Lost My Voice
Hi, I am starting week 5 of treatments for tonsil cancer. I just lost my voice. I do not remember reading that this might be a sympton. I am so worried and really hope that this is just temporary. I did notice lots of throat swelling over the 4 day treatment break. Did this happen to any of you? Did you get normal voice…
MATT talking to Matt
If Matt were to ask Matt... What advice would Matt give to Matt..., I mean concerning Matt of course..., LOL...? JG
**New REPOSTING for Postie a/k/a Brenda**
Hi there, I have been reading all your posts and soaking in the infor. I am a Canadian girl, 47, with stage 2 Squamous Cell Carcinoma of the tongue. I am going for rad #10 of 30 today and have had one round of Cisplatin of 3 treatments. Round 2 is on Feb 19th 2013. I can't believe how much my mouth changed overnight as far…
Squamous Cell Carinoma on Temple Leading to Nerve Invasion
Hi, I am new to this site. Glad to have found it. My dad has been diagnosed with Squamous Cell Carcinoma that has invaded his facial nerves. he is being told to do radiation. It is advanced and inoperable, so that is the treatment. Another doctor said radiation and chemo. Anyone out there who has been through this and has…
Liquid diet formulation
Hi all, With all the recent talk about swallowing and "eating" of any form orally and the need to keep swallowing during treatment, I accellerated my experimentation with liquid nutrition so I am not going to be "eating" anything, only swallowing water and liquid nutrition. Personally, the Ensure type stuff is a bunch of…
Who has recieved H&N radiation twice?
I had SSC on my left tonsil in 2006 and base of tongue on the right side in 2012. I got rads only in 2006 and rads and chemo in 2012. I am now almost one year post treatment and have still have partial anemia (low hemoglobin) and severe damage to my swallowing function (epiglotis is stiff and non functional) and my saliva…
Stumbled across this article and wondered if anyone has heard of turmeric being beneficial as an adjunct to cisplatin? Link: http://oralcancernews.org/wp/turmeric-makes-chemo-more-effective/?pfstyle=wp
Katie....you finally added a picture
so we can put a face to the beautiful words, and genuine compassion and encouragement you offer on a daily basis....NICE seeing you, my dear!!! p
Speech Therapy, finally!
Hey everyone, Tomorrow I finally have my 1st appointment with new speech therapist. They said expect to be there an hour, she will get all info and evalute situation to develop a treatment plan for me. Although I won't be doing another swallow study xray as of yet, they may order a tray and have me swallow to see where we…
need to move posts to new thread
Please look at posts by "tackstrip" at bottom of thread with subject "Lost My Voice".... you will need to scroll all the way to the bottom of that fairly old thread. Does anyone know how to move them into a more current thread? They may not be seen by those who might want to help since finding them requires scrolling all…
PET Can update - question
My husband completed his radiation and chemo treatment in December of 2011. He had a terrible time healing and had many set backs. Within the last month he has had a pet scan Pet scan did light up in 2 places 4.0 and d 4.2. One where the original tunor was and other one furhter down in his voice box. Yhe oncologist said he…
abdominal pain after radiation?
Hello all! My husband finished treatment for stage 3 BOT in September. So far, clear CT's and scopes! Yeah! One new-ish problem is lower left abdominal pain. It is not related to BM's, and is intermittent. He has it daily, but sometimes it lasts 20 min and sometimes hours. A dull to sharp, deep, achy type of pain. It has…
Oscar Sierra
Or in less polite circles "oh (expletive deleted) I had my second post rads PET/CT yesterday and the results were not what I'd anticipated. There is still a hot spot. The really odd part is that the same spot was seen on my first post rads PET last October. At first they were going to take a 'wait and see' approach,…
should have listened!
