Hysterectomy aftereffects
I am a 28 yr old woman who had a hysterectomy because of ovarian cancer. I was wondering if anyone was experencing any effects of loss of feeling like a "woman" because of the surgery? I am and I totally feel alone in this matter and I feel scared. If anyone could offer help and support please feel free. Thank you,…
Thanks for the welcome
I would like to thank all the kind ladies who welcomed me...hopefully I won't be looking at a recurrence. I am having a CT Scan 10/02 so we'll see. Lately I've been having a pain on my right side, sometimes it's sharp and other times it's a dull ache...it hurts to breathe in at times. So I'll be happy to do this CT…
Ovarian cancer
My sister was told 6 months ago she had cancer on her left ovary (I just found out) nothing has been done to treat this so far. I have taken her to another Doctor and he has offered the following: remove the left ovary through the vagina in an outpatient center and her recovery will be 7-10 days!!!! All help is apprectiated
ca125 result
Hi Everyone, I just wanted to share the amazing news. My ca125 is at 10 now. It has not been at 10 since 2003. Do you believe it? I have one more avastin treatment and a couple weeks of the daily cytoxan and then I am finished with treatment. October 26th will be my next appt with gyn/onc and ctscan. Just had to share the…
HELLO to all, I'm new here
Hi everyone, I'm new to this group. I was dx. 11/04 with OVCA stage 3c. I have had 12 chemos-6 carbo/taxol and 6 Doxil for refractory disease. My last chemo was 1/06 and my ca-125 in 3/06 was 5.1. Now however it is going back up, last ca-125 was 15.8 which is my highest ever except for pre-surgery when it was 204.…
Has anyone every had this type of scan before? It's to check for gall bladder problems. I know I will be injected with contrast, and that the test will take about 4 hours. But my doctor told me they would take films, then have me eat sometime, then take more films. The hospital said there was no eating involved. So, just…
Chemotherapy & High Doses of Vitamins
Hello, I recently saw a Holistic doctor who perscribed a lot of different vitamins in high doses. My gyne onocologist said i should only take the FDA reccommended dosage because she doesn't know if taking mega vitamins will increase the growth of the cancer. I feel very much at a loss...cancer has spread to my lymph nodes…
Anyone do 8 instead of 6 Taxotere/Carbo?
Hello everyone. I finished 6 treatments. CA-125 within normal range now. This treatment has been for a recurrence. The doctors are strongly considering giving me an additional 2 treatments. However, they warn that although you may have done great with the 6, the 7th or 8th treatment can be extremely dangerous. I think I've…
Had my 7th chemo!
Hi everyone. Well, I just wanted to let you know that the doctor went ahead with the 7th, plus they gave me a shot of Aranesp (spelling). They said the shot would cause bone pain & flu-like symptoms. But, I found out more about the marker numbers. I asked why the numbers were just dropping 7 points now. He said they look…
New CA-125 number
Hi everyone. I couldn't wait until tomorrow, so I called my nurse and found out that my CA-125 dropped 7 points after chemo #6, and is now 25. I hope my blood count is up enough to get to have chemo #7 tomorrow. Two years ago, after six chemos, my CA-125 was at 18. Do you guys think the next two will just drop it a couple…
MRI update
Goodmorning everyone, I received the MRI report in the mail. It said as far as the headache it was good, but that it showed I had small vessel ischemic disease of the white matter. Always something going on, we deal with the cancer ongoing that we forget sometimes about the rest of our bodies. I almost finished with the…
Hi! Need some advice
I've been dealing with Stage 4 ovarian cancer since 2000, on & off chemo and reoccurrence in 2002 with mass on my spleen. Now I have CA 125 of over 23000 with newly diagnosed liver mets and mass on my spleen has grown to 5.8 cm per recent Pet Scan done last week. I need advice on ablation/chemo etc. They tell me surg is…
Strong Bladder Urges
Hello to anyone...have any of you had to deal with the extra strong urge to void that it is almost painful? The kind where you leak a little because you just can't stop the urge because it is so strong and painful? Has anyone taken anything to help relieve it? My Mom has stronger and stronger urges but one doctor has told…
New To The Group
Hello..just found this board. My Mom was diagnosed last year with ovarian cancer.First some background. It started with a seizure. No cause. Then her leg gave out. No cause.Then a blood clot in her leg. The hospital gave her coumadin which caused a bleed and landed her in intensive care. They installed a Greenfield filter…
Thank U All
I am new to this board and am so glad I found all of you. I took some time to read postings from 1-61 pages. I was able to follow some of your stories. I don't believe in coincidents anymore....I believe God has his hands in everything. Whether you are in long remission or just beginning the journey, your stories are an…
Helping survivors to feel useful
My elderly mother is fighting stage 4 ovarian cancer. She cannot get around except for use of a wheelchair. She'd like to feel useful by doing something but I'm at a loss as to what this could be. Does anyone have ideas?
