update on pulmonary nodes
Had biopsy of biggest pulmonary node. It is metastatis from rectal cancer. My oncologist feels IMRT is not an option because there are too many that are spread too far apart. I have at least 6 nodules...the biggest one 8.5 mm, the smallest two, too small to be measured. Not to mention the microscopic ones that haven't even…
Better Day!
A few encouraging responses from the likes of Ron and Sponge Bob as well as some rela empathy from like-minded souls...who wouldn't feel better. Beating cancer is a full-time job, and yet we have to keep up with our normal every day lives as well. It is a challenge, but one that I feel a bit more up to today. Thanks…
Forgot one more thing
Hi again, I forgot to tell you that I'm going to have to have biopsy of bottom to see if cancer has returned-AGAIN. Don't think I can do it a third time. Please pray. Love, Judy(grandma047)
Been really sick
Higuys, sorry I've not written. Just got home from hospital-AGAIN. I was in i think about 6 days before Christmas and then went back in on 12/29 and just got out today. Been having a lot of bad problems. Please say a prayer for me. My journey is beginning again, or should I say it has never stopped? Love you guys…
After chemo
Finished up my chemo last week. I was on oxilaplatin 5FU every other week. My onc said to use condoms but I was wondering how long I should use them after treatment. I am also on Cumadin and have a port. Do I need to stay on the cumadin as long as I have the port?
nearing the end of treatments - getting depressed
Hi guys. I want to wish each and every one of you a very happy and healthy New Year. I've been reading each and every post lately but I just haven't had the courage to post anything. The holidays took a very big toll on me. I know I should be very grateful considering all the blessings I have in my life including my…
I would like to suggest that the venue for the 7th annual Semi-Colon Family Reunion should be to attend Andrea's Doctoral graduation ceremony. I'm heading over to Trevelocity righ now to make my reservations... - SB
Wishing for better news
Hi guys, Okay, need some positive reinforcement. If I am honest, I am pretty devastated. But, I'm trying not to let it in. Okay, I'll start with the good news, pelvis, liver, abdomen, and bones are all clean. Unfortunately, they still see nodules in my lungs. Some have grown since the last CT in August, which I guess is to…
I didnt get a chance to reply to your original post Andreae but I couldnt get it or you off of my mind. I felt your anguish as I read the post so deeply. This disease is such a horror - it touchs so many good lives with its sheer randomness, no one is immune. You are so young to have to be facing such challenges, not that…
Hey, Don't those cell phones cause cancer?
I got this e-mail today. It made me paranoid. I wanted to thank all my friends and family who have forwarded chain letters to me 2004. Because of your kindness: I stopped drinking Coca Cola after I found out that it's good for removing toilet stains. I no longer go to the movies for fear of sitting on a needle infected…
This group has been through a tough stretch the past couple of months. I am a 6 year survivor of stage 3 rectal cancer, diagnosed when I was 36. I am disease free and considered cured, but make sure to tune in here and let people know that there is light at the end of the tunnel. But today, I myself feel down. As a…
Surgical Decision Made! Thanks All
Hi All, Firstly, my sincerest thanks to everyone who posted and gave me advice with respect to whether I should have the cytoreduction surgery I need here in Cincinnati or in Washington DC. Well, I have made my decision and it is to have the surgery here in Cincinnati on January 21 (a lot better than March, 17 which was…
Tomorrow morning, tuesday, I travel to tha big smoke for my ultrasounds.By the time I get back here they will have done the deed and then the waiting begins. Seeing as how I partook of a wee drop o red on new years eve I have no doubt that the shiraz cabernet swilling around in my liver has booted any cancer cells to…
NEW TO THE GROUP w/questions
my answer from mayo
hello all. hope this new year brings all of us more joy, well i have 11 tumors between my lungs. the surgeon can get to them all and he sd that there is a slim chance that this will help but the chance of it returning is high. we decided to take the chance. i am 35 and in otherwise good health so why not. i will be getting…
Hi everyone - this might sound very paranoid of me, but my mom recently looks tired a lot of the time and has lost two pounds over the last month and a half. should this be cause for concern? my dad just says that she is tired out from the holidays and she is eating less b/c of the colostomy. (she was diagnosed stage III,…
"healing hands"
Friends--may I take a moment here--indulge me please. All join hands to pray for a neighbours, friends and tourists so sadly afflicted by the recent tsunami in south east asia. "for those of us who are more fortunate we pray for our friends in India, Shri-lanka and Indonesia and may they know our thoughts are with them"
Hi everyone, my doctor told me he wants to add this drug to the Folfox treatment I am all ready getting. My concerns are some of the side effects I have read about it. I know everyone is different when it comes to side effects but has anyone experience the servere ones while on this med. Thanks Livin
Ahoy, everybody - I wanted to put this out so you can make plans... the first annual Semi-Colon Reunion will be in Biloxi, Mississippi February 4, 5, 6, 7 (or any combination of those dates you want - you can even stay over until the 8th which is Fat Tuesday or as we call it down here "Mardi Gras"!) Biloxi is located…
after chemo what's next?
