Help..We are loss!
Hi my name is Geri. My husband was just diagnos with lung cancer. He has had is upper half of his left lung removed. What we are most concer about is what they have found. How can this be.He has NON SMALL SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMA 3.8 CM. G3 POORLY DIFFERNTIATED. Staging pT2a(2), pN1 and BRONCHIOLOALVEOLAR CARCINOMA 0.7 cm…
Hi I had a third of my right lung removed in 1997 due to cancer and its almost 14 years now since I stopped smoking. I had chest xray in the last week and the consultant has told me that my lungs are now in great condition and its as though they look like i never had an operation!I am delighted with this news so my…
Secondline chemo for Small Cell Lung Cancer
My name is Mark. I was dx'd with Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer mets to lymph nodes & liver on 2/2/01. I went through chemo, Etopiside & Carboplatin, until the end of May 01. In June, Dr. told me I was in remission!! So I decided to go through a PCI procedure. I received 30 radiation treatments to the brain. That took me…
sclc, 1 1/2 centmeter in one lung, uncurable?
I was diagnosed with sclc Nov, they actually shrunk everything down and had no change, this is after the entire radiation, and chemo 6 months. They did a pet scan and it showed some residual cells at the original sight, which was the vena cava. I am in stage 1. Thhey had me talk to a surgeon and he said it was too close to…
stage i now what
Hi my name is Joe, 53 year old retiring postal worker. Recently diagnosed stage 1 adenocarcinoma left lung. 7mm tumor. Had vats for left upper lobectomy on Jan 18, 2011. No lymph node involvement. I just found this site and was wondering if anyone else is in this situation, so i can know what to expect for follow-up. My…
I usually come in and go right to Lung Cancer but I decided to look at some other headings to day. The one thing that I find in all the posts that appears to be unequivocal, CANCER SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Plan - Finally!
I had a terrific appointment at Johns Hopkins yesterday. I met with the entire team of 5 doctors, including the medical oncologist, radiation oncologist, thoracic surgeon, and two oncology fellows. They presented a plan to me that we are going to begin on Wednesday. The plan includes chemotharepy (Cisplaten (days 1+8 and…
getting out of network radiation covered
Hi - Not sure this is appropriate place but does anyone have experience getting Kaiser to pay for outside radiation? My mother-in-law is having a hard time getting treated and wants to go to City of Hope. Any help would be appreciated. Traci
targeted radiation for stage IV NSC lung cancer
Hi all - trying to help my mother-in-law. She was diagnosed with non-small cell adenocarcimona lung cancer in June 2010 with 2.7 cm nodule in one lung and 1.4 cm nodule in other lung and 6 of 9 lymph nodes positive. No cancer anywhere else. She did 6 rounds of cisplatin and avastin. Latest PET scan and CT scan shows rt…
Survivor Stage IV Small Cell Lung Cancer April 10 to Present
Hello everyone - Just want to send out some encouraging words - I'm 39 diagnosed with Inoperable, Incurable, Termainal Stage IV Small Cell Lung Cancer in April 2010. I've had brain surgery to remove tumor in April 10, Radiation to my whole brain in May 2010, 1 chemo treatment from June to Aug 2010 tumors resolved both in…
dignose with a malignant tumor have not started chemo yet, in 2007 had a liver transplant, just wone
tumor in lower lobe
40 story walk and the news...
My wife and I will be walking up 40 flights of stairs as part of an awareness campaign about exercise in the workplace. One of the local news stations caught wind that my wife was diagnosed with stage iv lung cancer. They interviewed us today. They will do a story tonight and tomorrow. Ill post the link to the interview…
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Hi a lurker till now cuz I have a burning question. What are all of the abbreviations that are used here like ONC. Stage 4 lung victim. More on that later. - John
treatment for stage 4 lung cancer
I was diagnosed with stage 4 lung cancer about 1&1/2 months ago, spread to spine (not the bones), liver and lymph nodes. I was told surgery and radiation are not an option. The only thing they can do is chemo and it won't cure it perhaps shrink the tumors. Has anyone else had anything else besides chemo? I'm not ready to…
Non smoker w/lung cancer
First I would like to say I am so glad that I found this site because I see that me and my mom are not the only one that is going through this ugly thing called cancer. Never in a million years we thought we would be going through this. My mom (non smoker) was diagnosed with stage 4 adenocarcinoma in 2009. She had the…
New caregiver
Hello everyone. My husband has just been diagnosed with lung cancer. 11 years ago I had surgery, radiation and chemo for breast cancer so I know what he will possibly be going through when he starts treatment. We haven't been given a stage yet, that will be this coming Weds. My husband is 73 years old and started smoking…
PET Scan Results
Hello everyone, I posted a few days ago that my dad was going in for a PET Scan. The Pet Scan Results showed two cancer spots near the adrenal glands, above the kidneys. The doctor said my dad's lungs are clear. As I told you guys, my dad is having severe pain in the outer part of his right thigh. Well, the PET Scan showed…
anyone with pleurex catheter in lung
my husband's lung keeps filling with fluid. he has ext sclc since august 2010. have been here before.he's nervous about the procedure. any comments appreciated.
