has anyone taken this IRESSA
I just got my liver scan back it show that one side had heal it self and the other side had got worse.and my platelets have drop so low that I can not take chemo. They give me this new pill to take it is call IRESSA. I found out 9 months ago that I had liver cancer with unknown primary
How long survive?
My mom was diagnosed with breast cancer in 97, five years ago it spread to her liver, spine and other areas. They've refered her to hospice a few years back. Been told more than once you have a few months left. She is now with a oncologist she likes who has mentioned that she is his longest living patient. My mom is…
hepacellular carcinoma or primary adult liver cancer
Hello... I am 66 yr old female who has had hep c for 25 years.... chirrosis for the past 6/7 ... recently a 4cm tumor was ablated using microwaves, rather than radiofrequency -- same technique.. only supposedly higher heat with microwaves...... never went on interferon..... if I qualify for a transplant , will I actually…
Newly Diagnosed Hepatocellular Carcinoma
My name is Tom, I'm 50 yrs old, and was just diagnosed with HCC, Stage II. I think I'll be going before the transplant team next week to see if I qualify. Right now I'm confused, and don't know what to expect. I'm willing to do whatever I have to, but at the same time I'm honestly not afraid of dying. My oncologist spoke…
When is it over?
My father has liver cancer due to hepatitis B, and he has a blot clot that has developed because the diseased tissue--which measure 13 centimeters across, three lesions that grew into one--is pressing against a vein. His stomache and ankle swell with water, and he cannot eat because of the discomfort this causes him. He…
Ascities-abdominal fluid
Does anyone else have this? I have cholangiocarcinoma (bile duct cancer) and fluid collects in my abdomen and has to be drained out every 7-10 days. It's gotten worse lately and I'm wondering if anyone else is going through this and if it's ever gotten better.
Newly diagnosed female
Hi everyone just officially dx Wednesday of this week with Liver Cancer. Had biopsy Friday. Will have resection next week. Wondering what to expect. By the way this is my third cancer. Breast and Colon cancer survivor. Some reason Cancer likes me-smile. Any info appreciated. Livin
My Father's Recent Diagnosis
Hello. About two months ago, my father started complaining that his belly was continuing to grow, despite being on a diet. It was getting to the point where he could not breathe well, and so we took him in the hospital, where they gave a preliminary diagnosis of cirrhosis with ascites, and primary liver cancer. One month…
partial hepatectomy procedure details?
Hi! I am actually a cervical cancer survivor, and entered remission three years ago. Now, at the age of 29, there is a pesky lesion on my liver that keeps growing. I've had it biopsied and it came back benign, but it's growing quite rapidly so they think they either missed some cancer cells on the biopsy or it's a benign…
How Serious is this?
My father is 51 years of age. 6 months ago he was diagnosed with colon cancer. They removed a walnut sized tumor. Upon checking the lymph nodes during surgery they realized it had spread to the lymph nodes, but not to the liver. Now 6 months later there are two tumors in his liver. Both are smaller than 1 cm in diameter.…
Support Group in Alabama
Fellow survivers here who live in or near Alabama, who would like to start a support group in North Alabama Please email me at krp@hiwaay.net My name is Kevin.
Need information on liver tumor.
I have a very good friend who was just diagnosed with liver cancer. He is having some problem talking about this and it is understandable, but I will give the information that he has given me and perhaps someone can give me any information or encouragement so that I can relay to him. First off, he is 47 years old and is a…
Black and Whites are the best
Greetings to all who are experiencing this journey. I lost my mom to Liver Cancer in March. She survived for 18 months going through chemoembolization, and Therasphere. There is always hope. I wanted to post that 1 month before mom lost her battle, we took pictures. Black and Whites Her spirit showed through the photo and…
LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT SUPPORT. my father died of liver cancer in 1971. i was 13 yrs. old. my mother basically died the same day. she had not worked since 1945. all she knew was waitress work at @2.00 hr. plus tips. we barely survived. all the people that my father knew and came to his funeral told my mother," if you need…
liver tumor
is there any one out there that has had gemzar chemo and is in remission from liver tumor cancer???
