Hello my name is Joe I am 50 yrs old and I have neck and head cancer, Just got this here problem 4 weeks ago and dont understanded it!!! Having a hard time dealing with it also, I have it all over my body places like CHEST LYMPH NOTES, RIGHT RIBS 8TH AN 9TH LEFT RIBS 4TH AN 5TH, SPINAL VETEBRA T1, T5, T12 AN STERNUM (CHEST…
Fruit sensitivity
Back in 2007, I started having issues with orange juice and other citrus. I didn't think anything of it because I had just changed allergy meds. Later that year, I was diagnosed with tonsil cancer. After surgery and treatment, I could have citrus again. I read online somewhere (although I can't find it now) that citrus…
Scar tissue surgery :(
Hello! For months I've wanted my trache removed. I HATE IT! so much! I got it this past June when cancer on my larynx was restricting my breathing. Went through chemo/rad and by November 2013 got a clean pet scan. Thank goodness, time to focus on healing. But here it is February and still having a difficult time talking…
trach tube
well head to the doctor for my first vist at 2 weeks post surgery.Still have the trach in and wondering if it's ok to have a family member take me or by medical vechile.Found out it will cost over 1100 for the trip by medical.Here at the rehab they said family can take you just wanting to see if that would be the safe…
What a great forum for newbies!
I found this forum by mistake while searching for info on my husbands diagnosis. He has malignant neoplasm of the oropharynx and connective tissue and other soft tissue, tested positive HPV and primary was found in right tonsil after he felt a lump in his right neck. Original biopsy going into the neck discovered a mass…
Special Diet for PET scan?
The PET scan has been rescheduled for tomorrow for my hubby (one week earlier). They told him to eat proteins & veggies, no sugar, no starch or processed foods for the evening before meal. Is this standard? Just curious. Please send up prayers for NED. Thank you. Cindy
WEEK 4 Need Help
Hello everyone; Well Monday was my 4th chemo treatment and the 1st time I actually got sick, What a night it was sweats and throwing up, Thank you for all your support and may god bless you all, Do any of you live in or around the southside of Chicago, Would like to start a support freindship any ideas would be helpful. I…
Praise God! I had a CT scan today and received the news that there is “no evidence of disease” which is the best answer they give. There will be additional specialists that look at the scans and they may find things. I will continue to get periodic examinations for the next five years to insure that I remain disease free.…
Pain control and hospice help
Jim's pain seems to be increasing at a faster rate lately. In the past week I have had to give him a dose of pain meds in late afternoon. Previously he only needed meds tp sleep. The week before last he would get pain when he moved around but usually if he rested it eased off. Last week he had to have pain meds around 6 or…
Chuckles0504 Update RIP to my beloved husband
Been on this forum since 2012, have not posted that often. I think the last time I posted my husband had a NED PET scan and all look great. This disease can take an absolute turn for the worst so quickly. Since that PET scan in May, my husband had complained repeatedly and voiced to his docs that he had pain in both his…
PET denied..Now Ct....anxious
Many know I've been anxious about an upcoming PET scan. And an open MRI on head for tomorrow. PET to follow MRI soon. Claustrophobic. Just got word that PET was denied. Will have CT scan of chest abdomen and pelvis instead. Looking for any growths on spine causing severe back and leg pain. Very afraid of more cancer of…
well all done
Well I guess it's over except for the healing.They cut from ear to ear and down my chine. removed teeth as they said would be destryored in radation.So far everthing is healing good. They have a trach in and driving me nuts can't talk .They said maybe today will remove the ballon in it. took alittle over 1/2 of tounge and…
Food irritating throat (7 weeks out)
Hi guys, It has now been 7 weeks since I completed radiation and I am having a heck of a time in the eating department. I never got a PEG, and now I have lost 45 lbs (200 to 155). I have gotten to the point where I feel like I would be doing great if I could only get in more calories. I can't drink the high calorie drinks…
Need some light on Throat Cancer
Hi All, My friend has been diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma in the throat. We just got the biopsy results yesterday and its mentioned as malignant. He is 67Yrs old, non-smoker and non-drinker. He has a history of bloop pressure and diabetes (currenly on daily medicines and under control). He started having coughs…
Introducing myself
Hello to all, My name is Tammy, wife to Dale. We found this site 3 1/2 years ago, the night my husband was dx'd w/head and neck cancer. You all are incredible people and we have read several times a week and received all we needed to get us through those hard times. What a wealth of information! Dale had stage 4 B.O.T…
Mucoepidermoid Carcinoma in a 10 year old
My 10 year old son was recently diagnosed with Mucoepidermoid carcinoma in the parotid gland. The cancer was found when he underwent surgery for the removal of a branchial cleft cyst, which turned out to be a tumor. We feel as though we are straddling two worlds here with treatment options. This is an adult cancer in a…
One positive side effect so far
Just wanted to comment that I like the fact that I do not have to worry about those long dark ugly hairs that used to appear on my neck and under my chin anymore following radiation. LOL! PJ
Electric shock sensations and pain in neck, arms and ribs?