going for needle biopsy
I had an enucleation in my right due to melenoma in dec of 2008. This did not spread anywhere else in the body. March of 2009 I had two skin melenomas that I had surgicaly removed with great sucess and tested lymphnodes and they were neg also.. Now in Sept of 2009 I had 5 spots show up on my lungs. I have mri of the adomen…
Another spot on lung
Hello everyone- Hopefully you can give me some encouragement or you have had the same experience. My mother was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in Feb. 2010. She took chemo and radiation and responded really well to both. We had a PET scan and CT scan on her brain in Nov. and everything was great. She had finished…
New Caregiver Here
My husband was just diagnoised Jan 25th with Stage 4 Lung Cancer. He had his first Chemo treatment on Tuesday. Does anyone have any ideas of anything he can do to deal with all the coughing? He isnt getting much sleep at all from this. Any info would be great. I cant get back to anyone quickly so be dont think I am…
mets to the brain, spine and pelvis
My Mom who's 60yrs old is in day 7 of WBR and had yest. 1st round of alimta, carboplatin and zameta. Mom exhausted today and just sleeps. Could anyone tell me what I will be expecting in the next couple of weeks? Also having real bad constipation on colace any other advice, collace not really working :( (
where has medi_2 been??
just wondering how medi_2 has been? i havent seen any post's in a while from her. anyone know how she is doing? she was one of the first people i connected with when i came on this site any info would be great thankyou tracy
Need to Connect with Others With Extensive Small Cell Lung Cancer
Just dx with extensive disease before Christmas. It seems everyone knows someone who's had lung cancer, but it's always non-small cell. I've only run into one person alive with small cell and hers was limited. I feel so hopeless. If you're out there, going through this, and especially if you're a survivor of extensive…
I feel like a stranger...
It's been so long since I have responded to any posts that I feel like a newbie. I have not been in a happy place for several months so I felt it best to just stay away from these boards since I couldn't be of any help to anyone. Still not in a great place but I am slowly getting back to my old self. Life was going good…
my mother's story
hello, everyone i just want to start by saying God Bless all of you. here's my story: my mother was diagnosed with small cell lung cancer in mid Sept. 2010. she went to the hospital complaining of severe back pain. she was then told by the Dr's that it was sciatica not to worry go home and it'll be fine in a few days (ho…
Photo Dynamic Therapy for Bronchial Tube Cancer L4
Hi everyone, I have a problem in that I have cancer in my bronchial tube and at L4. I also have a spot in my right lung, upper lobe. I had the cancer in the tube debrided as it was occluding my entire tube. Now I am scheduled to have Photo Dynamic Therapy (PDT) to kill as much left over cancer cells as possible. The…
Preparation for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy (SBRT)
I will be undergoing SBRT shortly to deal with what is almost certainly a carcinoma in my left lung. What is there resembles what I had in my right lung, which has been surgically removed. Proceeding with SBRT means not losing any more lung tissue. Does anyone have any experience with taking steps to prepare my body for…
PET Scan on Monday - Should we go or NOT go? Need advice
Hi everyone, As I posted here before, my dad has Small cell lung cancer. Two weeks ago, my father was in the hospital when they did an angiogram, and he also caught pneumonia. While he was there, they did CT Scans of his body and the scans didn't show any sign of cancer. Last week we visited the oncologist, and the…
People with similar situation please help us to figure out what to expect!
My mother was just diagnosed with lung cancer that has metastasized to her back. She had a surgery last week to remove part of the tumor below her shoulder before it reaches the spine. The surgeon told us that he couldn't remove all of the tumor from her back but he is not worried about the rest that can be eliminated by…