Boy do I have nerves jumping tonight. Against P's advice, I might have over searched the internet this past week, researching every word on my ultrasound report. My findings are they have lists of words that make a nodule suspicious, and those that don't. Of my 6 little friends (2 are huge, in reality) all of the words…
Wife undergoing treatment for stage 2 tongue cancer
hello i am new to this forum. as I type, I am sitting in hospital room with my wife who has just undergone surgery for tongue cancer. They removed about 1/3 of her tongue and put flesh from her arm in its place and flesh from her leg in the arms place. She is thought to be stage 2 but we havent got pathology report back…
Scanxiety; it sneaks up on you
I have a chest CT with contrast on Monday, the 4th. So, of course, I woke up this morning unable to swallow, with throat edema, tight neck muscles, a suspicious new 'lump' under my ear, jerky tongue, dry eyes, and various other worrisome aches and pains... Darn that scanxiety. Had to wait over three months for the…
End of Radiation
Well folks, Monday was my last radiation treatment, lets hope it did its job. Now for the remaining Erbitux and beginning Cisplantin whatever that will be like. The doc said the lump hasn't shrunk as much as he liked but feels chemo will knock it out. I probably won't be able to speak well but I am hoping to be able to…
I'm back! But.......
Well, it's been since nov 30th that i've finished rads (30). I have some taste back (maybe 50-60%) and some saliva (maybe 25%). But i wake up every morning with this build up of "flem or mucous" i guess it is, at the back of my throat that is extremely difficult to clear. My voicebox is affected by it, i sound like Darth…
It's been a long time
It’s been 2 ½ years sense treatment and the mucus is worse how long does it last. My cancer Doctor said she don’t know any thing to try to control it I wake up in the morning choking I get up coughing and blowing my nose I guess it gets in my head, Anybody know of any relief I need some help. Robert
It's my Birthday and my results were less than I had hoped for
Well, I had my swallow survey and I am aspirating. Very disappointing as I was just to the point where I could down an entire insure and was working on trying new foods daily. Now I'm on a big STOP until I meet with my therapist. Add to this my Onc told me today that he wants to do a CT scan next week. I asked why he was…
New here...Things that are easy to swallow?
Hello, This is my first post, though I've been reading this forum for a few weeks and have learned a ton from you all. My mom was diagnosed with Stage IV throat cancer in January. So far she has had 3 of 7 chemo treatments, and 5 out of 35 rad treatments. Her tumor is large, and her esophogus was already narrow to begin…
levothyroxine and psa levels
hi everyone i am a two year survivor of scc.just had a routine physical that included screening for prostate cancer. the psa nunbers came back very high 24 and 10 days later 41. i have been on levothyroxine therapy which has recently been increased. this leads to my question has anyone experienced elevated psa levels due…
chefdaddy, pls. give me an update on your status. I haven't been on for probably 2 yrs but thot of u often. I hope all is well with you.
Peg tube Bleeding
Hi everyone, tonight I had bleeding at my peg tube site. I removed gauze I put under the plastic thingy to hold it because it has these raised square disks on it that push into my skin and hurt. So every morning and night I change it and clean it and replace gauze it always has dried blood on it and never thought anything…
osteoradionecrosis of the maxilla
I was wondering how often is that seen as a complication among those who had 70Gy and concurrent chemo? I know that maxilla has a better supply of Oxygen (via collateral vessel supply) than the mandible. I realize that it depends on the (primary) tumor location, but I am still willing to know if extraction, deep cleaning…
Healing strenghth and unconditional love
Hello everyone ! Vale brought up a good subject in another topic. One I feel is very true. I am an animal lover, and have always had pets....at one time even a pet goose. I lost my german shepard Chassie and my cat Tubby at the very beginning of my journey with the beast. And I swore I would never have another pet. Fast…
~~~We are NED!!!~~~
Well folks I can now say we are NED after our very long road since August!! Kreg is still recovering as we are 12wks post. He is still having problems with his stomach and the achiness all over. But, it's a small price to pay to beat this crap! For those of you starting out I hope you keep your faith and know that this is…
The Wedding...Photos
Thought I'd share a few photos from my trip to Northern San Francisco for my son's wedding. The event was north of San Francisco in a beautiful coastal area. The venue was at an old launch for hire boat house, very rustic, totally beautifully decorated....(I know as I got there two days early to help, LOL)... Launch for…
Hubby Home From Hospital
Surgery went as planned. Thirteen teeth extracted. Mouth full of stitches. Port and G-tube placed. Can barely walk or get up and down, never unassisted. I think he was released too soon. They never determined if he could walk at the hospital. Just managed to get him in wheelcahair and out the door. I had to rent a car for…
Mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the salivary glands (I write from Italy)
Hello to you all. I am an Italian woman, 49 years old and I found this forum with the hope of talking to someone who had my condition. I hope it is understandable what I write because I use online translator. In Italy there are few people who have had this type of cancer ... maybe because rare or because Italy is a small…