Dangerous side effects from Avastin
Although I've posted about this drug before, I saw this morning that they are going to stop using it for breast cancer because of side effects. Well I think they should stop using it altogether for all cancers. My husband had lung cancer and had a "RARE" side effect from it and hemorraged to death after only one treatment.…
This is a weird question
My husband is starting his 4th treatment on Monday of cisplatin, taxotere and 5Fu. He looks and feels terrible. He has lost all of his hair, his facial hair, including mustache and beard. He is thin and looks so gaunt. Is this normal for this kind of chemo regimin? he just does not look like himself at all and its kinda…
Using natural supplements to stablize lung cancer
My mother was treated for stage 1 lung cancer in January of 2009 and was stable until April of 2010 when her PET scan showed renewed cancer activity. Because her doctor recommended no treatment, I implemented an intensive regimen of supplements and so far her next two PET scans showed reduced cancer activity, no further…
Biopsy Results - Joining the club
I received the preliminary results of my biopsy today. I have stage 3A NSCLC. Further testing of the specimens will help determine the treatment plan and if the lung cancer is primary, which I believe it is. My hospital is Walter Reed, but I am going to ask for a referral to Johns Hopkins for a second opinion on the…
Dad just diagnosed
Hi My dad was recently diagnosed in the middle of November with IV NSC Lung Cancer with brain and liver mets. Dad had whole braid radiation and is doing better and is coming to California for treatment at UCLA. To say this has devastated my family is an understatement. My dad is 65 and quit smoking 12 years ago with the…
I would like to wish all of you a Merry Christmas. Pray all of you scans come back NED. Greg
We're Scared, Lost and Confused......Recently my 79yr old Father diag. with LUNG CANCER-SMALL CELLS
Last week my 79yr old father went to ER wasn't feeling well. They took x-ray & ct scan and they found a large tumor in right lung. They also took fluid out & did a biopsy and we just got the results back 2days ago. He was diagnosed with LUNG CANCER-SMALL CELLS & were told it's inoperable. We have'nt spoken to a cancer…
Crizotinib - New experimental treatment
doctors are testing out a new experimental treatment that is making a dramatic difference. "Lung cancer was really a shock," said Glenn Mitchell. Glenn has never smoked, so he did not expect the diagnosis. But after less than two months of a new experimental treatment, just three pills twice a day, his cancerous tumor was…
I am Here......still Going............
Well, after being in the Hospital for the last month with altered mental state do to the cancer, which they are now controlling with meds. And my wife God bless her, weathered through this. Next was the pneumonia, severe UTIs, thrush that lasted 5 weeks, trouble swallowing anything except liquuid. Then came the Bi-lateral…
How Long to wait?
I was just diagnosed with stage 3a NSCLC. My doc want to perform another bronchoscopy on Monday, get those results and then refer me to an oncologist. The reason is the first samples, while they were good enough for a basic diagnosis, are not suffcient for further specific diagnosis and use to develop a treatment plan. My…
Stereotactic Radiation (aka SRS)
My wife is fighting nsclc w/ mets to brain and lymphnodes since September 09. Early WBR slowed and actually stabilized the multiple brain lesions, that is until reviewing last weeks MRI. Also, she is on the chemo/Taxotere arm of the ALK 1066 trial, of which she has received 8 doses of the Taxotere. CT Scans also showed new…
SSD Cut off?
Hello family, Has anyone heard of or experienced SS cutting someone off of disability saying that person can go back to work? If a tumor has shrunk, but essentially still there after treatment, I would think that the person is still entitled to the SS disabiity benefit because they still have cancer and it is on the SS's…
Crizotinib - must have EML4-ALK gene, nearly 10,000 would have the EML4-ALK gene out of 220,000 dx
http://singularityhub.com/2010/06/09/crizotinib-targets-gene-to-stop-lung-cancer-tumors-in-90-of-treated-patients/ The drug Crizotinib (PF0234-1066) was shown to shrink or stabilize tumors in about 90% of the patients who took it. Dr. Yue-Jue Bang of Seoul National University presented these results at the annual meeting…
2nd Opinion
Family, I have finished my first line treatment (which is considered successful even with some "activity" still, and decided to get a 2nd opinion for kicks..... My thoughts are as suspected.....when you ask more than one person a question, you will get more than one reply, and of course they are different replys that just…
Clinical Trials - Does anyone know of any ACTIVE non small cell lung cancer clinical trials?
