Christmas goodies

Hi all:

Been burning some midnite oil here getting ready for Christmas and all. Will be leaving Sun. for NC with Chargee in tow for Christmas. Will be a short stay as will be back home on Wed. But am off all week and truly looking forward to that. Had a tree disaster Sun,. nite as my Christmas tree fell and the base broke so no choice but to trash it and start over. Talk about time consuming! Taking it apart and decorations in piles all over the floor; what a mess but have the new one up and almost finished with decorations. Y'all should have seen me with that tree not know what to do and hollering out loud, "Charlie, What do I do?" So trying to think how he would handle this I let down very gently and got on the phone calling Michael's, Kohls and Jo-Ann's. Ended up with Kohls as their $229.99 tree was on sale for $129.99 but when I got there and picked it out it rang up $89.99 and I had a scratch off for another 15% off only the cashier ended up giving me 30% as it was up to their discretion whether to up it or not; so...........walked out there paying $66.67 for that sucker. What a deal! Have finished the baking for both onc. office and have two more things to do for KMart crew. Friend Debbie was in town over the weekend and she went with me to the two dr.'s offices to deliver their goodies yesterday. They were so appreciative and gave me hugs and all interested in how I was doing and all. I really do enjoy doing this for them; I feel it's a way of giving something back to them for the work they do and what they deal with day in and day out. Well, gotta run and finish the tree, wrap presents; etc. etc. I'm telling y'all this working is for the birds! God Bless.

Jan (Basketcase)


  • CivilMatt
    CivilMatt Member Posts: 4,725 Member
    Merry Christmas

    Are you sure Tim6003 didn’t get a hold of your tree? Well, it sounds like you got a heck of a deal on a new one.

    Did you need my address for your goodie delivery route? I am going to see my rad onc in a few days her goodie from me will be a hug.

    I hope the rest of your Christmas is happy and full of good cheer.


  • Skiffin16
    Skiffin16 Member Posts: 8,305 Member
    Happy, Happy, Happy...
    Holidays Jan...

  • Pam M
    Pam M Member Posts: 2,196
    Great to Hear From You
    And what a nice pic of Chargee. VERY impressed with the new tree - feel free to brag about that buy every year. Enjoy!
  • dales2loud
    dales2loud Member Posts: 45
    Ho Ho Ho!!
    Have a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!