Our New Journey
Thank you so much for the kind words and thoughts from you all. I call this "Our" New Journey, because my dear wife and life's mate of 40+ years is making it with me. Being a retired military family, we were fortunate enough to travel the world, we were able to see things and visit places that most people only get to read…
my own scan fear
Hey guys, Sorry for another post, but your all so good at making anxiety go away. Whe I had pnuemonia in December 2012, they did ct-scan and it showed spots on both lungs that they were pretty sure was from the pnuemonia. I have to get a follow up chest ct-scan at 3 months and that is here, will get script on dr appt 3/12,…
My warrior is gone...
My friends, Your loving messages over the past couple of days were beyond eanything I could have hoped for. Sadly, Dad died last night. My husband, sister, brother, and brother-in-law, and I were there and with him as he was removed from the c-PAP. 1940s music softly played and he moved a bit to Glenn Miller's "String of…
Post tx leg/body pain from drug withdrawls?
Finally were told the leg pain and overall body aches after tx are being caused by the narcatic withdrawls? He has come off his fentayl patches and Dillaudid in the last month and started feeling more pain. He was then given Vicodin to help. It helps take away the pain and as soon as it wears off, the pain is back in high…
I asked my surgeon to take photos so I could see what I was fighting against. He sent them this morning. I thought you might find it interesting to see what many of you have gone through and what it looks like. Surgery started with TORS with the DaVinci Robot to excise the back of my tongue for biopsies and remove the…
Update on dad's confussion
Hi everyone, Dad saw the oncologist Friday and he was pretty happy with the progress he is making. The dr. thinks the confusion is coming from the fentenyal and the nausea meds. This is being made even worse because of the horrible withdrawl. He changed his nausea meds and wants to see him next week. He also thinks the…
Too much Mucous??
Too much Mucous?? My husband is in week 5 for radiation and this weekend was very bad nonstop coughing, MUCOUS and vomiting. He lost 5 pound over the weekend. Is that normal to have blood in your vomit? What we can do to make this side effect easy on him? Any suggestions please? Thanks, Hetal
Taste and saliva
Hello, I know there have been posts on this already but I wanted to start a new thread. So my story, I am 23 years old and have head and neck cancer. I have to do 35 rounds of radiation, which I am on number 19 and 9 weekly doses of chemo, on 6 I believe and then 3 more monthly doses of chemo. Shortly after starting…
Back to head and neck treatment
David still has his hip replacement scheduled for March 7, bu after seeing the hematologist today we found out they are suspending treatment of his plasma cell leukemia so that they can go back and finish his head and neck cancer treatments. He has 19 radiation treatments and they will discuss whether to complete the…
Caregiver down for the count
Friday night my hubby ended up taking me to the ER. I had norovirus. I got IV fluids and Zofran and reglan. I have never been so miserable. I have slowly been recovering ....up to saltines and applesauce today. What I am most upset about is the possibility of giving this to,my hubby. He is 3-4 weeks out of treatment and…
Now Cellulitis
A week ago, the needle sliped and the Taxol dumped into the arm tissue rather than the vein. So I limpt home and treated my sore arm with an ice pack and some extra pain meds. Fast forward a week to my next visit. The PA looked shocked when she saw my arm. "It's infected" Oh Good. Your neutraphils are in the tank also. So…
Things that make you go "hmmmm".....
I say that because I'm coming up on the 1 year 'discovery' of my beast and wondered, when do we start our 'survivors' count? When they discover the mass in your neck? When the ENT snakes the camera out of your nose and tells you "you have a tumor on the base of your tongue? When the pathology report comes back from the…
Rash from Erbitux/Radiation
My sweet 83 year old mom recently finished treatment for a large tumor that started in the tonsil area and spread into the lumph nodes. Her last radiation treatment was on 2/19/13 and her last Erbitux on 2/22/13. She tolerated the treatments well but in the last weeks began developing the rash that we were told by both…
Johnny 5 ~ New Thread...
