Radiation how will it affect my tongue repair
I had a tongue /node dissection 7 weeks ago and now I need radiation treatment on my tongue base. The repair was done with the lining of my cheek. How will radiation affect the repair. Will it damage or kill it off, will I have to have another repair, has anyone had radiation after repair and what happened. I hate another…
Difference between radiation treatments
what is the difference between radiations. What other radiations are there apart from IMRT. Which is the worst one for side effects.
stenosis of the carotid
what is stenosis of the carotid? what r symptoms that u have this problem. dj
tongue cancer - what the ent said - see new post below
i know there r several people here who have/had tongue cancer and i need u 2 share your knowledge. i have a bump on the left side of my tongue. i've just been thinking it has probably been rubbing against my teeth and became arritated. but then this evening out of the clear blue, the thot of possible tongue cancer popped…
Dental restoration post tx
You read often about the dental clearances pre treatment and suspect teeth being yanked. Ohter than daily dental hygene, you don't see much written about teeth post treatment. How long do you wait? What options are generally offered - bridges, implants? Is it necessary to go to a dentist that specializes in working on oral…
Mpls. again tomorrow
We've been in a heat wave here. The humidity has been almost as high as the temp. Higher 90's....tropical, wet and just plain icky ! We go into the U of M in the morning. Rolie's appointments first with endo. And then mine after. I'm not nervous as I want to figure a few things out in my mind. I have some pretty hard…
all of a sudden i am suppose to be the expert
in the last two weeks two of my peers at work have been diagnosed with different types of cancer. i am glad to give my personel experiance lessons but they have differant cancers. i referred them to this web site and gave them encouragement. it is kind of wierd because they are looking at me as there inspiration, and while…
Back to work next week
Rob goes back to work next Tuesday. Woo Hoo. He will going back into the office for a while until more strength comes back. Not ready for his gravel train yet. Heck since he has been gone, they have all called and checked on him at least once a week but failed to mention the huge changes. He is not thrilled with the office…
Response to Hondo's Alternative Medicine Post
For what it's worth, as I am not the one presently dealing with cancer, alternative medicine scares the hell out of me. Not because I don't believe in it, because I do. It just takes a huge leap of faith to throw conventional wisdom to the wind and embark on an unknown, unproven journey. Suszanne Somers did it and she has…
Good news/Bad news
Ok, Good news first... Dad had an appt today and the doctor did a scope. He said that dad's cancerous polyps in the sinus cavity are gone! We are so thrilled with this news, I feel some relief hearing this! Thank God! Please keep him in your prayers as we are still trying to get him eating food now and taking more liquids…
CT results
So I went Monday and got my results from my GP. He says they show a 1cm suspicious node. He says he will try to get me in sooner to the ENT, and he changed my meds because my headaches are not getting better. He was nice enough to say "I can't say it is cancer because thats not my field, but it sure looks like it from…
Inspirational quote of the day
I LOVE living, I have some problems with my LIFE, but living is the best thing they've come up with so far.
Hi guys, I still check in and read posts and send positive thoughts to you all. My husband is so grateful when I can say....oh, that is totally normal....on the boards...... it makes him feel like he is not alone. He finished treatments for scc stage 4 tonsils on 1/31/13. His April PET and CT were clear with "extra junk…
Good news here too for a change.......
I just got results on Wednesdays pet scan and all clear......Ring that bell for me twice Matt! They saw a little non cancerous uptake in the esophagus, probably irritated or inflamed from chocking on food....Maybe I can start to let my guard down just a little now....feeling good.... Jim
Not good news about my mom
My mom was diagnosed with non-small cell lung cancer a little over a month ago, with mets to a lymph node near the lung tumor and a single lesion in her brain. The prognosis wasn't great, but whole brain radiation and chemo could extend her life by as much as a couple years. I've been trying to help her through the…
Short vid of Reba and I tonight....
just hope that is if this works....I uploaded it to YouTube. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mDVTcM4sOU
This is what i've been doing with me for 4 yrs
Getting ready to go to Stanford for my appointment tomorrow. Hopefully Cyberknife will be an option. My sister just moved and doesn't have internet hooked up yet. Might be awhile before I post. Prayers are appreciated.