Painful, blue fingertips
My husband has pancreatic cancer which has spread to his liver and is on his second round of chemo. He has the normal effects from chemo such as nausea and fatigue but his latest problem is blue fingertips on the index and middle fingers of both hands. It is very painful and hurts constantly. He has been checked for…
Hepatocellular Carcinoma
My mother has this cancer. There's nothing they can do. I would like to know what to expect now that they gave her 6 months to live. If any relative has seen there loved one go through this dying process please let me know what to expect.
Trisenox or Thalidomide?
Has anyone diagnosed with an unresectable hepatoma tried either one of these new drugs?
Oxaliplatin _ side effects
To Everyone who has replied to my message. Thank you. I guess you should know that my mother has passed on January 24th. The doctors, during autopsy, declared that unfortunately, the oxioplatin was feeding her cancer instead of stopping it. We are in the greiving process and although I know noboby could have predicted the…
advice on skipping treatment
My wife, has had her first 2 chemo treatments w/ Gemzar,(had bile duct cancer w/ mets to the liver) and both times it took her 3 days to begin to have any type of appetite at all. She mainly slept and i was only able to get her to drink water,the rest of the week she ate lightly but at least it stayed down. She supposed to…
A friend of ours passed away yesterday. It was primarily liver cancer, although I don't have all the details regarding mets or other issues. But I wanted to know if it's possible for someone with only liver cancer to receive a liver transplant? Please don't think my question rude, I just really don't understand liver…
After a little cajolling, I have convinced the CSN that there is a need for a discussion for military cancer survivors. The purpose of this discussion is to give military folks a safe place to go and ask questions about treatment, administrative issues, performance evaluations, etc. that are unique to military cancer…
Hi everyone! As a public service announcement I want to let you all know about the promising cancer treatment called Controlled Amino Acid Therapy (CAAT). I have been volunteering there for 3 years and have seen and heard of many patients responding. I have even answered the phone and spoken to oncologists requesting our…
Colon & Liver Cancer
Oct. 2001 I was diagnosed with colon cancer. A 9" section of my colon was removed successfully and I was told I didn't need chemo. Jun 2002 I had another CEA blood test done. The results came back at 53.5. I know this isn't an accurate way to check for cancer but it does work for me. I had a cat-scan, MRI, and another…
my dad the fighter
Hi, My father has stage IV lung cancer, that has spread to the liver. We have tried every type of chemo possible and nothing works on the liver. His mass is 14cm, a little large. He is willing to continue to fight. He feels weak alot, and now doesn't want to eat much, but he keeps trying. does anyone have any suggestions…
need info about help
sisters son has liver cancer with a 6 months to 1 year to live , need chemo but has no insurance , and doctors won't touch him unless he has 25 thousand dollars up front , is there any help out there for someone to get free chemo treatments , his name is ron brandon and lives in walnut ridge ark. , phone , 18708862117
Mother's cancer,how can I help?
My mother was diagnosed with breast cancer 16 years ago.She is 77 and her cancer has spread into her lymphatic system into her spine and now finally into her liver.She has begun chemo treatments which are making her very ill.I just wonder what I can do to help.Because she really dosen't want anyone around.Is there a chance…
meal time help
I visit with a friend that has liver cancer.She has finished her chemo and radiation treatment about 2 months ago. Since then she has went from 108 to 99lbs. She is 83 years of age and meal time is very hard. Any ideas. HELP ....
IntraCellular Hyperthermia Therapy
My mom has just been diagnosed with secondary liver cancer, she is not eligible for surgery thus she began some standard protocol based chemiotherapy. I came across ICHT therapy that is administered in Italy. Does anyone have information (or experience) to share about this therapy or any other. Would be much appreciated.
chemo not working
Does anyone have any suggestions when the chemo doesn't work to shrink the tumors. My mother has been sent home by the doctor as her tumors have increased instead of decreased. Also, she's in quite a bit of pain. Thanks, Twobits