Anyone in the mood for some good news?
My CAT Scan was excellent according to DR. Kinda feel guilty doing so well while some of the people I have come to care about on this site are not so lucky. But just so they know I appreciate how fortunate I am. Anyway just finished a hot fudge sundae to celebrate.
New to here
Hey everyone.I'm Courtney from Mississippi.I'm 20 yrs. old and a nursing student.My aunt passed away of SCLC in September and my dad just passed away on January 13th of NSCLC.He was just diagnosed back in September so it was somewhat unexpected.Doctors had given him six months to a year.For some reason they hadn't done any…
My mom is diagnosed with lung cancer with bone metastases. I am very scared. How bad is this?. Is there any hope or as I read her case is very severe.
What 2 Expect
I was dx with NSCLC Stage 3b and am preparing for treatment. I will be getting 37 rounds of radiation and weekly chemo. I'm really scared on what to expect from this. Will I be able to work? Will I be able to walk my dogs? Will I be able to socialize? When will my hair start falling out? Will I lose weight? Will I get any…
squemas cell carciona of the neck stage 4
my husband just went through 1.5 years of treatments and we thought he was in remission but it is back in his lungs dose anyone know anything about this
dry cough/ pain still
my husband has limited small cell lung cancer and just finished his treatments thanksgiving week(4 treatments etoposide as well as cisplatin with 33 radiation treatments is now going through 10 treatments of brain radiation) he had his first cat scan which showed his tumors have diasapeared my question is he still has some…
Lung cancer
My mom had a back pain. Doctors were treating her for a pulled muscles until she had a CT scan that revealed tumors on her lung and on her shoulder blade. The neurosurgeon operated on the tumor in her back and removed as much as he could. He is very sure that what she has is a cancer but couldn't tell us any more details…
slight anemia, rash, dry cough
hi just wondered if any one can help with this my husband has limited small cell was diagnosed august 2010 has gone through chemo and radiation (cisplatin and etoposide as well as 33 radiation treatments to chest and 10 brain radiation treatments) he finished up with everything at the begining of january his first scan…
8mm nodule found in right upper lobe with several smaller ones(5mm) found in both
My husband who is soon to be 80 was just told they found an 8mm nodule in his right upper lobe and I believe four 5mm ones in right and left sides. He is seeing a pulmonary doctor Feb. 23 but we are both scared to death. The 8mm nodule was found during a neck CT scan so they did a full thorax CT scan. He is a pipe smoker…
Started Treatment
Hi everyone, I had my first round of treatment today. I had 3 hours of chemo and a quick zap with radiation. Felt okay until about 9 or 10 last night. Throat got really dry, couldn't seem to get it saturated enough...slept with ice on the night stand. It was an extremely emotional event for me and my family. Prior to…
small cell lung cancer...limited
I am newly diagnosed with small cell lung cancer....limited. I meet with the oncologist next weeki but I have already been informed that he already has me tentatively scheduled for chemo next Wed, Thurs, and Friday. Is it common to have chemo 3 days in a row? Is it possible to continue working while on chemo? My surgery…
New here! HI!!
Hey all! Just found this place. Lots of good info on here. A little about me... Mom was diagnosed in July with extensive stage SCLC. Had chemo and was done at end of Oct. Doc did PET and cancer was gone. Then a week before Christmas mom had trouble with vision so they did and MRI and found about 15 lesions on her brain.…
Just introducing me
Hi all - i'm new to this forum and wanted to introduce myself. I'm here in support of my sister who was diagnosed just before Christmas with small cell lung cancer/extended. She will be having her 2nd chemo treatment this week. Her treatment consists of: Cisplatin/Etoposide VP-16 + Neulasta; along with lung radiation and…
lung cancer 4 stage met.to the brain
My husband just called and told me that the doctor told him the xrays of his lungs are clear. I think I am dreaming!!! Seven months ego, my husband was told:" you have lung cancer 4 stage metas. to your brains" I just new he was dying,after six quemos and a gama knife surgery and taking tarceva. I hope you understand me,(I…
Is anybody in hospice?