3 and 1/2 weeks after treatment , rons progress
hello. been so busy and havnt had much time to get on here lately but do want all of you know I still pray for you, all of you. first week out of treat ment was hard but then by the mid of second week , ron just started eating no matter what. pain or dryness he ate. he lost a total of 40 pounds, got by without the peg tube…
When I was diagnosed with stage 3 larynx cancer in 2009 i joined an online forum thinking that I may have to have a laryngectomy. At this point I had already quit smoking, about a year earlier. There was a guy on this site who had also just been diagnosed with stage 2 larynx cancer, he was a current smoker. My treatment…
Tx this week
Back up to Mayo in the morning for my 5 days of SBRT high dose targeted radiation. Biopsy is SCC and related back to primary in jaw January 2012. Mayo on-line is amazing. You can see your biopsy reports, scan results, blood work, doctors notes as soon as they post. You are looking at them at the same time doctor gets them.…
Don't want to be a Debbie Downer but I was wondering about your pain level. I haven't had pain related to diagnosis of my previous cancer(s). Lump on lip wasn't painful until after surgery and removal of 1 inch of lip, 50 stitches. A year later, lump on neck, no pain pre surgery. Neck dissection. My weird eye situation was…
Base tongue and lymph gland op
I had a neck dissection 4 weeks ago to remove a tumour from the base of my tongue and removal of lymph glands between below right ear and jaw line. The surgeon gave me a choice of having a repair to the tongue with a section from my chest or the inside of my mouth. I chose inside of my mouth (he said he'd done 27 so far…
Metastatic Melanoma
Just found out that my cancer has spread to my lungs. It's very early and very small. 10mm x 7 mm. I thought it was all over. I have been cancer free for four years. It started on top of my head. Very small, very shallow. Dr said "nothing to worry about." Two years later it was very small and about two inches over. This…
First Chemo Treatment
Yea! So far so good. 5 more treatments of chemo. with MDA PCC proticol. It was great knowing we r finally shrinking and killing the beast. He is feeling fine right now. Actually better than me! Taking his N/V med as ordered. Next treatment in one week. Today we will get on our routine of neck and mouth excersises, in…
Lump is "probably" scar tissue
Hi Everyone. As an update, my brother finished up his treatments on July 22, so he's almost 5 weeks out. He is slowly but surely eating real foods by mouth and is gaining energy every day. He told me that he can feel a lump on the side of his neck. I am not certain if it is the same one he had before or a new one. I do…
Taste, Swallowing
Hi, I just came back from my 8 weel checkup and I am all good. I finished 6 weeks of radiation and six sessions of chemo Nov 15 2012. I still am not able to taste sweet. My doctor said it takes about 18 months to get back to my new normal. I strongly suggest that any one with some dry mouth watch what they eat; one can…
another biopsy scheduled
So, it was squamous cell carcinoma of the lip a few weeks ago which was completely removed (according to the perky twelve year old nurse). I let Jim go to ONE appointment without me because I had spinal fusion surgery - just ONE appointment, mind you - and he ends up having a special scan because something looks suspicious…
I have a tx plan
Another 3 days at Mayo this week and I am set to go back next Mon-Fri for SBRT high dose precicison radiation. They consulted with MDAnderson and neither saw an advantage with proton therapy over SBRT. With proton therapy, it targets the tumor and stops but there isn't much in the way of studies on long term yet to look…
Dad 3 weeks post treatment
Hey everyone I have been MIA the past week and a half or so, just wanted to pop in and check on everyone and wish you all well... it's been crazy trying to balance school, help dad, getting my parents ready to move, work, and now my brother in law fell from a ladder last Friday breaking his rib and banging himself up…