Scanxiety, sort of...

Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member

Hello everyone!

It is time for our family to worry a bit again. Not RCC this time, but that another C - hepatitis. Yesterday my partner got tested for viral load, that was the second test after therapy. If this one is also negative, like the first one, it means he is cured. The waiting for the resulys can last up to 3 weeks (don't know what they are doing with this blood there :-) )

A bit worried, but not as bad as with RCC scans. 

On a good note - Alice is 6 months today! Unbeliavable that half a year has passed already, time does fly :-) Just a bit more - and she will be asking daddy for her first car :-) My only wish for her on her small "birthday" is health.

So a lot of health to you all as well, and especially to your children and other loved ones!




  • Jojo61
    Jojo61 Member Posts: 1,309 Member
    Hi Allochka,
    I am keeping my

    Hi Allochka,

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for good results for your husband's hep tests (maybe there is an equivalent to Uncle NED in the Hep world?) Keep us posted.

    And Alice is 6 months already? Wow. Give her a big kiss and hug from me. You are so right, they grow up so fast. I know you are enjoying every minute with her.



  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member
    Jojo61 said:

    Hi Allochka,
    I am keeping my

    Hi Allochka,

    I am keeping my fingers crossed for good results for your husband's hep tests (maybe there is an equivalent to Uncle NED in the Hep world?) Keep us posted.

    And Alice is 6 months already? Wow. Give her a big kiss and hug from me. You are so right, they grow up so fast. I know you are enjoying every minute with her.



    Thank you, Jojo!
    Alice kissed

    Thank you, Jojo!

    Alice kissed and hugged :-) 

    Hep guys call their favorite uncle "SVR" - sustained virological response. Doesn't sound as cool as NED, though :-)

  • APny
    APny Member Posts: 1,995 Member
    Allochka said:

    Thank you, Jojo!
    Alice kissed

    Thank you, Jojo!

    Alice kissed and hugged :-) 

    Hep guys call their favorite uncle "SVR" - sustained virological response. Doesn't sound as cool as NED, though :-)

    Keeping my fingers crossed

    Keeping my fingers crossed for good results and a visit for Uncle SVR. And wow, can't believe six months have gone by already. She must be so adorable :)

  • suzymcdo
    suzymcdo Member Posts: 20

    Here is hoping the uncle SVR visits your home soon! 

  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member
    suzymcdo said:


    Here is hoping the uncle SVR visits your home soon! 

    Thank you! :-)

    Thank you! :-)

  • Jan4you
    Jan4you Member Posts: 1,330 Member
    Allochka said:

    Thank you! :-)

    Thank you! :-)

    Hugs to you and yours!!

    Hugs to you and yours!!

    Let us know the test results AND how YOU are doing as well, k?


  • foroughsh
    foroughsh Member Posts: 779 Member
    Dear Alla,Have you got the

    Dear Alla,

    Have you got the test's result by now? I'm praying for the negative result, le'ts imagine the moment  when you'll have the negative result and will feel wonderful to know he is cured, I love the combination of  relaxed, excited, happy moments.



  • Allochka
    Allochka Member Posts: 1,069 Member
    foroughsh said:

    Dear Alla,Have you got the

    Dear Alla,

    Have you got the test's result by now? I'm praying for the negative result, le'ts imagine the moment  when you'll have the negative result and will feel wonderful to know he is cured, I love the combination of  relaxed, excited, happy moments.



    Thank you for

    Thank you for asking! 

    Unfortunately no results yet, it can take up to 3 weeks :-(  No idea what are they doing with this blood :-) Simply test for Hep takes one day. The one we need now - a viral load count, takes weeks.   Quite possible that the test itself is done fast, and they are simply slow with paperwork.

    I wish your words will become true, and we'll have this happy relaxed moment soon! We are very hopeful.

    I'll definitely keep you posted!

    thanks again for caring!
