child support work with LTD and SSD

cheatinlil Member Posts: 197 Member

How does child support work with LTD and SSD

Step daughte dropped off on 11/7 with all her belongings.

Bio mom planning on moving to another city Thanksgiving weekend.

Bio mom doesn’t work and has not worked in 7 years

Bio mom boyfriend didn’t work for about a year; started working 11/2.

Bio mom will not modify child support so we have to sue her.  She won't do it because she says SHE needs the money and we don't.  We told her we don't want her to pay us child support.  We just don't want to have to pay since she lives with us. 

We have paid for glasses, braces, school clothes, school supplies, sports clothes

She missed so many days of school last year, she had to go to court and put on probation if she missed anymore days.

She has asthma and was sick all the time because her house was filled with 2 smokers.  Lots of pets, dogs, cats, I heard 13

Didn’t have heat in the home for 2 years; constantly worried the water or electricity would be turned off.  House may be in foreclosure.  Constantly worried about getting kicked out. 

One attorney quoted us starting fees of $1750 to file and have her served.  On average $10,000 to modify

Sorry this is so choppy but I can't even think straight right now.  I just need others thoughts on how SSD or LTD effected child support.