new to this cancer thing, help please

kaynunes Member Posts: 8
edited March 2014 in Liver Cancer #1
I am a woman 75yrs old, just recently diagnosed with colon cancer, has spread to the liver, so it is still called colon cancer, on the liver. Had surgery, part of colon removed, that is ok. liver has several lesions on the outside and the lining. This is terminal, stage 4,uncureable and advanced. I have not started chemo yet, waiting for surgeon to put port in shoulder. surgery was july 29......and i am not supposed to be scared? nervous or anxious? I am a christian, but i was out for 8 hours and when i woke up i did not know who i was and had hallucinations. the drugs i know, so with the help of my Pastor, I have gotten back alot of my spiritual faith. I know only God knows when I will die, but something was said about 18 months, and i keep thinking about that. Now, my dr. says I have to forget the numbers, and change my "philosophy of lie", live each day to the fullest, dont dwell on the bad part, look forward to each day....etc. I am trying......but its not easy. how do i do his. I have been to a local cancer support group meeting once, was helpfull. Any advice you have for me would be appreciated. i am afraid of the chemo. Kay


  • dllfb
    dllfb Member Posts: 3
    Dear KAY...sorry you are going through for time are right..only God knows. In Feb. my friend's father was given between 2 weeks and 2 months to live when he was diagnosed with lung cancer which had already spread to the liver (5 spots) and lymps. They started chemo on him and after three treatments the spots have all disappeared...and he is feeling great...he still wears the pain patch and is continuing with the full course of chemo....he feels so well that yesterday he was giving orders to my friend to order bushels of tomatoes for a couple of weeks from now so they can make homemade vegetable juice like the do this time every year. Something similar happened to my sisterinlaws mother...who had lung cancer spread to the lymphs...she had two drs say no hope....her family went for a third opinion with an oncologist and she went through the chemo he prescibed and the radiation..and she has been cancer free for two years. Only HE above holds the key.
    I am going through this with my 88 year old mother who was diagnosed with liver cancer three days ago. It is very difficult to be positive...but when there is breath there is hope.
    I met a gentleman at church the other day. I went there to pray and cry after I had to tell my mom and dad the dreaded diagnosis...the worst thing I have ever had to do in all my life.
    Being an only child with no aunts or uncles/relatives..just my parents..this contines to be such a tragedy for me....they are all I have...anyway this gentleman (a stranger) was coming into the church as I was walking out and saw my condition and expressed some concern. I told him about my mom and he said he was suffering from cancer as well and that is why he was there. I couldn't help but hug him and feel even more emotional because he was so much younger than my mother and has to go through a hell of his own. As we parted he said...remember dear..."your mother will live with cancer, not dying of it." I took those words to heart and thought they had a very deep meaning.
    I pray that with time you will find the courage and strength to accept what you are going through....and live each day to the fullest...God Bless you and keep you in his loving care!
  • Betsy2
    Betsy2 Member Posts: 1
    Dear Kay, So sorry you are going through this. I was diagnose with gallbladder cancer in April. Then found out it had spread to my liver, lymph nodes and that there was a mass on my pancreas. At that point it was inoperable. Was told I had a 50/50 chance of surviving. I was at least Stage 3 possibly Stage4. I went through 6 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the tumors so that hopefully could have the operation. Which I did on July 22. The chemo and radiation worked and did what they were supposed to do. There is always hope, cancer can't take away your hope.
    Keep talking about it and gather as much information as you can from as many source as you can. And keep hoping!
  • kaynunes
    kaynunes Member Posts: 8
    Betsy2 said:

    Dear Kay, So sorry you are going through this. I was diagnose with gallbladder cancer in April. Then found out it had spread to my liver, lymph nodes and that there was a mass on my pancreas. At that point it was inoperable. Was told I had a 50/50 chance of surviving. I was at least Stage 3 possibly Stage4. I went through 6 weeks of chemotherapy and radiation to shrink the tumors so that hopefully could have the operation. Which I did on July 22. The chemo and radiation worked and did what they were supposed to do. There is always hope, cancer can't take away your hope.
    Keep talking about it and gather as much information as you can from as many source as you can. And keep hoping!

