NED Times 3

Received Fantastic news today.

 Need to start at the beginning.  The PET scan done at the end of January showed Lt tonsil/base of tongue w/ few flickers in Rt upper lung.

2 1/2 months out from HN SCC HPV+ treatment I starting to improve except for burning pain at the back and right side of tongue when eating.  Went to my ENT who decided to do a scope.  To our relief, the 2 areas that had shown cancer were healed, NED. My mouth was healing beautifully and he prescribed Gabapentin for the burning pain, which has helped.  I had an appointment to see my Chemo Onocologist who was thrilled with the NED report but wanted to do a CT w/contrast to double check if it matched up with the visual done by my ENT since it was 1 month early.  CT was NED for throat but there was a slight change in the lung.  So off to my Lung Dr who did a CT of the lungs, which showed a mass in place of the flickers.  Starting to sweat.  Ordered a PET to include H/N, along with lungs. Really sweating now waiting for results.  Came back today NED for the lungs, and another NED report for the H/N. Needless to say danced around her office!  So I feel really confident that treatment worked and accomplished what it set out to do. 

Celebrated with rare Prime rib with fluffy steak fries and an ice cold beer.  It was butter!  I was thrilled that I could take 2-3 bites before needing a sip of water.  Swallowing was no problem.  I feel very, very fortunate and truly blessed.  


  • the_wife
    the_wife Member Posts: 184
    edited August 2016 #2
    That's awesome!!!

    That's awesome!!! Congratulations!!!!!! Wow, only 2 1/2 months out and you're having steak fries and ..... beer? Does your doctor know about this? LOL! Seriously, though - enjoy and keep up the good work! Smile

  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    My Mistake

    My Mistake for not being clearer on the timeline. First scope and CTw/contrast was around 2 + 1/2 months out of treatment.  The lung CT and PET was done in month 3.  Starting into my 4th month as of right now.  I also did not have surgery and no lymph nodes were involved.  7 wks Rads w/ 7 Chemos.  Yes, my Drs know about the beer and were surprised.   They will be happy to hear I am eating better and swallowing well.  Need to gain much lost weight.

  • cardoza33
    cardoza33 Member Posts: 81

    My Mistake

    My Mistake for not being clearer on the timeline. First scope and CTw/contrast was around 2 + 1/2 months out of treatment.  The lung CT and PET was done in month 3.  Starting into my 4th month as of right now.  I also did not have surgery and no lymph nodes were involved.  7 wks Rads w/ 7 Chemos.  Yes, my Drs know about the beer and were surprised.   They will be happy to hear I am eating better and swallowing well.  Need to gain much lost weight.


    I just went through the scanxiety last week.  I am so happy for you.  I love good news on here.  

  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    edited August 2016 #5



    Good NED night to you.


  • Kari2007
    Kari2007 Member Posts: 108

    Congratulations on your NED x3!! 


  • bebo12249
    bebo12249 Member Posts: 181 Member


  • dygit
    dygit Member Posts: 40 Member

    Fantastic news!

  • Barbaraek
    Barbaraek Member Posts: 626
    Driving Daisy

    so happy that lung scan and the others were ok! And it sounds like you are well on your way to a fantastic new normal! Wishing you all the best...


  • Drivingdaisy
    Drivingdaisy Member Posts: 263
    edited August 2016 #10
    Thank you

    Thank you all for the wonderful responses.  I am so very fortunate and I hope in some why this will show others having to endure this horrific diagnosis and treatment.......there IS light at the end of the tunnel.  My sincere best to All and Congradulations to all you NED's.    PS:  Anyone from this board from the Bay Area of Florida, would love to converse with you.

    Lisa.    (My nickname from my husband & kids really is Driving Daisy)