Sad Day To Happy Day
A bit off topic Today is 4 years that I lost my Dad. I memtioned before he was a very healthy 80 year old who just decided to take his own life for no apparent reason. For the last 3 years September 3rd has always haunted me until today. This morning my son and his girlfreind had a baby girl, it was pretty much planned (by…
On the Journey
Friends, Completed treatment 30 rads IMRT on April 19 and am close to five months out. Have gone back to "regular" food but watch the spices and the chips...yet my mouth still out of nowhere stings and hurts. It comes and goes and is not really tied to a certain food. Is this part of the journey? Still waiting on my first…
A few questions
Hi All, It has been almost 9 months since I first posted here on behalf of my father's disease. (http://csn.cancer.org/node/251404). I did get immense support from many here, thank you for that. My father was on Stage 4 pharyngial cancer, with a bone metastasis when the treatment started. After 9 chemo sessions and 33…
When you get sick after your treatment
When you get sick after your treatment specially radiation treatment!! My husband was done with his treatment in April with 35 radiation and chemo. Recently My daughter was sick from cold and fever and of course my husband got sick too.. But this is his first cold after his treatment and symptoms were different than ever.…
Rang the bell AGAIN!
Finished the last of 5 SBRT tx yesterday and am back home with lots of optimism and hope. I feel so blessed to have had the opportunity to go to Mayo. I had the major anxiety attack last week with the simulation MRI with mask that my brother, sister-in-law and 2 sisters all went up with me. I did so good with the first tx…
More (after tx) dental comments :)
Well, long story short...my onc dropped the ball and didn't call my dentist back, or consult with the other doctor, or call me back, or do anything he said he would. I had to verbally give the other doctor permission to make decisions for me. So, my dentist got in touch with the other onc who decided to let me go ahead and…
Must admit
Have to admit that this is the most anxiety ever about a scan, probably because it's to track a nodule in my lung. All the PET scans, cat scans, x-rays, scopes, probes that I have gone through the past 4 years or so you would think would put some steel in my backbone, but but this one's got me worried. 8am in the machine…
Any news? Been thinking about you ALL day!!!!
Hi Everyone and Thank You.
I came into this forum only after receiving my treatment of 20/33 radiation and 2/3 of chemo/cisplatin and I am glad to read what am I going to expect during and after treatment. Thank God, its never too late. On 24 Jan 2013, I had a left mandibular surgery (15 hours) which I lost my jaw bone and 5 teeth. I had my biopsy,…
Radiation or not
I had squamous cell cancer and had my voice box removed, I have a laryngectomy, that will be permanent. It is certainly not easy getting use to having a hole in my neck. But I figure I will learn the ins and outs and learn to live with it. The Doctor (Surgeon) says he is sure he got all the cancer cells with the surgery…
Squamous Cell Carcinoma (Throat)
I am terminal and already outlived Dr. giving me July-Aug to die. I'm still on my feet, but not every day. I had 3 really bad weeks and then 2 very good weeks. Always weak and tired, but exercise legs every day on my adult tricycle. Please pass this on> My Dr. gave me what is called Magic Mouthwash and it has made all the…
...that one day we will have a pink heart shape pill that cures all cancers and our biggest complaint will be that it comes only in 6 different flavors. Please, join me in this dream and until then god bless us with nothing but happy hopeful days. Laz
No biopsy needed !
