stage four liver cancer

Dalejean Member Posts: 2
edited March 2014 in Liver Cancer #1
My brother just had a colostomy, his oncologist saw a shadow and ordered an MRI, he has been diagnosed with stage four liver cancer. Can anybody please help me?


  • offutt9
    offutt9 Member Posts: 88 Member
    Hello!! I am sorry to hear about your brother. Its scary, I know because I have liver cancer. Please don't give up on him yet... Has the doctors offered your brother any options as far as treatment of his liver? Ask about radio frequency abalation, or resection...or if there are any other forms of treatments. I have talked to several people with stage 4 liver cancer and different treatments have worked for them. Not as a cure but a treatment. But most important, don't give up on him. I hope you believe in God... He is the great physician. Always lean on him. Please visit the discussion board of colon cancer. They call themselves the semi colons.. They are a great group of people who may be fo more help than I. Most of them have or has had a colostomy. I will keep your brother and you in my prayers. In Gods Love Barbara

    P. S. Seek second opinions