Is anybody in hospice? My husband`s doctor told us that the treatments are not working that`s why he is going to hospice. I am so sad and mad because the little hope my husnad had the hospice took away, It is very hard to take and heard the nurses talk about dead and the medication we have have ready when the simptoms of…
My mother was diagnosed two months ago with adenocarcinoma in the left lung. The doctors say because the sack around the lung was full of cancer they can not operate or radiate. Her only hope is chemo and then at the most she will survive a year. We are looking for anyone who has survived this form of adenocarcinoma.…
husband's ext sclc "stable"
Haven't been on for a while. After 5 months of chemo and radiation. My husband has had total of four scans to see how he was responding to treatments. Basically one ebery 2 months. By second scan, largest of two masses, in right lung shrunk and pulled away from superior vena cava(impairing breathing and causing swelling of…
Stage 4 lung cancer
I just found out my 60 year old mother has lung cancer. All we were told is that is is at stage 4 and is inoperable! She has been complaining to her family doctor for 3 years about having a hard time breathing and that she keeps getting pnemonia. Well this time she got her regular penacillin for the pnemonia and it didn't…
My mother is 79, a very respectible age and was diagnosed with Stage IIIB NSCLC July 30th. She has been through Chemo and radiation treatments. We discovered a mass on head about 5 weeks. A MRI was done Monday and the news was "be prepared". I take that means it has metastisized to her brain. I guess my questions are, is…
Hello out there
I just signed up this afternoon with the Cancer Survivors Network as I going through some the roughest times in my life and am reaching out anywhere I can for support and community. On January 23rd, 2009, my pulmonary specialist called with the results from an early detection program I had enrolled in...there were two…
Surgery Done- UPDATE
My husband went in yesterday for his VATS on the RUL. They were able to remove the tumor/upper lobe with the robot, but there were cancer cells hanging out on his bronchus so they had to revert to a thoracotomy and cut the bad piece out of his bronchus and stitch the ends together. They were able to get NEGATIVE MARGINS so…
Pulmonary fibrosis following lung radiation treatments.
I underwent 36 radiation treatments following a left upper lobe resection for sclc which hadn't responded to chemo. During the treatments I complained of increasing SOB and was told..'there's a lot of that going around". Aproximately 6 weeks after completion of the treatments I found myself hospitalized with pneumonia and…
chemo again
Well, newest CT scan shows slight incease in my tumor. I did chemo last Jan-May with radiation at the same time. I also did the prevalent brain rad July - August. Scans at that time showed George (I named the little bastid, no offense anyone) had shrunk considerably. He now decided to rear his ugly head again, not a lot,…
Had surgery on Nov. 10,2010. Lost 40% of my upper right.. Some time before Nov 10 my heart went into "a-fib" 2 days after surgery I was shocked back to normal beat.. 2 days later back to a-fib.. Jan. 29. 11 still the same. Am I the only one with strange problem??? God be with you.. no beard now, Huntsville, Alabama---age 74
Update !!
Well Family----just got out of Hospital after 3 weeks due to strep-pneumonia infection in the plueral, right side. Very rough--collapsed in ER with severe pain and could not breathe, was on supplement oxygen for a week. I am now home on IV antibiotics for a month, then I will have a CT Scan, then my new doc's think they…
My dad was recently diagnosed with lung cancer.
Hi everyone, my name is Chrissy. I have been reading the discussion boards for a couple days, and decided to join because I think I am finally accepting my dad's diagnoses. On 10-08-10, he was told he has lung cancer after a trip to the ER for shortness of breath. He was in the hospital for 8 days, then sent home with…
fear the end is near Help
Mom is getting worse she can hardly stand . Just started taxotere and going for three shots after. My brother and I feel she needs a wheel chair but my sister is fighting us because she wants her to stay mobil . there are just days when she cant walk .She has been halucinating but does sometimes understands everything I…
Where is everyone from
I noticed some of the discussion boards talk about where everyone lives. I thought i would try it here. I live in Lancaster Co, PA I do have lung cancer. Take care every one. Cindy
Surgery after all- what to expect
After my husband has had 6 cycles of gemzar/cisplatin-with tumor shrinkage occuring- a new surgeon has said he can operate. We tried this approach in May, but after finding cancer in lymph node biopsy surgery was stopped. Now after chemo and an opinion from a different surgeon, but same Cancer Center we are looking at VATS…
How Did We Get Here?
The Talking Heads asked that....and I have many times. For years.....46 exact, I would hear of someone I knew, someone I used to work with, old family friend, friend of a friend of friend.....whoevever...who one day was full of life and vibrant and the next day....the dreaded C word. How? Why? Never understood.....until…