    Thank you so much for responding. i have not started chemo yet, waiting for healing from surgery. my dr. says my whole life will change and i have to change my philosophy of life!!! I am trying, with the help of God. I have an appt. tomorrow w/chemo dr. i need to have the port put in surgically. do you have one? i cant believe the chemo and radiation worked for you so well, God bless you; that is so great. they say mine is terminal, i pray alot and try to have a good attitude and keep positive. Only God knows when i will go. kay love to you
  • offutt9
    offutt9 Member Posts: 88 Member
    kaynunes said:

    Thank you so much for responding. i have not started chemo yet, waiting for healing from surgery. my dr. says my whole life will change and i have to change my philosophy of life!!! I am trying, with the help of God. I have an appt. tomorrow w/chemo dr. i need to have the port put in surgically. do you have one? i cant believe the chemo and radiation worked for you so well, God bless you; that is so great. they say mine is terminal, i pray alot and try to have a good attitude and keep positive. Only God knows when i will go. kay love to you


    Hello!!!! I have angiosarcoma of the liver. A rare liver cancer... My oncologist at that time, told me to go home and live my life to its fullest because I would be dead by Christmas. That was in August of 2003.... Its been 5 years!!! and I give all the GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!. Keep Faith and never give up HOPE.. Doctors are certaintly not gods.... Never give up and stay close to God. Philppines 4:13 says I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. He gives me strength every day. And as for your port, there is nothing to worry about. I have one. You are not out very long and it is so much better than being stuck all the time. My story is on this site. Its called "Miracle In Work!!! God has a Plan for ME!!! I will keep you in my prayers, and will always be there if you need to talk. Keep the Faith, and never give up!! In Gods Love....Barbara
  • kaynunes
    kaynunes Member Posts: 8
    offutt9 said:


    Hello!!!! I have angiosarcoma of the liver. A rare liver cancer... My oncologist at that time, told me to go home and live my life to its fullest because I would be dead by Christmas. That was in August of 2003.... Its been 5 years!!! and I give all the GLORY TO GOD!!!!!!!. Keep Faith and never give up HOPE.. Doctors are certaintly not gods.... Never give up and stay close to God. Philppines 4:13 says I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. He gives me strength every day. And as for your port, there is nothing to worry about. I have one. You are not out very long and it is so much better than being stuck all the time. My story is on this site. Its called "Miracle In Work!!! God has a Plan for ME!!! I will keep you in my prayers, and will always be there if you need to talk. Keep the Faith, and never give up!! In Gods Love....Barbara

    liver cancer
    Barbara thank you so much for your reply. letters like yours are what really help me. I did not like to hear "terminal--advanced--stage 4--about 18 mo to live"......But i believe God has a plan for me and is opening a new door and sending me on a new journey. I pray for strength and more time to spend with my family and I hope to touch a few people on the way. you have touched me. thanks, kay nunes
  • kaynunes
    kaynunes Member Posts: 8
    dllfb said:

    Dear KAY...sorry you are going through for time are right..only God knows. In Feb. my friend's father was given between 2 weeks and 2 months to live when he was diagnosed with lung cancer which had already spread to the liver (5 spots) and lymps. They started chemo on him and after three treatments the spots have all disappeared...and he is feeling great...he still wears the pain patch and is continuing with the full course of chemo....he feels so well that yesterday he was giving orders to my friend to order bushels of tomatoes for a couple of weeks from now so they can make homemade vegetable juice like the do this time every year. Something similar happened to my sisterinlaws mother...who had lung cancer spread to the lymphs...she had two drs say no hope....her family went for a third opinion with an oncologist and she went through the chemo he prescibed and the radiation..and she has been cancer free for two years. Only HE above holds the key.
    I am going through this with my 88 year old mother who was diagnosed with liver cancer three days ago. It is very difficult to be positive...but when there is breath there is hope.
    I met a gentleman at church the other day. I went there to pray and cry after I had to tell my mom and dad the dreaded diagnosis...the worst thing I have ever had to do in all my life.
    Being an only child with no aunts or uncles/relatives..just my parents..this contines to be such a tragedy for me....they are all I have...anyway this gentleman (a stranger) was coming into the church as I was walking out and saw my condition and expressed some concern. I told him about my mom and he said he was suffering from cancer as well and that is why he was there. I couldn't help but hug him and feel even more emotional because he was so much younger than my mother and has to go through a hell of his own. As we parted he said...remember dear..."your mother will live with cancer, not dying of it." I took those words to heart and thought they had a very deep meaning.
    I pray that with time you will find the courage and strength to accept what you are going through....and live each day to the fullest...God Bless you and keep you in his loving care!

    liver cancer
    thank you so much for your reply. you didn't sign your name, so my love and prayers go to you. its hard, but with God, we can do it. I am sorry you are alone, I do have a loving family for support, so I am blessed. God has a plan for each of will be revealed, trust Him and be humble like a little child. thats what a pastor told me. love kay
  • humingbird
    humingbird Member Posts: 4
    Dear Kay
    My mom is 59 years old, 2 months ago she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she had the surgery done. 2 days ago, they said it's all over her liver!! We're still in shock.
    There are no words that could describe feelings of the patient and their family. I was desparate and felt like I was falling apart. I was looking for an answer. I am a christian too. My younger sister told me to stop asking those questions. There is no way we'll understand why, how come, etc... As the LORD said "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" Isaiah 55:8.

