biopsy results in the a.m.
Hey everyone, I have been saying I'm sick of feeling sick for months. Still very weak, nauseated and dizzy. Trying very hard to get calories to stay in me....but stomache wants to get rid of it as soon as I try. I get those results on the scope tomorrow...good or bad I'm hoping they can pin point why I feel like this. They…
Ensure not setting well
David is having alot of problems with the tube feedings. First he was very nauseated and now it just always sounds like a thunderstorm erupting in his tummy. He says he feels terrible. He is supposed to have 6 cans a day, but the most he has tolerated is 3. Any recommendations.
Decision about treatment
We met with radiation oncologist and oncologist today. Basically we had some good news. We are being put in a study to do less radiation because he had surgically proven negative nodes on the left side, which means he will have radiation to the right side only. He will still need chemo though. Of course the dr explained…
Day 2 of Induction, the fun continues
Good morning folks, here begins day two of the Induction journal. Crashed into bed about 9:30 last night and didn't stir until an emergency trip to the commode at about 2 am. When I say emergency I mean it. For the first time since I was drunk on Jack Daniels in College I didn't make it to the commode in time. Second time…
What a ride
Ok I have decided God has a good sense of humor. Between the stress of my job, fear of losing my home and the biggie Cancer, I thought I had hit all the stressors. Well this morning I woke up to find out I am pregnant. Yes PREGNANT. It is a huge blessing, but another thing that I have little control over and now David is…
Tongue Cancer - Post operation clarification
My friend underwent surgery on Sep 5 and now 4 weeks completed. She looks normal. Today she found small reddish spot on the stitched area of the tongue. Looks like small lump. Is it harmful? Please advice Regards Dalapathy
Pet scan results not so good, it may be time to fight again
I have been very hesitant to post this because i hate bad news. But here goes i got my 3 month pets results on monday they showed no signs of cancer in my throat (original dx with tonsil stage iv with lympnodes). They did however find a spot on my lung about the size of a dime i have a biopsy scheduled for next thursday.…
Finished my treatments today, buy my ear still hurts
May 30,2012 I had tonsil cancer removed by robot. I also had a radical neck dissection. I had chemo and radiation, which I finished today, but my ear is hurting. Could it be from the treatments?
Saw the Oncologist today....and am scheduled for a PET scan
on November 27th....gawd that is a long time away! Onc checked me all over, said my salivary glands are very inflamed, but thinks the further way from chemo I get, they will get better (I'm telling you guys, these glands make me look like a squirrel packing nuts away in my cheeks and throat for winter). Onc won't pull my…
looking for summer harley blogspot... north Carolina girl?
hi one of our members had a blog about her husband I believe his name was earl he had H&N cancer and it spread to his lung. Does any one have the URL to the blog? i think it was NC girl?
Well, it's official everyone: I've been "deported"! Do I have to put this on my resume and/or job applications?! :) ! Everything went well and it only took about 30 minutes. I can honestly say that I'm not going to miss my plastic little friend. It did however, save me from a lot of arm sticks. Have a good evening and I…
My mom is having a PET scan on October 16 to make sure all of the cancer is gone after 35 rounds of radiation and 2 rounds of chemo, whoch ended back in late July. I want to know how many neck cancer survivors are here and have things gotten back to normal in your lives? Did you have to make any adjustments? Were you able…
Certified Tumor Registrar (CTR)
anybody with experience in the field? turns out that our neighborhood CC has a program leading to degree/certification, and I'm considering a late-life career change. would require retaking science classes that I took 25-30 years ago--just to get started--but what the hell. looking for a way to contribute to the fight…
Bear hunting
Port in today, went well, infection around peg clearing up, chemo tomorrow. Looks like the battle has begun.......one salvo of cisplatin into the enemy's broadside........ I coming after this cancer loaded for bear. Jim
Chemo pushed a week
Saw my oncologist today, and was supposed to start chemo after the appt. I had formulated a few questions, updated her on the staph infection around the g tube, and IV port. She told me that I should wait and do both chemo and radiation on the first of October, and let the staph infection heal. I was psyched up for chemo,…
Update: Chest X-ray clean
Hey all, Just wanted to say I got my chest Xray resulst back today .....all clear. Who knew that a ventral hernia can also cause shortness of breath and a nagging cough (we all know what that sounds like on this board) ...so of course when I went in to get checked for the hernia (only bc someone on here mentioned that's…
I am so thrilled that the peg tube will be gone after tomorrow but have to admit I am a little anxious about what to expect. Don't know how much pain to expect during and after. They tell me I must have a high pain tolerance but I have never thought that. I kind of liked to be knocked out for all procedures,ha ha.