I have a questions ??
there is a man that cures cancer, he is on an island somewhere, if anyone knows anything about this please let me now or if you know anything that would help her..
CA-125 Count
Ok I need your thoughts, because I don't go back to the doctor until Monday. He sent me today for a cat scan papers said Left pelvic mass, got my CA-125 from yesterday and it is now 143.5. it was 104 in May. I'm tired I need prayer... Say a prayer for my family. My husband said today when he saw what the doctor wrote it…
Ovarian cancer reoccurence
I was diagnosed with stage 3c ovarian cancer in August 2005. I had extensive debulking and had 6 rounds of carboplatin and taxol. My Ca125 went to 14 after 2 treatments and 6 after the 4th treatment. In April my ca125 was 9 in May it was 64. I got into a clinical trial. I was on the drug for a month and my ca125 went up to…
CA125 still 18
Hi everyone, My tumor markers are staying low on the cytoxin/avastin treatments, we are pleased with the results. I am still having severe headaches and now going to see some other Drs to try and find out why. My bloodpressure has come down from the 100mg of Toprol a day that I take. Not as low they'd like it but great…
Anyone have experience with this? I was informed the other day that I have a blood clot in the vein that used to supply the ovary. It was clamped off in a surgery I had 6 1/2 years ago when I had a total hysterectomy. The doctor is puzzled as to why it has occurred at this point in time, as it is more likely to occur…
I am currently on gemzar/cistplatin for a recurrence within 6 months of initial treatment of carbo/taxol. Initial treatment went very well with ca-125 normalization (14) after 2 treatments. It was 6 after the fourth treatment and stayed in the single digits until 4 months after treatment. I am currently on the above…
Ovarian Tumor
Thank you for reading my message. I was told on Thursday that I have a 12.3 x 9.9 cm tumor/cyst/who knows on my left ovary which was diagnosed by ultrasound. It was originally discovered because it blocked my Dr. from doing a routine pap smear. I am 49 and am ashamed to say I had not been to a Dr. since 1998. CA-125 was…
Ovarian Cancer recurrance
I was diagnosed with Ovarian Cancer in Aug 2005. I had a total hysterectomy. Also had 49 lymph nodes removed. 24 had traces of cancer. My Ca125 was up around 4,000. NOT GOOD! I finished 6 rounds of Carboplatin and Taxotere on 1/30/06. My CA125 went down to 7.8. Went for my 3 month check up and CA125 went up. A month later…
RE: Gemzar/Cistplatin
Anybody taking Gemzar/Cistplatin? I am currently taking this "devil's brew" and am having lots of side effects. Would love to hear from anyone taking this combination of chemodrugs.
Ovarian Cancer
Anyone diagnos with ovarian cancel
Bone metastis
I am an ovarian cancer patient who was in remission for 9 months and just found out my cancer is back and is in my bones. Just wanted to know if anyone else has gone through this
This is my seconed time with cancer and I have had surgery twice. Ihad a reaction to carbo. now they want me to try Doxil. I,m scared. I aalready have a lot of the side effects now and am worried about it getting worse. I have had cancer since Nov.27 2001.
MichaelaMarie, how are you?
Just wanted to see how your chemo went today. Any new readings on the CA125? Mine is actually 7. I will get two blood tests, a mammogram, a CT scan and a bone scan before I see my doctor on the 16th. If all is well, last Wednesday was my last for sure! I'm holding on to that, especially since the doctor increased my…
Doxil as therapy for third recurrance
Has anyone had any experience with this chemo? I came looking for a lift today as I've been dragging through this week after therapy. I found it in all of your stories and thank you from my heart for sharing here. I am fighting a third recurrance of stage IIIc ovarian cancer. I cannot believe how insidious this disease is.…