This site is amazing and a wealth of support and information. Thank you. My husband is 10 weeks out of the usual, intense chemo and radiation treatments. He is doing fairly well - had the PEG tube yanked, literally, (it hurt!!) about 4 weeks ago. He continued to lose a little weight but seems to have stabilized now. His…
PET scan...feet first?
Claustrophobic about up coming pet scan.(date to be determined.) A friend suggested seeing if I could go in feet first. Having less time with my head inside machine. She has been through one herself. It did not bother her very much. Scan for my neck to my lower back. Maybe down to my legs I don't know yet. Having severe…
Should I be concerned???
Pat is about two and a half months out of treatment. Eating seems to be going only ok. He says that most of his taste is back, and he doesn't have trouble swallowing, he just really doesn't seem to have much of an appetite. He is still losing weight. He did have some extra weight to lose, but his oncologist seems to be…
Four month check up.
Well I had my four month check up with my ENT oncologist, and all looks good in the throat and neck. Have a sore spot in my neck we'll keep a close watch on but think it is just a sore muscel, and I'm getting some feeling back. No scans needed yet but he did write NED on my report. I'll go with that. I guess we say phrases…
Advice needed regarding Hospice
My husband decided a year ago, exactly, to stop all treatment once we found out that his cancer had spread. Laryngeal (radiation, chemo and surgery). Then a second primary at the cervical of his esophagus (radiation and chemo). NED for 4 months then cancer back at the cervical of his esophagus and spread to his right lung.…
After Stage 4 HPV 16 Throat Cancer Surgery, Extensive Chemo & Radiation now 2 months out dr. says ha
My boyfriend was diagnosed with Stage 4 throat cancer from HPV 16 (oral sex) just like Michael Douglas, which I understand has a totally different prognosis (better) than acfrom smoking. He's about 2 months out of the extensive radiation and chemo with all those awful side effects - he had them all - his doctors ran a scan…
Upset and feel angry
I'm feeling upset and angry today. No head MRI until next Tuesday. Soonest they can get me in. That's pretty good if you're not nervous, in pain and very stressed out about it. I'm hoping someone will cancel and I can get in sooner. Oncologist wanted it done this week. That's what we were expecting to happen. Having a lot…
Saw Oncologist Today- update
Hello, Today we saw Oncologist for two lesions seen on CT scan. Plan for this week: PET scan and MRI with contrast. Waiting for appointments. He's trying to push them through insurance faster as "urgent". He wants them done this week. Thankful for that. I have a history of anxiety disorder (severe) including panic attacks…
Eggs diet post treatment
Hello everyone. I've been almost 3 months out of treatment for NPC. I've been craving for eggs every morning. I have 3 sunny side eggs along with a slice of bread every morning...seems my body is craving protein and calories. Now I was told by family member that eating eggs everyday is bad for me. I've been eating the eggs…
Chef Daddy Mike
I got to talk to Mike yesterday; he was just getting out of the hospital once again this time it was because of his heart. Somehow the radiation treatment has affected the heart and causing it not pump normal. Please just keep him in prayer; he has been through hell in the last few years. God Bless you all Tim Hondo
Hearing test
I went for a hearing test this week. I've been deaf in my right ear since rad and not full hearing in my left. results were the right ear doesn't equalise pressure,there no reading at all, and normal loss of high sound in the left ear which is due to my age. I can't get or don't need a deaf aid because they feel I can get…
New Problems
Went to PC today. Jim's oxygen level was below 81, should be 90 or above. He is starting to have breathing problems so doctor wanted him on oxygen asap so got an appointment tomorrow. He says it will help with energy levels too. Jim is not thrilled but anything to kepp the fishing going. Been way to cold lately but weekend…
Tx update
Just checking in. Started my 2nd session today. Each session is 1 week taxol and ebitux then 2 weeks of only erbitux. No nausea. 4th week I still have my hair, it has started to hurt and thinned some this week. Imagine it will be gone within the week. Some acne rash but not too bad, a light make-up covers. Thanks, for the…