Johnny 5 Posts: 1 Joined: Mar 2013 Mar 02, 2013 - 12:26 pm How's John Doing New I am 51, overweight but in otherwise great health. Recently diagnosed w an encapsulated SSC in my tonsil after about 6 - 8 weeks of increased swelling on one side after strep throat inflated both tonsils. Surgeon staged it at - "stage 2+" (he…
I want to thank everyone for all your advice and encouragement to my husband, Papapaul....when he is encouraged, I am encouraged. you are all so brave.... groovygrammy
Newly diagnosed with tonsil cancer radiation treatments and chemo to start in a few weeks asking for
My name is Vicki and this is my first post. I'm asking for advice for my husband John, 57, who was diagnosed with Stage IVa tonsil cancer in July. He found a lump on right side of neck in June, was sent to ENT who ordered a CT that confirmed mass in one node. In July had surgery to scope throat area and tonsil was removed.…
Olfactory Neuroblastoma
Hi my name is Jim...and you guessed it add another member to the OBN club. I just found out Monday that I have OBN. I have stage 2 pending my PET scan tomorrow or something like that. Right now my brain is swimming and not sure where to turn or what to do. Don’t know if I should stick with my current Dr., look for a second…
I ducked, it missed
Thank you all so much for your words of encouragement and prayers. John aka skiffin your post made me laugh out loud when I was waiting for my CT scan. The person next to me saidso something funny? And I said, oh a funny email from a friend.....and that's how I feel about you all. After many tests, CT scan confirms 3…
lump in tumor site again...ugh !
Hey everyone, I've been having issues w/lymphedema non-stop for over a year. I WILL NOT push the panic button on the new lump I found in my neck, as I recently had that biopsy in Dec., on this area. Feels like a swollen lymph node, but hard again. Dang it, does the fear of reoccurrance EVER disappear ? It does hurt. I go…
Ultrasound is in...
Last weeks MRI, caused a few tests for me this week. The good news is I have one cyst on my kidney, it's small, something to watch, nothing I will worry about. However, my thyroid has a lot of nodules, not to uncommon. Although one of mine is rather large 31x21x20 mm; this one and one other have their own blood flow. The…
On To Plan B,C,D............?
I'm lost in this alphabet. Went for first chemp appt. today, but committe has decided that lung cancer is growing way too fast and more likely to metastasize to non treatable areas than H&N. So, the new plan is 10 lung rads instead of 4, one week of rest, and then on to chemo. He seems to be getting weaker and weaker, so…
Let the healing begin!
I have finished treatment! I know I have a few weeks, but ready to let the healing begin. This has been a long, hard road. I am exhausted, but finally beginning to eat a bit. I need to get my diabetes under control and learn to live with one eye. Bev aka KTeacher, soon to be retired
Food...a few bites
Almost suddenly, my throat felt well enough to try some soft foods, ate chocolate pudding, scrambled eggs with country gravy, and oatmeal over the last two days. Not alot mind you, but the tastes are great and driving me to want more. I hope this is a turning point as I had gone from 225 lbs to 141lbs in the past year,…
Planned CSN outage
Hello everyone, Between 3:00 and 4:00 Eastern Time this morning, CSN will be taken offline for about 2 hours. Exhaustive efforts were made to find a way to restore all private messaages. I'm not qualified to provide technical details but the bottom line is that all private messages that you sent from September 2009 forward…
I am a 15 year stage 3 IDC breast cancer with many lymphnodes affected. I am writing wondering how many of you might have had lumps that were benign before finding out you actually had cancer. I have had many lumps and they too have affected my health but were dx'd benign and some not removed because doctors felt not…
I can sing!
Hey folks, Tomorrow is the benefit and silent auction planned and put together by my friend and singing partner. We've dubbed it Mark "T"'s Beat the Beast Benefit and Silent Auction. We're doing this to help offset my living expenses for the next few months until I can get back to work. There are dozens of donated items…
white stuff on his end teeth
4th week of radiation and 2nd chemo therapy My husband is just done with his 2nd chemo therapy, and almost done with 4th week of radiation. He is doing fairly fine accept heavy mouth shore. He is eating everything by tube and drinking water by mouth. He was compiling white stuff on his end teeth and I am not sure what it…
Fibula Free Flap Surgery
Hello all. I just found out that the HBO and/or debridement treatments were not successful. I now have a fracture to my left lower jaw that needs dealing with. I was diagnoised almost two years ago with tongue/tonsil cancer. I did two weeks of chemo and 37 radation treatments. Thought I was getting pretty much back to…
Please help- Need advice
Hello everyone, I am sorry to bother you again but I really need some help and advice. I am sure you have read my post since the holidays about my dad and his decline. He started back in treatment for his third reoccurance two weeks ago, but things continue to be up and down with him. Since New Years he has had a major…
Back in to the U
Hey everyone ! Finally getting in for that recheck on the lungs. Goodness, weather....flu....and more snow. But today is sunny and beautiful in the mid 30's. T-shirt weather almost ! I am thinking of requesting to return to the clinic closer to home in St. Cloud. I'm finding I'm getting lost in the mix of things with the…