Other Medical Problems
Did anyone find they had other medical problems when you were dx with colorectal cancer? My husbands first CT Scan Oct. 03 not only showed the rectal tumor but also showed a spot on his kidney and a abdominal aortic aneurysm. When we took the report from the CT Scan to our family doctor (he originally sent my husband to…
No scans???
Its been great to read all the wonderful reports on the site.Congratulations to all!!!I have something that is kind of bothering me. My oncologist says that they don't do ct scans or pet scans. He said they just look at the blood test results.Has anyone else been told this.I feel like early detection of recurence would be…
Update Pa, itchy foot
Well, my pa went to see his doctor about his foot( i posted yesterday)He gave my pa some antibiotics and allergy meds. He also gave him an inj. in the office for the itch. I hope this helps him.Thanks
My copy of Lance Armstrong's book finally arrived (along with a dozen others--my stash needed a boost) I am now devouring "It's Not About The Bike" and it seems to be alll about his bike but that is understandable since he is world-class. Those guys are in the BEST shape of any athlete in any sport. They have almost…
Juicing and the Sugar Question
Hi all you awesome semi-colons juicing or otherwise: I personally never drink the juice without adding protein powder and having fiber (ground flax seeds) not to mention the green powders full of wheat grass etc. The protein and fiber will help to counteract the glycemic infusion....and the fiber is of utmost importance.…
Hey everyone did you see Ross and Jenn on the latest CSN Newsletter? Great picture and write up! Howard
A Midnight Summers Dream.....
Hi all, With all the posts about NED and the excitement generated by "him" I find myself thinking of him - I mean "it" often. Last night I had a pretty spicy dream about my husband and guess who showed up? Yup..NED!! A faceless fellow in the shape of a liver but as smoothe as a babys bottom. No "cottage cheese" or moon…
Stars From Down Under
Kanga & Jen made the front page of the CSN newsletter! (in english)
New here, anyone else my age ?
I have just found this site and i am finding a lot of great information already in the first few pages of posts. I am 35 and had my surgery 8 weeks ago, a subtotal colectomy. I just started back to work and i am supposed to start my chemo treatments in the next couple of weeks. I look forward to catching up on the rest of…
NexProfiler...Chemo combinations
I've been using the NexProfiler treatment options tool and first it's very confusing all the graphs and stats and second it seems certain combinations of chemo treatments have a higher probability of controlling, reducing, or eliminating the cancer than others. Does the doctor necessarily have this info and pick the best…
Juicing Problems
tect: Re: Juicing Problems Message: I ran the pulp issue by my nutritionist, and she sez that the concentrated sugars in the juice are digested too fast in juice form, and hence supercharge cancer cells with suger. She suggests that you add some of the pulp back into the juice to provide some fiber, and slow down the rapid…
Back in the hospital: burning hot diarrhea info
OK,so I am back in the hospital for three days, getting my third cycle of chemotherapy. This place is starting to feel like a second home. With each visit, I grow more familiar with the clamor of the oncology ward corridors, the cheerfullness of my preferred nurse (she always remembers when I am coming and she requests…
gotta love her
I thought I would waste some ink here guys n gals..sorry. Just wanted to share. Jen and I hit the 31 years of marriage milestone today! Thanks to all of you I have stayed sane enough to enjoy another wonderfull year with my best gal! luv, Ross n Jen
More good results!
