Interesting theory regarding 'high oxygen and low sugar'
After reading this article at the following link, I thought the part of the theory about 'high oxygen and low sugar' as cancer inhibitors was interesting. Link: http://tinyurl.com/kyptrr7
The RECHARGE Low Carbohydrate Diet Trial for Metastatic Cancer
Says study completed. http://www.clinicaltrials.gov/ct2/show/NCT00444054 http://clinical-trials.findthedata.org/l/62109/The-RECHARGE-Low-Carbohydrate-Diet-Trial-for-Metastatic-Cancer…
We've lost a friend
Not sure if everyone is aware but we've lost our friend Scambuster. Apparently he has been censored/banned from this board. I'm not sure exactly why but my guess is that he might have posted one too many times about alternatives to conventional cancer treatment and the conventional diet that is recommended by most…
Not cancer related.........we have a new family member.....
Decided that I need more to do now that I'm retired (and my old horse is also retired).....so today we brought this girl home. She's a Tennessee Walking horse....the only "ride" for old ladies....nice and smooth . Greg named her Reba, since my other horse is named Waylon....trying to keep it country....LOL. I guess this…
Checking in!
Hey guys, summer is over :( ! I still go to the lake house on weekends but last week full week there for this summer! Next year should be different since we are planning to move to Orefield Pa. Sometime in June! Very excited for Faith and I to start our new chapter with Chris. Praying disability comes through, i need to…
Time flies! Can you believe...
I finished rads 2 months ago??? It seems like yesterday that I was so sick and didn't think I'd make it those last 6 treatments. Thanks to PEGgy, y'all supporting me and urging me to fight, The Lord for giving me strength and my family and friends showing me all kinds of love...I did it. I am now PEG-free, eating well,…
Rob Update
I am happy to say Rob is doing very well. Some taste has come back. He says that he would rather have saliva than taste. Time i tell him, just give it time. He no longer is napping in the day although I can hold the couch down pretty well on the weekend. We also joked that he should be a barcalounger tester and I a couch…
magic mouthwash question
My parents were wondering if dad should not use the magic mouthwash after trtmnts. Does anyone know if this is ok to use still? He's 3 weeks post trtmnt... any thoughts? I think he thought just to use this for pain!
So I am back with updates and what I have been going through.
SO I think my last post was talking about some of the symptoms I was having and the surgery that followed. But in case I didn't I will give a little breakdown. In Feb I had mt tonsiles removed and my adnoys. My ENT (who I hate, and that is the nice way of saying that) said he got everything and all margins were clear.…
from diagnosis to treatment time
my husband was diagonsed with stage 4a tonsil hpv cancer. Biopsy done on july 26 2013. Went to radiation oncologists on followin friday aug 2 and medical oncologists. Petscan done on moday aug 12. Bone biopsy done aug 16th as there was hotspots there and lungs. Is this time frame acceptable. Last week dentist and…
No more treatment!!!
No more treatment We were about to start my husband treatment at university of Chicago from this coming Sunday and we just got news from them today…that my husband doesn’t need any more treatment!!! They finally reviewed pathology form my husband neck dissection form last month after insurance approval and they have…
We are over loaded with information!
Everyone is so great in helping us learn about what we are up against. But, gosh, right now I hv to say it is overwhelming. Just coping with the acceptance of CA the up coming first day of testing, and then the chemo. It is driving us a little over the edge. we need to know all this, because I don't want our lack of…
One Year Survivor
Hi to all, Just wanted to check in and share that next week is the one year anniversary of my surgery. I will be 10 months post rad also. I lost 1/3 of my tongue, had radical neck dissection, a skin graft from my leg to my tongue and a tracheotomy for several days while in the hospital. Then a nightmare of treatment that…
I Visited With My Brother
Hi Everyone! I have been MIA the last couple of weeks because of out-of-town guests and then a much needed trip to OH to visit with my brother. As many know, my brother finished up his treatment on July 22. On my way over to his house, I kept praying that I would be able to control my facial expressions when I first saw…
Mayo tomorrow
I am flying to Mayo tomorrow for blood tests and MRI and then we meet with the team on Friday. Praying they can offer options. Physically, I feel good but this has been overwhelming. A flurry of phone calls and gathering records, pathology slides, etc. Met with lawyer today to get my affairs in order, something we should…
Clear Scope!
