Spring is sprung...at least according to the calender.
Been awhile since I have posted...for good reasons. I am sure gaining my strength back quickly and have been back at work pretty steady. I have been watching from the shadows and am touched by everyone's truly compassionate reaction to Delnatives passing. So genuine...CSN is such a great place. Also I am amazed to watch…
please advise
hello to everyone, my dad just came from the GI dr. today. we went there because we are about 5 months since treatment for tonsil and lymph and still cannot swallow more than liquid and brooths and we wanted to try throat dlitation. The dr. came out after endoscopy and said that he could not dilate anything because there…
Acinic Cell Cancer Head/neck
Does anyone know of any treatment, besides surgery, for acinic cell cancer? I was told there is no chemotherapy by surgeons, but I think there must be. Thank you as I have had three failed surgeries and really need help.
After being out of treatment for 15 months I decided it was time to get a tattoo to state my feelings about cancer. (I have two other tats from my 30's that have to do with music) After much deliberation I decided to go with screw cancer. New parlor in the town I live in and both artists are young and very cool. I sort of…
My Sister Husband
It’s been a hard week, my Sister who has Parkinson Disease very bad lost her Husband last week. He was just 48 and in very good health, he went finishing by his self and they found the boat capsized and his body floating. It is believed that he had a Heart attack and fell overboard. It is not just Cancer that kills; she is…
Hobbies and Other Interests
In reading Tonsil Dad's post and learning he is a framer of artwork and photos. I decided to start a post on hobbies and other interests. I know myself (other than fishing, LOL), one of my hobbies and first loves has always been art. I mainly like to do wildlife art, and portraits, usually always in acrylic or prismacolor…
Fallen Warrior ~ Jim in Delaware
With a very heavy heart, I'm making this post.... MarineE5, sent me a message today that he had found out that Jim had passed away on February 25th. Below is the link to his obituary..... Jim in Delaware In reading the obituary, I can't help but to think that Jim (knowing his dry humor), entirely or definitely had a hand…
oral mets lung
We were hoping this mess was over until a ct showed cancer in both of my husbands lungs. We are praying for a miracle. Has anyone else had any experience with anything like this? He is 32 so the Drs have no answers because of how agressive this cancer has been. This is the 4th time in less than a year he has had it.
13 radiology treatments completed and now the dreaded mucous
I've completed 13 of the 35 radiologic treatments and 2 of 7 chemo. My throat is so sore that swallowing is extremely painful. Doctor prescribed Vis lidocaine/diphen/Maalox and this helps to some degree for a quick meal but it lasts about 15 minutes at the most. I have just about given up trying to eat by mouth and use the…
I'm going to do another round of radiation/chemo. One week of Cyberknife and three consecutive weeks of Carboplatin. Supposedly Carboplatin has a lot fewer side effects than Cisplatin. Anyone have experience with Carboplatin?
Some Updates About Me Lately.
Hey All I know I havent been posting on here as of late but just been dealing with doctors apts. I am still cancer free as of last fall but still dealing with some really nasty side effects from post cancer treatments. Like my light headness all the time and shoulder/neck problem and numbness in the legs/arms. So today I…
Alternative Meds
This post is mainly aimed at my friend Hondo but feedback from anyone is also appreciated. Looking back at some older posts I see you are taking alternative treatments Or meds, which I am very much into. I'm still doing the conventional treatment as you all Know but I also take a product called Transfer Factor Plus for my…
H&N posters are most active on this site!
Have you checked out the stats on all the cancer categories for CSN (Cancer Survivors Network). Our group H & N has 57K posts, more than double of the next leader Breast Cancer. I guess that means we are most active. Thought that was interesting to note.
They've Started
I said I would keep you all uptodate, well here goes. I've finished only my 6th Rad session and now I have no taste buds whatsoever, none or very little saliva And an earache . I new there would be side effects but I thought they would come Later in treatment. But the good news is my Onc examined me yesterday and looked At…
What about dentures?