    It's ok to feel scared, anxious, and nervous, but it's also ok to ask our Lord to give you strength to endure this and help you get through it. You, and we, are all in HIS hands.

    "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows". Luke 12:7.

    Hang in there for his promise is true "But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." 1 Peter 4:13

    "Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." Romans 8:17

    You will be in my prayers tonight.
    God bless.
  • kaynunes
    kaynunes Member Posts: 8

    Dear Kay
    My mom is 59 years old, 2 months ago she was diagnosed with ovarian cancer, she had the surgery done. 2 days ago, they said it's all over her liver!! We're still in shock.
    There are no words that could describe feelings of the patient and their family. I was desparate and felt like I was falling apart. I was looking for an answer. I am a christian too. My younger sister told me to stop asking those questions. There is no way we'll understand why, how come, etc... As the LORD said "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" Isaiah 55:8.

    It's ok to feel scared, anxious, and nervous, but it's also ok to ask our Lord to give you strength to endure this and help you get through it. You, and we, are all in HIS hands.

    "Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows". Luke 12:7.

    Hang in there for his promise is true "But rejoice that you participate in the sufferings of Christ, so that you may be overjoyed when his glory is revealed." 1 Peter 4:13

    "Now if we are children, then we are heirs—heirs of God and co-heirs with Christ, if indeed we share in his sufferings in order that we may also share in his glory." Romans 8:17

    You will be in my prayers tonight.
    God bless.

    liver cancer
    Thank you so much for the note. it means so much to me. i am still in shock. i had my first chemo treatment monday, and i still feel fine. it was no big deal, and i was so afraid, over nothing. i had a port put in last week. just sitting there for so long. i would love to keep in touch with you and see how your mom is doing. they say mine is terminal, but whatever God decides is ok with me. my e mail is and prayers...
  • humingbird
    humingbird Member Posts: 4
    Dear Kay
    Good to hear you're doing fine. Hang in there.

    My mom is actually the strongest of us all. She is also happy with whatever comes, which kinda helps us deal with it too. I believe that God allows those trials, but he gives with it comfort and peace.

    Just remember what he said “Even to your old age and gray hairs I am he, I am he who will sustain you. I have made you and I will carry you; I will sustain you and I will rescue you.”- Isaiah 46:4

    My email is:
    Love and blessings to you.
  • menright
    menright Member Posts: 256 Member
    New to Cancer
    Dear Kay:

    I too am new to this cancer thing. In fact I am brand new and working my way through the diagnosis process as well as communicating my condition with family and friends. Tomorrow, I have a biopsy to determine if my colon cancer has spread to my liver. There are CAT/PET scan indications that need further review.

    I pray that you have found hope in this scary process. I tell my wife that we must create our own hope and trust God.

    Please let me know how things are for you. I will pray for your peace and healing.

  • kaynunes
    kaynunes Member Posts: 8
    menright said:

    New to Cancer
    Dear Kay:

    I too am new to this cancer thing. In fact I am brand new and working my way through the diagnosis process as well as communicating my condition with family and friends. Tomorrow, I have a biopsy to determine if my colon cancer has spread to my liver. There are CAT/PET scan indications that need further review.

    I pray that you have found hope in this scary process. I tell my wife that we must create our own hope and trust God.

    Please let me know how things are for you. I will pray for your peace and healing.


    new to cancer
    Hi Mike, i havent been on here for awhile, i found it depressing to see how much cancer is around.....ok....I have made peace with it. Mine was on the colon and spread to the liver, as the pet/ct scan showed. i have had chemo/avastan once a week for about 10 weeks and the last scan showed the cancer was inactive. so that is good news. the treatment is working so far at holding it back.But, that could change, I just have to trust in God. mike, thats all I have, but its all I need, He is sufficient. I have prayed for peace and comfort....and gotten it. I am 75 years old. we celebrated our 56th anniv yesterday, and I feel very blessed. God is telling me now to keep my focus on Him.....the chemo does not make me too sick, just soooo tired, and i go from diahrrea to constipation. I wish you luck also, prayers and love. I am living each day to the fullest I can; its all we can do. It is what it is. we have to accept it, there is no other way. Happy Thanksgiving.....i will enjoy my entire family here in Calif. my e-mail is if you wanna talk. i go to a cancer support group here in town, and it helps. pray....