Tenderness in Neck after tx
Hi Folks, I hope you are all doing well. Kreg is doing well at 6 months out of tx. Eating, drinking, and his taste are all coming back. The question of the day is, has anyone had any tenderness around the neck where the lymph node was affected? He never had surgery, just rads and chemo. He noticed this feeling just…
Infected G Tube?
Rob got his feeding tube last thursday. Last night while taking off the bandage I noticed what I think to be pus. He calle the doc and some oozing is normal but I am not sure pus is considered normal. Did anyone else have any puss with there tube? He has no redness of the skin around it. and no temperature. Maybe I am just…
Eating solid foods
* I was diagnosed with Stage 3 BOT Cancer in 8/12 The tumor was large and it had my epiglotis (sp) stuck in the "up" position. Prior to treatment I was able to finish to the whole swallowing test (not great results, but could swallow) Had 7 weeks of radiation and 3 chemo treatments. Finished treatment in 11/12 Had PetScan…
Timeline question
Today marks 1 year that I rang the bell...that memory still brings tears to my eyes. My question is where the reference point in time is for figuring milestones like 18 months and five years. I have heard it is at dx, was it when I had my surgery or was it the day I finished tx?
Back again
That Cisplatin seems to knock me around. The first dose put me in hospital for 2 weeks, the second time around the doc managed to control my white blood cells better and only had to stay in hospital for 1 week (just out now). Thankfully with the Erbitux, radiation cisplatin etc. my treatments are over, now is the time to…
Winding up week 4
Those of you following my posts over the past couple of weeks know that I have a tendency to obsess about the negative. Well somehow I've turned that around. I think it came when I got a chance to actually see the scans of my neck showing the tumor and the treatment plan. I feel much more confident that things are going to…
Checking In
Hi all: Basketcase checking in finally!. A lot has been going on. Y'all know about my best friend's house fire and losing her 95 year old father in the fire and her husband Steve undergoing lung ca treatment. Well, they have demolished the old house and getting ready to build the new one. Steve has finished chemo and rads…
Still in treatment
Just joined the board yesterday. Guess I posted yesterday in the wrong place who knows. I was diagnosed with Squamos cell carcinoma HPV-16 Tonsil and neck, on Feb 8, 2013. I've had three surgeries and have five radiation treatments left. Couldn't do Chemo because of a solitary kidney. They took 25 nodes and 1 salivary…
*** CSN H&N Contact List ~ Update ***
OK, all of you that have sent me info so far, please let me know your preferred methods of contact and in which preference order...and any restrictions, time, personal calls, texts, cell phone calls, etc... Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number E-Mail CSN PM Text FaceTime Skype FaceBook and any other mode I have not…
my dental issues PLEASE HELP
dx: 8/09 laryngel cancer tx: 35 radiation tmnts recurrence: 2/12 tx: total laryngectomy 2/28/12 i've been reading "more dental stuff" and getting more scared the more i read. my teeth have all moved and i bite my tounge EVERYTIME i eat. plus i have a sore on my gum and my mouth is pretty sore. due to these problems i went…
Struggling tonight
I am really struggling. With my anniversary on Sunday I am feeling like I can't breathe. I miss David and his smile and his warm hand to hold mine. I tried to be brave and not whine, but I am so tired. I just keep wondering when it will get a little better. Why was it that my husband was chosen to go to heaven so early?…
*** CSN H&N Contact List ~ Update ***
OK, all of you that have sent me info so far, please let me know your preferred methods of contact and in which preference order...and any restrictions, time, personal calls, texts, cell phone calls, etc... Home Phone Number Cell Phone Number E-Mail CSN PM Text FaceTime Skype FaceBook and any other mode I have not…
H&N Humor
I decided a couple weeks ago to buy 23andme evaluation for myself and my boyfriend. They analyze your DNA to look for heritage as well as genetic tendencies toward various diseases and disorders. I figured it would be a mouth swab. Nope! You have to spit in a tube, to collect about an inch of saliva. The instructions say…
And so we begin.....
My husband had his radiation mask made today- radiation starts tomorrow, one side of the neck x 5 wks. This forum has been such a blessing For me- a reminder that you all have pushed through and so can we. So much courage here. Thank you.
