i am a son of a father that has prostrate cancer with a gleason score of 9 trying to help dad

My dad has been dianosed with prostrate cancer had it removed with the machine said everything looked good a week later they said gleason score was 9 funny that they said nothing at time of recovery and did not mention anything about outside of prostrate till at one week follow up. he had a boon scan before and said not in his bones good news very surprised that it wasnt seen before surgery. just scare for my dad and want to help his as much as possible . found your site and decieded to join information is key. any helpwould be appreciated thanks scott


  • VascodaGama
    VascodaGama Member Posts: 3,731 Member
    What is his Clinical Stage?
    Scott (Borno)

    I am sorry for the diagnosis of your father. I take your description as being a Gleason score 9 and positive extra prostatic extensions.
    The procedure you describe is common in prostate cancer matters. Initially one gets a tiny portion of the prostate gland through a biopsy (several needles), which will reveal in the microscopic if cancer exists. The data provided is very short and may be different from the real status of a patient.
    At surgery, the surgeon removed the whole prostate gland and sent it to a laboratory for analysis done by a pathologist. The results (pathologist report) can take one week to obtain. This is the case of your father.

    Gleason score 9 is of high risk for recurrence and extra capsular extensions may signify that the cancer was not totally contained in the prostate gland. The negative bone scan indicates that any cancer, if existent, may be localized.
    This could mean that your father would have a chance of fighting the cancer with salvage radiotherapy.
    In any case, it is necessary firstly to confirm of any recurrence. Usually this is done with PSA tests.
    You have not shared here his past PSA chronology or details on other diagnosis. Can you tell us his age and if he had any symptoms that took him to get a biopsy?

    I recommend you to get educated with the disease. You can search the net for treatments using the sentence “salvage treatments for prostate cancer”. You can also check for the side effects of the treatments.
    We all become worried when found with cancer but there are many ways of treatment. Same guys do better than others; however, one should be confident.

    Give us details and many survivors here will answer your questions.

    The best to you and your father.

  • tarhoosier
    tarhoosier Member Posts: 195 Member
    First things
    Welcome Scott. I hope you are aware that due to your father and his condition you are at increased risk for prostate cancer. You should have a baseline psa at age forty (at least).
    As to your father, I hope he is recovering well. The most important place to start is with the pathology report from his surgery. Make sure that your father receives a printed copy of this report (1-2 pages) and that he and you understand it. If he (or you) bring that information here and type in the particulars we can look forward to his future, rather than back at the past.