Even though it is raining outside I think today is going to be a good day.
Well it appears as if the bolus feeding goes well today, David will get to come home from the hospital today. I came home a couple hours ago to get some things for him to have for the ride home and low and behold there were two letters from Wells Fargo. It appears there is some miscommunication there as the letters we…
Tube feed formula vs smoothie/shakes
Nelson has had his PEG for a few weeks now and we are using the prescribed formula - Osmolite 1.5. We are having a hard time meeting his calorie goal and he continues to lose weight. We are able to consistently get in 4.5-5 cans of the 7 that are goal. Did anyone start on formula and switch to smoothies? Do you switch it…
Some background: My wife has Stg4 Myoepithelial Carcinoma. Original tumor removed from her parotid gland along with rads in 2007. Hundreds of small mets in both lungs and one large met in the liver discovered in 2009. Progression of the disease has been slow but persistent. She has recently developed a persistent dry…
Day One of Induction is in the bag
I know it won't always be this easy, but what a great way to start. You guys/gals were all spot on correct. Got there for a 9:00 AM at the lab, 9:45 with the Doc and 10:00 in the chair. Didn't get out till 4:30. So, on to the good stuff, here's what I got: Cisplatin/Docetaxel and Fluorouracil (5-FU) in the pump on my hip…
Back to work tomorrow!!!!
Hi, my name is Helen and I haven't posted before but have frequently looked in for advice and inspiration over the past months. I am in England; far in miles but still part of this family! I was diagnosed in November 2011 with Olfactory Neuroblastoma- bit of a bombshell for a 46 yr old fit and healthy mum of children aged…
Dad's CT scan results
Good News! The doctor said there was only a slight change since his last scan. It might have grown by 10% at the most. So he has ordered another scan at the end of November and we will see what is happening then. The change is so small he can not feel anything yet. There were not any new spots which was the best news.…
My Final Answer
I talked to my doc (whom I love) just now and have made a final decision to not do the makeup infusions. My 2 concerns were that it had been 8 weeks since my last treatment and that the dosage is low anyway. He said the ONLY reason he gave me the option to make up is because he knew how my mind works. He also said I was…
ENT appointment this morning.....and I learned something new :)
Got the scope and mirrors, and all looks really good....I do have swollen glands in my throat, the ones that you'd feel if you had tonsillitus....like under the chin and back towards your throat. As I mentioned a while ago, these buggers itch like there is no tomorrow...and I mean DEEP itch like a bee sting can itch. I can…
Well I am back home from the hospital and a little sore, but not too much. The biopsy was a needle biopsy. Got there around 6am this morning, got into the assbackward gown and was taken into the cat scan room. was strapped pretty tight so that I could not move then run through the CT scanner, a mark was made on my upper…
Taste Buds Coming On-Line
Eaters, non eaters and want to be eaters, I went to a huge buffet today and I am here to report some success. I had a large plate of main courses which included lasagna, mac-n-cheese, pepperoni pizza, shrimp, scallops, white fish, roast beef, stir fry, fried rice, pot stickers, spicy chicken, mashed potatoes, scalloped…
Thought to be HPV + ....now it's negative??
Due to not being a smoker and heavy drinker, original ENT and U of M Hospital(ENT also)assumed HPV. Now we just got a call that it's negative for HPV from original ENT??? UofM (ENT)is going to order another test. They say this can change the treatment plan now. We understood the HPV having good prognosis. We realize most…
I shaved my head today! It isn't a big deal to me, because I have been mostly bald on top for years. No combover for me. But I won this round, I took my hair off because I chose to, not due to side effects from treatment, and it is empowering to me. I am gearing up for battle and I am going to be high speed low drag.…