Pre-Radiation Dental Issues
Bunch of Questions... Brother slated to started radiation in 1.5 weeks to right and left side of head post left parotidectomy and neck dissection. Dental screening yesterday: 2 cracked teeth (they will work on and crown later)...and 3 impacted (no infection) widom teeth and one that erupted. He will be contacting rad onc…
Lucky to be a mom
I am so grateful to be alive. I hope you'll don't mind my bragging. My son is a Senior in High School and we went to the athletic awards ceremony last week. In his 4 years of high school he has been a varsity player in 3 sports. been an All District player in 3 sports, been an All State player in Football and was awarded…
Happy Third Anniversary to Me!
THREE YEARS TODAY. And it's been SOOOOO worth it! Always GRATEFUL to be here! Deb
Parotid Tumor-New Diagnosis
Hi... I am new to the boards. My 45 year old brother was diagnosed with a Primary Parotid Tumor with 3 positive lymph glands (Stage 4). He had a parotidectomy and neck dissection and they severed a branch of his parotid nerve. The margins were clear. Path report show poorly differentiated "squamous like " cells. No there…
Pathology Report
I saw my ENT that did my surgery last Tuesday this morning . Got the news I expected that the Lymph Gland that I could feel was SCC . The good news is that the other two that he removed were not Cancer ! I will be going to MDAnderson in Houston in the next 2 or 3 weeks to see what if any treatments they recommend. So I…
A very happy Mothers Day to all of tithe moms out there. My last post regarding my treatment I think I got the Meds confusedrandom actually going to receive Taxotere one e every 3 weeks. I was randomized into the clinical trial and found out I am in the group who will not receive the other drug along with the Taxotere. It…
Busy month !
Received a call from my Dad tonite. My Uncle passed away quietly with his family around him. He had that mesophelioma. Not sure of the spelling. So will be heading north on Thursday to be with the family. We also have a few baby showers, wedding showers, and birthdays this month. Life all around us hunh ? Was in to my…
are there alternatives to radiation?
I recently had squamous cell cancer in lymph nodes. I have a strong sense, based on extensive testing and the results of my surgery, that radiation therapy may not be necessary. As far as my doctor is concerned, radiation is the obvious choice, but given the consequences I'm not sure I'm ready to accept that. I'm looking…
Happy Mothers Day all
I would like to wish all you mothers out there a Happy Mothers Day! Even all the men who are a bunch of mothers. I hope that we may be able to put our issues aside for a day and give thanks to the most important people in the world who brought us into this world. And if your mom is not with us today take a moment to…
Little update again
Hey everybody! I've been reading posts almost everyday but find it hard to be active on the board due to a lot of work lately. My dad, as some of you already know, had finished his tx in September 2012 and in January CT showed a bit enlarged lymph node in his neck (they said it was probably from radiation which hit him…
4 weeks behind us and doing well.
Just a quick report on my husband. Yesterday was the 23rd of 33 treatments so we start the 10 day countdown on Monday. He had two double-rad days, one due to the machine breaking down and one to avoid doing his last day after the three day holiday break for Memorial day. So, it's a tidy schedule with two M-F's to go. He…
Pumakitty Dad
Hi Everyone I just spoke to Kathy a little while ago; she said her Dad was not doing too well. He is in the hospital and they don’t expect him to live much longer, he had got Pneumonia on top of everything else and his body is just not strong enough to pull through it. He is not in any pain but resting and the hospital is…
Throat Pain Returns?
4 1/2 months post radiation and was feeling fine- normal diet, eating drinking, etc... Out of the blue, throat pain returns just like the post rad period-significant and cannot eat. Pet scan 4 weeks aga was NED. Had to do a lot of talking this past week for work. Has anyone else ever experienced this? Had some spicy food…
Mucositis, throat cancer, fever
Stage 1 vocal cord cancer, being treated with radiation only, 28 treatments. 22 treatments in, my husband spiked a fever of 101, coinciding with very think mucus in his throat which causes him to cough and hack, especially after laying down. They checked him out at the ER twice, and found no infection or known virus. The…
Narrowing in pharnayx
Hey everyone, during my last swallow study they said i have a narrowing to my pharanyx and they believe it to be scar tissue from rsds during NPC tx? They believe this among other things is why i have trouble swallowing. Ive heard others ha e esphagus narrowing but anyone had this one and would diliatiOn work? And what is…
Our Final Time Together
We laid my husband to rest today with a simple, but elegant graveside service. Our friends are few in number but are true friends. My daughter was able to lay a single rose on her grandmother's grave as my parents' plots and ours are side by side. She and my mother were very close. In time we will heal from the loss of the…