I've been reading on the Superthread about dental work needing to be done. I have dentures, however...I was planning on getting new ones this spring. Should I skip that, or would that be considered "dental care"? I'm wondering if I should go ahead and do this before any surgery....or if it's a moot subject. p
After being out of treatment for 15 months I decided it was time to get a tattoo to state my feelings about cancer. (I have two other tats from my 30's that have to do with music) After much deliberation I decided to go with screw cancer. New parlor in the town I live in and both artists are young and very cool. I sort of…
Why are we waiting so long for Biopsy results? (ENT)
It was Aug 2011 when I noticed 2 lumps on my husbands neck his Submandibular Gland was the size of an egg & his salivery gland was also swollen. He went to the Doctor who sent him for an ultra sound and when our GP wasn't satisified with the results he sent my husband to the Head & Neck (ENT) specialist. In Dec 2011 he had…
Husband's Surgery - Ugh.... UPDATE
I think it's official - I've lost my mind. I came on to give an update on Bob, my husband's surgery on a post I would have sworn I made earlier in the week. I can't find it anywhere. Weird. So I suppose I will start over. He had his surgery Monday morning. It went about 6 hours and they found more cancer than they…
Tooth Decay
I know this has been discussed before but I can't find exactly what I am looking for and wonder if you guys can help. I have had two teeth pulled as a result of decay caused by the radiation therapy. Now, in an effort to save my other teeth I need to have two root canals and two crowns which are very expensive. My question…
Decorations Down!
Good Morning: Just thought I'd let y'all know that I have finally packed away the Christmas decorations and the tree is down and put away! I'll put some St. Patty's stuff out and then the Easter and then it's pretty tame until fall. My gosh, I didn't think about this when I listed my hobbies on Skiffin's post about that…
Just wanted to share with you all. 9 months post treatment and ENT doc gave me the thumbs up (metaphorically speaking). Still have PET in 3 weeks but he was confident it would also be clear. If I could light a cigar I would!
Our God is Awesome.....
Awesome, faithful, and never failing! Thank you all (AGAIN!) for your prayers, love support, and blessings! I have been declared NED once again! I am so grateful for this site, and my fellow fighters. Just know, that you can win the battle too. There have been times I would not have, or could not have believed I would be…
surgery completed-not so good results
Hi, so my mom is fighting recurrance for the third time within not even 2 years, had her surgury today, right neck dissection and part of left side of her tongue removed. Unfortunately doctor had to remove the jagular vain which will leave her arm limited for the rest of her life. Any suggestions on that? does the…
had my six month videostrobe today at Penn State Hershey, God I hate that thing and all the gagging, but it was successful, ENT guy said "the throat looks great" It is fascinating to watch the vocal cords dance to the variety of sounds you make. next September I have a pet scan and another strobe, until then, plan for the…
here we go again....
I watched him shave his head knowing it was for some control at a time when he has none. He was stoic,and strong on the outside,but I cannot imagine what he is feeling on the inside. I am so proud of the man I married,and I pray I have more time to prove it to him as we are only 32. I feel so powerless. I have always been…
Neck Dissection with Nerve Pain
A little update on my recent treatment. I started phase III yesterday getting RT. They first told me it was going to be 25 treatments but changed it to 30. The reason was that it is low dose RT and they are stretching it out to minimize my side effects. Coming home today from my 2nd treatment I could feel the burn on my…
Accidental Overdose
Well my last post was a heavy one. This one will be again. My last chemo is tomorrow and I don't want it (kicks and pounds fist on ground like a 4 year old throwing a tantrum) All joking aside. I don't know if I can do it. I am just starting to feel better, then they hit you again. If is like some f*##ing cruel joke. It…
Scan results...clinical trial
An update on my husband, Andy, who is in a clinical trial treatment for metastasis...Andy has had four out of eight cycles of his Reovirus clinical trial and had his second ct scan a week ago. His first scan showed a very positive response with approximately 40% shrinkage of his lesions. The second scan surprised his…
Any advice for my mom about to have surgery for tongue cancer?
Hi Everyone, My mom was diagnosed with stage 3 SCC of the left tonsil and lymphnode. She received about 2.5months of radiation and chemo., followed by another 2 months of chemo after radiation, treatment ending in 10/2011. She was declared cancer free 12/2011. Two months later her PET scan revealed the cancer spread to the…