Adding to the good news on this site lately, I recieved my results from my CT and Pet scan taken Monday. Both are clear and CEA less than 0.5! It's now been over a year NED. I was stage 4 (liver mets), diagnosed Feb '04. Mike
My pa is 64 years of age.(dx rectal ca). 2 weeks ago my pa complained of his right foot being red and itchy. My pa mentioned it to his doctor. His dr.said it was an allergy. My pa told me yesterday that it is getting worse. I told him to contact his doctor becouse an allergy would last 24 to 48 hours this has been two…
Back in Treatment
OK. It's been awhile. Did I tell you all they found cancer in my lungs this time? I think I did. Then I went into treatment and quit because it was making me ill to the extreme> Well I'm back in, mainly because my cancer count went up to 60 something. I have had a new round of the CT scans and there are two new tumors in…
Happy Birthday CSN
CSN is celebrating thier 5th year of survival-best wishes, and a special thanks to all the unpaid CSN folks who make it happen.. Bud
Juicing Problems
Hello Hello! I got my Omega juicer today....I was so excited to start juicing....but after using it I am disapointed. Maybe I should have gone with the Champion. My problem is that in the description of the Omega juicer, it claimed that the pulp that is ejected would be very dry and colorless....this is untrue in both…
Good Scan Results
well we saw the doc today to go over the scan results, first one since reoccurance to the lungs. I had posted earlier as i was very anxious about this appointment, well good news folks all tumors shrank 25%, so now we just keep up the good fight and remain on the same treatment plan FOLFOX which my husband has tolerated…
Met NED today
My results from my Thursday's PET/CT (my first since post-chemo) came in this afternoon and NO CANCER PRESENT! I was so emotionally happy. I thought the results would be good, so surprisingly I haven't been that nervous since the scan (not like I can affect the results) but it still shook me to the core. I just thank God.…
1st treatment today
My pa and I are going for his first Chemo and radiation treatment today for the next 5 weeks. I am very nervous. I woke up today and could not believe where I am taking my pa. Wish us luck!
congratulations to all !
Hi everyone - It has been a while since I posted, but I have been following and I am so thrilled to be reading such wonderful news over the last while. Congratulations to everyone who received such positive test results ! My mom receives her six month CAT scan results in two weeks, so I am keeping my fingers crossed. (she…
Hey Rodney - Are you feeling better?
I hope you are over the virus! I have been thinking about you. Let us know. I am sooooo nosey! Hugs, Taunya
Discouraging News
Hello Everyone, My Dad got the results of his latest scans yesterday and the news isn't good. He has been NED since late last year and yesterday's scans show a tumor in the colon as well as spread in the lymph nodes, liver and his back. The spots on his liver are smaller than the original spots he had last year and the…
a miracle?
Some of you may remember my nervous posts in early January, and February. My father who was dx stage 4 in August, with liver mets, was starting chemo, and I questioned whether or not he should. Later I reported that other than fatigue, he had no trouble with the chemo at all. His treatments finished in May, and from that…
To worry or not to worry
I have had diarrhea six or so times since late last night and have a fever that stays around 101 degrees (give or take a 10th of a degree). Called the on-call doctor from my oncologists office and she said to take Immodium AD and Tylenol, and definitely call her if this doesn't seem to help. I've been a good patient so far…
2 years!!
Hi, To all my semicolon friends, just wanted to share my anniversary of 2 years with you. Today is 2 years since my surgery for StageIV colon cancer, and I remain NED!!!!!! I am soo blessed, and happy that I am here. It didn't look very promising for me, but I beat the odds with a very strong will to be here for my family…
Maybe we could make up shirts that look like bowling shirts that have the name "Ned" on the front. Profits could go to colon cancer research. Boy, my mind just races when I have 5 minutes of free time, doesn't it? Have a great weekend everyone! Stacy
Erbitux + CPT-11 - Questions
Hello - I am writing on behalf of my aunt, whose message is below. If anyone has any information or feedback, please let me know - she starts treatment Monday. Thanks! Elizabeth Dear Cancer Patients, I have Pancreatic Cancer and will be treated with Erbitux and CPT11. Can you tell me what premeds you take before the…
anyone heard from Shandle
Hi, I just wondered if any of you guys have heard from Shandle. I know I haven't seen any of her posts for quite a while. She always sounded so strong aka Xena the warrior. I emailed her but never got an answer. I just pray that all is well. Gail