too
    At post 3 I finished by saying that's all. I forget to say and more than a year hard thinking.
    I would like very much that everybody who reads this will Try this too'