My husband had his first scope since he finished radiation tx end of June- happy dance for sure! Yay! We were talking about these past few months; from finding the lump on his neck to all that followed- scans, two surgeries, radiation ( 31).... How scary all of it was. and now? Dr appts and scopes every 3 months... We'll…
AdCC Six month post treatment CT scan.
Hi all, It's been awhile since I've posted but I do read many posts. First 90 day post treatment MRI was surgical site where they removed submandibular gland with tumor in it. NED. Had a CT of chest last week and my appointment today with ENT\Surgeon. No evidence of disease in lungs. That’s 180 days post tx. Whew! I have…
Routine doctor's appointment
NOT. . .no not me! Went to Stanford Tuesday for one of 2 appointments post treatment. Microvascular surgeon was getting ready for a little nip, tuck (spot in incision site, graft opens up at least once a month). I reminded him about the pain that I have been having and have gone back on pain meds. He talked to Onc.…
Husband's 1st post tx PET scan = no cancer
Hi everyone, Like some others, I've been lurking....not much to report until today. the last 12 weeks have been pretty tense. We both feel like a huge weight has been lifted, but we're still not back to "normal" by any stretch. Thom is still feeling better every day, but eating is a bit of a struggle. He's down 50 pounds,…
I thought I'd bring this topic up for discussion. Recently, on another OC forum, there have been several posters asking about symptoms of OC and expressing fear concerning cancer. This is totally natural and understandable. We all went through a period of worry and anxiety when we were in the diagnostic stages of our…
Alternative Cancer Treatment does it work or is it a Myth.
I have always found that it is hard to talk about something if you don’t have a common frame of reference. A lot of us here can talk about Conventional Cancer Treatment because we were all treated for cancer and we are either living or dead. I take nothing away for our doctors; they are people just like us and everyday…
We are starting our journey to recovery
We were enjoying life when it turned on us with a diagnoses of scc tonsil hbv T2N2bMO. First I am having trouble getting over my husband being missed dx for at least 6m and 3 docs and a CT. Just sore throat doing its job! I guess that is the angry part of this nasty C. Fortunately God put a great ENT in our lives two weeks…
Contemplating 2nd Jaw Surgery
Help me out here, I've had a trach and feeding tube from my last go round with NPC and don't have a trach or feeding tube anymore. I need to finish the jaw surgery by getting the bone out of the back of the leg, but I'm just dreading waking up again with a trach, feeding tube, catherder and a sore leg and jaw. My jaws…
Photodynamic Therapy (PDT)
Went to my Dermo the other day for my semi-annual check-up.... As you know I fish a lot, live in Florida, and I'm fair complexion... Anyways, I usually have a spot or two that gets frozen, tops of my ears occasionally, etc... MD recommended me having Photodynamic Therapy (PDT) which my insurance covers. It usually (from…
nine years on
Just a bit concerned about sensations I am having around the scar of the removal of a 21/2 cm lump nine years ago. I am feeling a numbness on left side of face ans a strange sensation under my teth LHS. I had all clear after five years of check ups. The tumor was low grade and surrounding area all clear. I feel silly about…
pro-active instead of re-active
Hey everyone ! Well made the appointment with the onc's at the U. Rolie also has a re-check with his team for his annual diabetes check the same day. Killing two birds with one stone so to speak. Our daughter's will be coming with....because of Rolies vision and our appointments being so close together.....one will stay…
Toes in the Water ~ Fishin
Well, the week-end is here... Time to relax, reflect, and get out of the office and on to the water.... Last week-end was a Banner Day.... I was on the water early, tide was looking good, perfect for my Flounder area... I was supposed to take someone, but he bailed on me, so I had to go it alone.., rough I know huh...,…
Your prayers and mojo worked!!!
Once again my CSN buds pulled me from the abyss. My scanhash owed continued shrinkage of the lung tumors and the mediastinal nodes. The beast continues to try to silence me, and all I have to say to the beast is F$&K you!! You will eventually get me, but it will be on my terms, not yours. You all rock!! I do not post…
An Annoying day
so I was scheduled for my 6 month PET, at 9:30 this morning managed to get there with not too much scanxiety and about halfway to the appointment I get a call saying there meds were screwed up and rescheduled me for 2:45 instead, which would have been fine, excepth that you cant eat, so by 2:45 I was hungry cranky, tired,…
What would you do?
So you are meeting with your Oncologist four years out with zero evidence of cancer. You have had lung nodules detected in the previous four years but they remain unchanged. Your Insurance company denied your last scans because you were asypmtomatic. Your Oncologist suggests you have a recurrent cough that is creating…