I know this is not new but hard to find info. My husband diagnosed in April 2004 with stage III colon cancer with 8 out of 20 nodes positive has been on Leuk/5 FU/Oxaliplatin with many starts and stops, surgery with re-section went well in May. Had one treatment then in July back in hospital for C-Diff infection and…
Here's to 2005 being happy, healthy and prosperous. I toast each of you tonight with a traditional Irish toast: "In the new year, may your right hand always be extended in friendship and never in need." (but if it is extended in need know that we'll all be here for you!) Cheers, my friends - SpongeBob
I want to thank each and everyone one of you all in your care and support. Hopefully this year will be better then the last year. I finally wrote my personal web page this AM. I am grateful to find this site and realize how many of us are going thru the same thing. I read the board everyday and have become familiar with…
Being upside down and a little further into the future than most of you guys I am going to wish you all a very HAPPY NEW YEAR!!!!! By the time you guys are "thinking" about celebrating the coming of midnight this little black duck will already be hugging/kissing and partaking in all manner of celebrations. Unfortunately my…
Hello!! Lonely!!!
Hello everyone!!!! I want to thank everyone for there kind words and support!!!! Sponge Bob I want to thank you for the beautiful poem I was so touch by it that we had it read at Bob's service yesterday. I went to sleep that night with the poem in my head and then another line came to me which I added: Celeberate my life…
To Wait or Not to Wait - Advice Needed
Hi All, Back on Dec., 10 during what was supposed to be a "routine" laproscopic procedure to check for scar tissue etc. as my chemo had ended, my surgeon found that I have peritoneal carcinomatosis. This is a very rare condition sometimes called "seeding" where the cancer spreads to the abdomen, liver and other organs. The…
Birthday Announcement ! ! !
Hi Semi- Colons, First of all I would like to wish Kerry a very Happy Birthday...Kerry will celebrate her special day on New Years Eve... May 2005 bring nothing but happiness. Happy Birthday From Lisa & All Your Semi- Colon Friends
anyone watch montel williams?
Every Wednesday on Motel Williams the talk show, he has a physic named Sylvia Browne. My mother watched it yesterday and she gave her 2005 predictions. She said there will be a major breakthrough or even a cure in cervical and colon cancer!!! IMAGINE THAT!! I wasn't sure about posting this message because it's a pretty…
Rare Anal Canal Adenocarcinoma
My husband was diagnosed with a rare adenocarcinoma of the anal canal - tumor was secreting a gelatinous material - that's how it was discovered by his colorectal surgeon - He also has perianal Crohns disease. Surgery was suggested and my husband refused and has just finished 6 weeks of radiation and 6 weeks with a chemo…
leaking after reconstructive surgery
Hi. I haven't been here for a while since things were going great for my nephew. Here is a recap: my nephew is 25 years old, grew up with colitis, diagnosed with colon cancer in March. Had an iliostomy (sp?) and has since undergone chemo. He was doing great- no effects from the chemo., had rapidly regained his weight lost…
one year after surgery/chemo/radiation
Hello all, so glad to find you! June 2001 I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma. The treatments were rough, but made it one step (sometimes wheelchaired) at a time. My fatigue is finally getting better, but I still find days I can't get off the couch. I've finally got the diarrhea under control a little, which…