Crazy quick trip through the Masonic today. Kinda felt as if I was on a assembly belt. ENT... lump in neck is my cartiod artery enlarged. This usually is very deep under a fairly good sized muscle. Went through a CT and labs. CT was clear of any new disease. (head area) Hurray. Lungs still very shakey. I asked about…
PhotoDynamic Therapy Photos
Well as mentioned from a previous post..., had the procedure Tuesday. First they scrub your face with Acetone (nail polish remover), then alcohol..., next they apply a photosensitive mecication and rub it in good... Next they sent me to the lobby for an hour wearing a big floppy hat.... Next the put googles (like swim…
traumatic neuroma
I couldn't help myself......I googled cartoid artery and radical neck dissections. I was pleasantly surprised with the articles from specialists I found. non-neoplastic exaggerated response to nerve injury....showing up 1-2 yrs after surgery. (rare-not everyone will experience it) Simply put my nerve endings are trying to…
Another Bump On My Tongue
I had stage 4 squamas cell carcinoma in July 2010. I had 90 to 95% of my tongue removed and replaced with my thigh. I also had a double neck dissection with cancer on the left side. They removed 38 cancer lyphnodes. I also had chemo ( CIsplatnim ) and radiation. I had 76 grey radiation. Saturday night when i went to brush…
Amalgam Fillings
I am curious how many here either have or have had Amalgam fillings (or other metal alloys) in their teeth, how many and if you still have them or not. I recently had the last of about 8 + amalgam fillings replaced with Resin. I have had them since I was a child. There is also research showing the trapped bacteria within…
Somebody grab my feet and
pull me back down to earth!!! My nerves about the upcoming scan are about to send me into orbit. I cannot believe how strong my sub-concious is when it starts handing out symptoms. So far, I've had on and off ear aches, a sore throat....equilibruim problems....a headache that lasted for 5 days.....a jaw that is getting…
Mr. Ned
P, Don, Denis, KTeach and anyone else getting scanned, scoped, irradiated, infused, poked or prodded.... May Mr. NED come and hang out with you! Positive thoughts and prayers "T"
Candi....you're back....
How are you doing, honey? p
Trachea Cancer
Just wondering if there is anyone out there diagnosed with cancer in their windpipe? A possiblity for me. After raditation, chemo, glossectomy, neck dissection, now they see something in my windpipe. I had CAT scan, don't know the results yet, but I think I am done. How much is one person supposed to endure? I don't even…
Pet scan results
Got the results from my follow up pet scan after chemo and 35 radiation treatments and they said I was in complete remission. The Doctor still wants me to go back to the ENT and have check my throat. Also I have started to eat and drink by mouth fish,mac &chesse, water,tea and such.So I just have to start eating regular so…
Second round of chemo in AM
Well first round went ok. Getting ready for round two in AM. He developed the rash everyone talks about with cetuximab. A little nausea but controlled with med. So wishing all a great Labor Day and hoping you all will keep us in your prayers. You all are in ours. Barb caregiver
Live Strong
Will be starting a new program at our YMCA on the 23rd, it's called Live Strong and it's the pilot program. All the members will be cancer survivors, will be workouts designed for each individual , programs with medical speakers,etc. I'm excited, think it will be fun and educational,plus with Win starting kindergarden, I…
Lung scan
Some of you may remember that in September of 2012 they found a small cancerous nodule in my left lung. They removed it in October 2012, went back for checkup in March 2013 and all seemed well except for a small uncalcified nodule (it was there in 2012), it was not cancerous but they wanted to keep am eye on it given that…
Head and Neck Clear but several places in lung.
Well after full Ct and Pet , cancer has grown in four areas in the lung. My husband has decided instead of going through a killer round of cocktail chemo, he will opt for surgery first. Our fear is that as sporadic as this cancer has been that it will travel to some other location after this surgery. Wish we could stop…
mask and on going treatment. Aug 23 2013
I had my mask made and fitted today. Wow... they really do fit tight I couldn't open my mouth more than fraction and it pressed on my neck scar. But after a few minutes it was OK. Didn't care to be fastened down. They CT scanned me in it and put a blue dye in my vein. I had a small tottoo on my chest. Then they let me go.…
Let's liven up the place! Sanjay Gupta MD says WEED is AOK
Hi all, I have no dog and I don't fish so can not one-up the filler threads like JG posts. But I can surely give it a go on the topic of Weed for medicinal purposes. Sunday evening there was a TV special with Dr Sanjay Gupta as he shared several real life examples of the miraculous ability of MMJ (Medical Marijuana) to…
To Scan or not to Scan
Hi All, haven't posted for a while but I occasionally lurk to see what's happening. Lots of new people but I see some of the real oldies like John and Pat are still around helping people. I am close to my 2 year mark and everything is looking fine. I have all my saliva and most of my taste so life is good. I am now at the…
My mom has oral cancer (Squamos Cell Carcinoma)
Hi All, My mom was recently diagnosed with oral cancer. She has yet to begin treatment. She had one tumor removed, but she also has another large one inside of her cheek and now she finally tells us that she has some cancer cells on her throat (upper part) and the roof of her mouth. She seems pretty secretive about it all.…