Clinical Trials - Does anyone know of any ACTIVE non small cell lung cancer clinical trials? Thank you, Lizzy
Neuron specific enolase levels?
Has any one had this blood test? I have found that it is used as a predictor for small cell lung cancer. Can't find it in hubby's lab results so I'm assuming it hasn't been ordered. Would you know what a normal level is, an elevated level, and how would it appear on the lab report? Any info would be greatly appreciated.…
husband's treatment break in chemo / waiting for scan /weight loss
well, my husband has now completed two rounds of chemo - carboplatin and irinotecan. before that ( have posted previously ) had 22 radiation treatments to lung tumor. and two lesions on vertebrae 10 and 12 .first scan after original chemo - carbo and etopisde showed no change therefore, change in chemo "cocktail". hoping…
Question: Remission - Ned
Can some one tell me what the difference is between remission and Ned? Thanks Dan
sclerotic lesion
my husband has small cell lung cancer limited he finished his treatments a couple of weeks ago(cisplatin and etopiside as well as 33 radiation treatments) he went in for his first scan tuesday of this week and his tumors in his chest have dissapeared he had a great response. the radiologist even questioned the doctor as to…
Saw Med Onco today and more confused than ever
We were hoping that the onco will start chemo asap due to my husband is stage 4 nsclc. He finished his 12 days radaition to 3 lymph nodes and left lung (tumor was 4cm)and gamma knife (1 tiny brain met) about 2 1/2 weeks ago, got over the side effects and is ready to take on chemo due to last CT scan before showed new tiny…
just diagnosed with lung cancer
Just diagnosedd with lung cancer and I am so scared not sure what stage I need to go have a biospy done does getting one hurt and is lung cancer curable? I am 57 years old and smoked for allmost 40 years my caner cancer is 4"by3" on my right lung they allready siad they cannot operate because it is to close to the heart…
EGFR mutation detection
Can anyone give me contact or any info on where in Ohio I can have an analysis to detect epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) mutations in serum and plasma?
Mets to Liver questions
Just got results of petscan after fourth round of chemo Background: G is 36, was diagnosed stage IV nsclc adenocarcinoma in Sept, had distant mets to bones everywhere including spine and pelvise and femur, also mets to liver and peritoneum. His treatment is cisplatin, alimta, and Avastin. G had a pet scan last month after…
My wife had a ct scan today. This was her first since starting chemo after being diagnosed on Septemeber 10th with stage iv adenocarcinoma with mets to spine. She has taken two rounds of taxol, carboplatin, avastin. She also receives weekly treatments of cetuximab as part of a study. She has received five doses of…
Small Cell Stage 4 - my sweetheart never smoked
He never smoked, and at 57 was diagnosed with small cell carcinoma mainly in the left lung, stage 4 - in the lymph nodes, adrenals and pancreas. I'm feeling a bit lost. We met 6 months ago, connected in an amazing way and were kinda planning a life together ........ now......we get to plan a year if we are lucky. Anyone…
Confused and sad. How can our family best support our sister?
Our sister (late 50's, non smoker) was diagnosed with stage IV lung cancer (non small cell) which has spread all over the place. She is weak, too nauseous to eat, extremely thin and about to start chemotherapy. How can we receive support so that we know how to best love and support her? This is all very new to us and very…
PET scan results are in....
Family, my post-treatment PET scan results indicate still "some" small cancer activity in main tumor, however it has shrunk about 70% since day one, lymph nodes still stable. He says get back to your "life" with no restrictions and we will monitor !! So I guess this is pretty good. He wants to see me in two months to order…
Cisplatin and Tinnitus?
Hey all! Sorry in advance if this has been discussed before. Anyway, I'm a semi-long-term reader, first time poster. My father was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer back in May of this year. He's been taking Chemo for a few months now. One of the drugs he's on is Cisplatin. Anyway, only recently (3 weeks-ish ago) he's…
What does a cancer patient want from their caregiver?
Seeing as how most of you one here are the actual patients, perhaps you could give some advice for a caregiver. Particularly, how to encourage the cancer patient to do the necessary things to fight the cancer. My husband started fighting this last episode of cancer in April. (in throat, close to larynx). He has had a…
my mom is in complete remission from stage 4 lung cancer
this is how my life was turned upside down..my mom had been saying she wasn't feeling well for a while. she always went to the dr.alway took care of herself. march 27Th this year she was told she has lung cancer she never smoked never drank.this is the worst ever the dr.'s has to drain her tummy 2 times with fluid and she…