One month post CK PSA

JJPhare Member Posts: 34
Although it means little in the overall scheme of results, my health provider (Kaiser- who would not pay for CK) encouraged me to get a follow-up PSA, which was exactly one month post CK treatment on (July 6). Pre CK PSA was 14.2 placing me in the mid level risk category. (Diagnosed March, 2011, 2/12 cores @ 10%, Gleason 6, T1c, 2 previous negative biopsies, 49cc size). Kaiser doctors thought it was BPH all along.
My PSA result is 5.29 which is the lowest ever in my last 16 years of tests (average 6-9 and elevating to 11 in January, 14.2 in April). I expected a higher number but this is a great start for a downward trend although I am realistic knowing that a nadir can take over a year. And there might even be an elevated bounce or two. It was this forum with great researchers (Kongo, Vdgama, Swing, Silver et al) that helped me focus and decide what was the correct treatment for me.
Reading about continued side effects of others after choosing other modes of treatment, this was icing on the cake, although I've cut back on dairy and desserts. Thanks guys!


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    Defying the Odds ???

    Your story is super. It shows that higher than recommended levels of PSA work fine in CK treatments. You choose it well and I hope some reading your accomplishment will follow steps.
    A 60% decrease demonstrates that the bandit was hit hard.
    You will see it go down and down and down to the Zeros. Just give time a chance.
    Let us know about more of these lovely reports.

