My question is....

mmt366 Member Posts: 41
edited February 2011 in Lung Cancer #1
Hi, my wife was dx'd w/ stage IV nsclc in Sept 09 and you all know the drill from there. Further tests revealed mets to the brain ( 7 lesions) so they addressed that first w/ WBR.
After that 15 rounds of chemo and then just 2 weeks ago Sterotactic Radiation to two areas of the brain. She is line for a clinical trial involving Crizotinib, but they wont begin the trial while there are active cancer mets outside the Lung.
We arrived at the cancer center this past Wednesday to begin the treatment, that is when we sensed something was wrong, could tell by the way the staff was acting. Anyway, they informed us that the other lesions in the brain had grown extremely fast since the last MRI..just 3 weeks prior. So of course the trial is off ( for now?) and since they are running out of options they began her second round of WBR. She is very weak now and pretty much requires assistance doing just about everything these days. My question is... has anyone out there gone through two (2) rounds of WBR? and if so what can we expect?
The treatmets will be approx 15 months apart. Thanks to you all, this site has been and continues to be a great source for information.
Good thoughts to you all.
